inflame [ɪnˈfleɪm]  [ɪnˈflem] 


inflame 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 (使)发怒,过热; 使发炎

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inflame 相关例句


1. The smoke had inflamed the fireman's eyes.

2. He was inflamed with anger.

3. inflame

3. Insults only served to inflame the feud.

inflame 网络解释

1. 使动怒,激怒:infiltrate 渗入,浸透 | inflame 使动怒,激怒 | inflate 使胀大,使得意

2. 发炎:喷嚏sneeze | 发炎inflame | 打鼾snore

3. 燃,着火:infinity 无穷大,无限,无限距 | inflame 燃,着火 | inflammable 可燃的,易燃的

4. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

4. 燃烧:inspirit 激勵 | inflame 燃燒 | intrench 用壕溝圍繞,使起皺紋

inflame 双语例句

1. But I know how to inflame your cant.

2. Results:In RAU, there was large amount of inflame cells.

3. Your dog's skin will inflame and break the pieces with time.

4. When you scratch, it will inflame it even more and you are triggering the release of histamine further.

5. inflame在线翻译

5. Not to inflame this situation...

6. It was not immediately clear whether news of the scandal would inflame anti-Japanese sentiment in China.

7. They do indeed speak beautifully, but if You remain silent they cannot inflame the heart.

8. And NATO, the war threatens to bleed over a common border into China and inflame Muslim unrest in the western region of Xinjiang, where Uighur riots took place this summer.

9. Yes, he knows how to build a fire, but I know how to inflame a cunt.

10. Yes, he knowings how to build a fire, but I knowing how to inflame a cunt.

11. Yes, he knowingings how to build a fire, but I knowinging how to inflame a cunt.

12. I wish to dazzle-to bewilder-to inflame her s ses.

13. inflame在线翻译

13. Piston and packing ring: anti-attrition, increase the inflame efficiency

14. inflame

14. Snoring could also be caused by an allergic reaction when the tissues that line the airway inflame and result in a degree of obstruction.

15. Perhaps English literature will forever have stirring pages filled with fiery words designed to inflame a reader's soul or poetry of soaring words intended to make one drunk with beauty.

16. The impact inflame damage experiments with simulative fuel tanks of the cruise missile heated to the temperature of 75℃ were carried out by use of round fragments at different incidence angles accelerated by a balli.

17. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

17. Let it not only inform you but inflame you.

18. inflame

18. Study to Identify Long Term Sites for Mid-stream Operations Insults only served to inflame the feud.

19. Its main ingredients curcuminoids have the effects of anti-virus, anti-inflame, anti-cancer and anti-oxidation.


20. The testimony would inflame the jurors, and lead them astray from the facts of the case

inflame 词典解释

1. 使更加激动;引起…的热情;使愤怒
    If something inflames a situation or inflames people's feelings, it makes people feel even more strongly about something.

    e.g. The General holds the rebels responsible for inflaming the situation...
    e.g. The shooting has only inflamed passions further.

inflame 单语例句

1. They go into overdrive, causing the airways to inflame and constrict.

2. On one hand, soaring housing prices will inflame real estate investment against the country's macroeconomic control.

3. Eight British servicemen were freed on Thursday after three nights in Iranian hands, ending a wrangle that had threatened to inflame tensions over Britain's presence in Iraq.

4. Islamic leaders warned that executing Saddam could inflame those who revile the US, undermining President Bush's policy in the Middle East and inspiring terrorists.

5. Islamic leaders warned that executing Saddam could inflame those who revile the US, undermining US President Bush's policy in the Middle East and inspiring terrorists.

6. Animal studies have shown that chronic stress alters hormone levels, which can inflame airways making it difficult to breathe.

7. " Hay fever causes mucous membranes to inflame and every inflammation does damage, " he says.

8. Security Council late Thursday and will almost certainly inflame tensions in the region.

9. An unsigned leaflet on columns swathed in black warned of " vile plans " to inflame Shiite divisions and kill influential clerics.

10. Friday's killings were certain to inflame the smoldering hatred of the American occupation elsewhere as well.

inflame 英英释义


1. become inflamed
    get sore

    e.g. His throat inflamed

2. cause inflammation in

    e.g. The repetitive motion inflamed her joint

3. arouse or excite feelings and passions

    e.g. The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor
           The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world
           Wake old feelings of hatred

    Synonym: stir up wake ignite heat fire up

4. cause to start burning

    e.g. The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds

    Synonym: kindle enkindle conflagrate

5. catch fire

    e.g. The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles

    Synonym: kindle


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