informal [ɪnˈfɔ:ml]  [ɪnˈfɔ:rml] 

informal 基本解释


形容词 (语言) 非正式的; 口语体的; 不拘礼节的; 友好随便的

informal 反义词


形容词 formal

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informal 相关例句


1. We have an informal agreement to ride to school together.

2. informal

2. She's informal with everyone.

informal 网络解释

1. 非正式文体:英语中,正式文体(formal)主要用于生人之间客气的谈话,用于特殊场合,如各种公务函件、法律文件等;非正式文体(informal)是在一般会话和私人信件等场合使用的文体,在这种场合中,没有必要特别客气或严谨.

2. informal的近义词

2. 不正式的:inform 通知 | informal 不正式的 | informality 非正式

informal 双语例句

1. informal的近义词

1. Winterbourne, in particular, had a lot of children Joanne and Di's age; they were immediately welcomed into the informal gang that would play games up and down the streets of the town.

2. Meet new people. If you only speak English with friends, you will probably use the same, informal language all the time.

3. informal

3. And in same day, when Shenzhen city industrial and commercial bureau holds guild informal discussion, fan Mingchun of deputy director general also expresses, to drop a business, especially the sale cost of traditional business, city industrial and commercial bureau still will give aid to this year the development of market of electronic business affairs, help traditional business apply network resource to overshoot difficulty.

4. In fact, this fixed group is a body of a formal or informal organization.


5. Although having lots of comparative advantages suchas low cost, high efficiency, constant income on the whole, helping peacefulsettlement of disputes, facilitating access to justice, and according with judicialtraditions in china, the informal session has some problems, for example, agreat deal of informal sessions may make formal trial in court void, informalsession has defects of not enough procedural safeguards, and thus may result injudicial corruptions.

6. It is argued that it is preferable to make use of the informal institution to steady economic devel...

7. Therefore, people should pay high attention to the impact of city informal education institution in educational development.

8. Institutional change is an interaction between formal and informal institution.

9. informal的反义词

9. The schooling is, of course, shaped by the official institution and informal rural structure.

10. informal的意思

10. It is necessary to establish the formal compulsory and informal institution.

11. As an essential component of social institutions, informal institution plays an potentially important role in economy functioning.

12. informal的近义词

12. The second—the behavioural one—is that both formal and informal polygamy are more common in Africa than elsewhere.

13. Arguably the dress shirt follows the dinner jacket as the second element of the black tie ensemble to cross the formal/informal barrier.

14. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

14. This course provides an introduction to the basic rules of conduct, habits and formal and informal etiquette in

15. Informal To copy from something already published; plagiarize

16. WhetIT recognition is formal or informal, it ought to be aligned with an organizations culture and values – its mission and vision, Saunderson says.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. When it comes to policy participants, during the process of anti-domestic violence policy, led by policy objective of prevention and prohibition of domestic violence, through a variety of formal and informal mechanisms, the relative government departments is made up of a community which can be seen as policy system.

18. This period informal discussion of summary hair wheat makes a speech, with period cause the whole society wide attention to this one problem and more thorough research.

19. It was base on the fact description of the informal mediation in the second chapter.

20. It is obvious that people are very informal in social situations in the United States.

informal 词典解释

1. (言辞或行为)非正式的,亲切随便的
    Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official.

    e.g. She is refreshingly informal...
    e.g. His friend was less good-looking, but a lot more informal and relaxed.

She was always there at half past eight, chatting informally to the children.
He was overwhelmed by their friendly informality.

2. (场合等)非正式的,随意的
    An informal situation is one which is relaxed and friendly and not very serious or official.

    e.g. I would like it to be an informal occasion...
    e.g. The house has an informal atmosphere.

Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.

3. (衣服)非正式场合穿的,休闲的
    Informal clothes are casual and suitable for wearing when you are relaxing, but not on formal occasions.

    e.g. Most of the time Jenny needs informal clothes...
    e.g. For lunch, dress is informal.

Everyone dressed informally in shorts or jeans.

4. 非正式的;非正规的
    You use informal to describe something that is done unofficially or casually without planning.

    e.g. The two leaders will retire to Camp David for informal discussions.
    e.g. informal meeting of EU ministers...

He began informally to handle Ted's tax affairs for him.

informal 单语例句

1. Google said in additional filings on Monday that the SEC has started an informal inquiry into its offer to buy back the illegally issued shares.

2. Bush has a penchant for taking foreign leaders to Camp David, where the leafy environs provide an informal setting for close talks.

3. Workers who have been let go have typically found jobs in services and agriculture, often in the informal sector at lower pay and in more challenging working conditions.

4. I always invite my business partners to the coffee shop for some informal meetings but in China not every one likes coffee.

5. The closed meeting adjourned but resumed later in the day to give members time to reach a common position in informal discussions.

6. But informal links are there, mired in Somalia's complex and combative clans.

7. Beijing also has 433 community foreign language corners, which are informal groups whose members meet to speak English together.

8. The Division of International Exchanges and Cooperation of the Administrative Committee of the Zhongguancun Science Park held an informal meeting with the delegation.

9. This could include informal communication, concise wording in giving direction and instant responses.

10. The informal economic leaders'meeting is held for member leaders to exchange views on economic issues and constitute the highest level of APEC activities.

informal 英英释义


1. not formal

    e.g. conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress
           an informal free-and-easy manner
           an informal gathering of friends

2. used of spoken and written language

3. having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere

    e.g. had a cozy chat
           a relaxed informal manner
           an intimate cocktail lounge
           the small room was cozy and intimate

    Synonym: cozy intimate

4. not officially recognized or controlled

    e.g. an informal agreement
           a loose organization of the local farmers

    Synonym: loose


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