indolent [ˈɪndələnt]  [ˈɪndələnt] 

indolent 基本解释

形容词 懒惰的,懒散的,不活跃的

indolent 同义词


indolent 反义词

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indolent 网络解释

1. 懒惰的:86. studious 勤奋刻苦的 | 87. indolent 懒惰的 | 88. cosmopolitan 国际化的(多用于形容大都市)

2. 无痛的:indole 吲哚 | indolent 无痛的 | indolent bubo 无痛性腹股沟淋巴结炎

3. 懒散的:16. partial 偏袒的 | 17. indolent 懒散的 | 18. indifferent 冷淡的

4. indolent在线翻译

4. 懒洋洋的:shamed:被批评 | indolent:懒洋洋的 | pose ... challenges:对...提出挑战

indolent 双语例句

1. Indolent NHL, representing about 45% of NHL patients, is a slow developing but serious cancer of the lympha 美罗华 tic system.
    惰性 NHL 占NHL 总数的 45%,是一种进展缓慢但是十分严重的淋巴系统肿瘤。

2. Pott first described a puffy indolent tumor of the forehead due to subperiosteal abscess of the frontal bone following trauma.

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. Instead of being indolent and discouraged, he/she is optimistic and active. In addition, he/she will live with a sense of self-assuredness.

4. He is ignorant and indolent, which makes the prospects of his success greyer than grey.

5. This study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of rituximab-containing regimens for patients with indolent B-cell lymphoma in China.

6. The article discusses four basic problems in the present adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure in China. It points out that comparative advantage principle and factor indolent principle are theoretical bases of AAIS, agricultural product future market can effetively evadcs the risk in and provides an important price signal for it, the formation of an efficient agricultural intelligence system is one of its important prereguisite, and under a certain condition, households should be the p...

7. indolent什么意思

7. He was a good-natured but indolent hanger-on.

8. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards, who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her.

9. And as for Mr. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards, who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her.

10. Carcinoid tumor is distinct from other malignancies because of its indolent behavior, so usually it has better survival.

11. indolent是什么意思

11. Man like every other animal is by nature indolent. If nothing spurs him on, then he will hardly think, and will bahave from habit like an automaton.

12. indolent

12. Caesar claimed for himself every part of the war that was difficult or dangerous, placing Sentius Saturninus, who had already served as legate under his father in Germany, in charge of expeditions of a less dangerous character: a man many-sided in his virtues, a man of energy and action, and of foresight, alike able to endure the duties of a soldier as he was well trained in them, but who, likewise, when his labours left room for leisure, made a liberal and elegant use of it, but with this reservation, that one would call him sumptuous and jovial rather than extravagant or indolent.

13. indolent的翻译

13. Rational skipping classes; indolent skipping classes; higher education contract; specialty

14. We may suppose a class of indolent people living at the base of a great mountain range, who had never ventured to explore the valleys and canyons back in the mountains; and some day, when a great thunderstorm goes careening through the mountains, it turns the hidden glens into echoing trumpets, and reveals the inner recesses of the valley, like the convolutions of a monster shell, and then the dwellers at the foot of the hills are astonished at the labyrinths and unexplored recesses of a region so near by, and yet so little known.

15. In the eyes of Shanghaines, an indolent and loosening life symbolizes Shanghai style.

16. An indolent ulcer; leprosy is an indolent infectious disease.

17. indolent

17. The cancer often presents as an indolent ulcer with a shim or translucent raised margin.

18. An indolent ulcer.

19. indolent什么意思

19. Matt Ffytche has managed to unearth his rare writings for the comfort of you, the indolent reader.
      Matt Ffytche努力地创作杰出的作品去安慰那些闲散的读者。

20. I offer to You also all the good I have, small and imperfect though it be, that You may make it more pure and more holy, that You may be pleased with it, render it acceptable to Yourself, and perfect it more and more, and finally that You may lead me, an indolent and worthless creature, to a good and happy end.

indolent 词典解释

1. 懒惰的;怠惰的;好逸恶劳的
    Someone who is indolent is lazy.

    e.g. ...indolent teenagers who won't lift a finger to help.

indolent 单语例句


1. She added the clumsy and indolent male koalas often fight each other.

2. At the gates of the farm we were stopped by an indolent, tanned lookout.

3. They are also well aware that these rules do not include any legal safeguards to protect workers from indolent officials.

indolent 英英释义



1. (of tumors, e.g.) slow to heal or develop and usually painless

    e.g. an indolent ulcer
           leprosy is an indolent infectious disease

2. disinclined to work or exertion

    e.g. faineant kings under whose rule the country languished
           an indolent hanger-on
           too lazy to wash the dishes
           shiftless idle youth
           slothful employees
           the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy

    Synonym: faineant lazy otiose slothful work-shy


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