incense [ˈɪnsens]  ['ɪnsens] 


incense 基本解释

名词 香; 焚香时的烟; 奉承

动词 使愤怒; 激怒

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incense 相关例句


1. I was incensed by her rudeness.

2. Cruelty incenses kind people.

3. I became incensed at her behavior.

incense 网络解释

1. 香:香 (incense) 是东方宗教中, 常用来行使宗教仪式的重要物品.其实, 有种说法是, 神明并不食人间烟火 (这里烟火指的是人类的菜饭), 因此信徒燃烧香 (incense)生烟来作为神明的食物.

2. 熏香:东方三博士按照星星指引的方向,带着各自的礼物寻访刚刚降生的小耶稣:一个是为他加冕的金冠(gold),一个是象征神性光辉的熏香(incense),一个是预示人子最终死亡命运的没药(myrrh).

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 香火:他在位的六年是英国宗教改革深化的六年:教堂里所有的绘画和十字架都被清除;宗教仪式上不再使用蜡烛(tapers)、圣水(holywater)和香火(incense圣母崇拜(veneration of the Virgin)和圣徒纪念日活动都被禁止;

4. 使发怒:incarnate 使具体化,使化身 | incense 使发怒 | incentive 诱因,刺激,动机

incense 双语例句

1. XuShu three pillars and lit incense, bow, expression, empty worship the solemn worship.

2. Chapter Three generalizes about the overlook of Incense Societies of Mountain Tai on the basis of a case study on Zoucheng Xiguan Incense Societies of Mountain Tai and a temple fair.

3. incense什么意思

3. Process-home New Year, the square shows, into the courtyard wish worship, sit lights Officer pressurejie zhen evil, burn incense and sacrifice wind garden light field, spinwang huo, way over a series of programs.

4. Thick stem of the potato, in the Man-type, leaf green, kidney-type, petiole, stem are green, veins, geranyl Department of purple, purple-red skin potato, spindle type, the high rate of potato, sweet potato spring block 2-4 summer potato blocks 3-8, blockenlarged, smooth non-cleaved ditch resistance, storage, germination strong resistancelean, cooked noodles and sweet chestnut like incense and rich nutrition, high resistance to stem nematode, anti - root rot, is suitable for processing of starch, dry and cut the best varieties for human consumption.

5. incense

5. This is an easy incense but one of my favorites.

6. This is the kind of incense?

7. And I love the smell of the incense!

8. I love the smell of the incense!

9. Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God.

10. incense

10. Organizations, technical experts research, he changed the production process of traditional barbecue rough, cause serious pollution, the use of materials simple and shortcomings of a single taste, not only highlights the delicious fish and meat, but also has a unique flavor and rich materials Coke flavor, aftertaste after eating Yuan poor, articulate health incense, 100 eating tire, let them go, to eat and you still want to eat.

11. incense

11. And fire came out from the LORD and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.

12. And fire came out from the LORD and consumed the 250 men offering the incense.

13. incense

13. And there came out a fire from the LORD, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
      16:35 又有火从耶和华那里出来,烧灭了那献香的二百五十个人。

14. It quietly in the rain shower in the evening high grass low tree Needless to say, still as in the past of those days, people feel a kind of incense is not breathing, but a green wilderness.

15. And their women, girt with cords, sit by the roads, burning chaff for incense

16. Nimu Tibetan Incense can kill virus, purify and cleanse the atmosphere and bring forth an aromatic environment where you can soothe and refresh yourself.

17. If does not have the interest to be possible to photograph before the temple gate accepts as a memento, the temple has Tibet unique leisure place---, has the interest unexpectedly also to come one to stroll Lin Ka, may watch the Yarlung Zangbo River scenery along the way, and wilderness prairie, the sand dune scenery, the Tibetan incense processes the workshop.

18. Thread, paper, incense, wool, salt, water.

19. And thou shalt make incense compounded by the work of the perfumer, well tempered together, and pure, and most worthy of sanctification.

20. 好好学单词·英语单词

20. Perhaps you already know, it is named Orchids, stamen and pistil will fade out casual and relaxed the real incense.

incense 词典解释

The noun is pronounced /'ɪnsens/. The verb is pronounced /ɪn'sens/. 名词读作 /'ɪnsens/,动词读作 /ɪn'sens/。

1. (常用于宗教仪式的)香
    Incense is a substance that is burned for its sweet smell, often as part of a religious ceremony.


2. 使愤怒;激怒
    If you say that something incenses you, you mean that it makes you extremely angry.


    e.g. This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.

Mum was incensed at his lack of compassion...
He followed her, incensed that she'd dared to leave him alone.

incense 单语例句


1. You'll know you're getting close by the dozens of incense shops that line the street leading to the temple.

2. A special massage room at the medicine hall provides visitors with a room fragrant with a therapeutic combination of incense and herbs for traditional healing.

3. Those who give no incense will be punished by the divining officials and come across disaster.

4. But new rules to protect wooden structures allow every visitor to light only one stick of incense in vessels outside the main compound.

5. He said the price was reasonable given the cost of transport and incense.

6. Citizens in Guilin increasingly prefer to lay flowers instead of burning incense or counterfeit money during memorials.

7. DDT is mainly used in pesticides while small amounts are used in mosquito repellent, incense and some medical storage.

8. They lit incense and burned stacks of paper money intended to ease the financial burden of the deceased in the afterlife.

9. He was asked if drilling through shaft doors and opening sealed exits might incense future archeologists and raise accusations he was destroying the pyramid.

10. With more earthly concerns, the burial management office's Chen Haiyun said burning incense and mingbi would cause pollution.

incense 英英释义


1. the pleasing scent produced when incense is burned

    e.g. incense filled the room

2. a substance that produces a fragrant odor when burned


1. make furious

    Synonym: infuriate exasperate

2. perfume especially with a censer

    Synonym: cense thurify


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