instigate [ˈɪnstɪgeɪt]  [ˈɪnstɪˌɡet] 


instigate 基本解释

及物动词 煽动; 教唆; 激起

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instigate 相关例句


1. He instigated the ending of a free working lunch in the company.

instigate 网络解释

1. 煽动:落后的煤渣(slag)躺下残杀(slay),晚来的提名(slate),跌落的肿块(slump)他倾斜(tilt),我枯萎(wilt),蛇入淤泥(silt)皆抛弃(jilt)一个大门是玛瑙(agate),GRE大门在汇总(aggregate),街道里面在煽动(instigate),向前翻页才繁殖(propagate),

2. 鼓动,煽动:instant 即溶,立刻的 | instigate 鼓动,煽动 | instill 灌输

3. 激励:instauration 恢复 | instigate 激励 | instigating theory of crime 教唆犯罪论 教唆犯罪论

4. instigate

4. 鼓动:insinuate#迂回进入;暗示 | instigate#鼓动 | intensify#使强

instigate 双语例句

1. instigate是什么意思

1. In the spring of 1936, Wang Shaoao used the former associating and friendship with Yan Xishan to go to Shanxi to instigate Yan Xishan to participate the anti-Japanese camp, and contacted Sun Dianying for response.

2. Provincial Reeducation Through Labor Management Committee that the petition to the national authorities the issue of China's constitution grants citizens of a fundamental right, Xu Yun-in Jiangshan City People's Court, the petition Jiangshan City Council, incite, instigate the petition insufficient evidence.

3. In the bedroom, Oko and Esi instigate yet another fight about their marriage.

4. In many respects, their criticism of contemporary poetry echoes what William Wordsworth wrote in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads to instigate the Romantic movement in British poetry over a century earlier.

5. instigate

5. I wouldn't do that, but Tom instigate me to do.

6. I wouldn't like to do that thing, but Tom instigate me all the while.

7. He can't help you, just instigate you to do lawless things.

8. He can't help you, but instigate you to do unlegal things!

9. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

9. Some even warned me they would instigate a boycott of my books if I came.

10. I don`t know why I instigate, and say what I don`t mean

11. In order to instigate a demand for the product, he spent heavily on advertising.

12. Even now America still continues to instigate more and more areas to get independent to be countries under the altisonant flags of Nationalism and Democratisation against Autarchy etc.

13. The first time I entered the police station, Park Moon-soo and frequent Yang Tiejun, from demotions come from the Crime Squad officers are still angry Ma Dongzhe inventory, over the course of investigation by the Iron Army to instigate soo attempted to escape, so it is anger polo police to detain Moon-soo and iron car, then took them into the police car.

14. You can ask questions and instigate discussion through Krsna Katha TV's live chat facility.
      你们可以通过 TV 聊天的便利提出问题和讨论讲课的内容。

15. To instigate studies and actions to overcome quality and safety problems, to reduce waste and improve team performance? ?

16. instigate的解释

16. The leader of the strike instigate the workers to show their boss that they are united.

17. His object was to instigate a little rebellion on the part of the bishop.

18. instigate的解释

18. To instigate the populace with rage beyond the provocation, is to suspend publick happiness, if not to destroy it.

19. instigate

19. Article 4 An agent of an espionage organization mentioned in the State Security Law refers to a person who is instigated, entrusted or financially supported by an espionage organization or its member to conduct, or incite and instigate other persons to conduct, activities endangering the State security of the People's Republic of China.

20. It is true in the sense that the growth of terrorism has been tremendous and its tenacious branches have reached even the remotest corners of the world hence the methods to instigate the government as well as to portray the impending doom are required to be harsher and more emphatic where not only the thoughts are expressive but action be taken in a co-operative, organized and resounding manner.

instigate 词典解释

1. 发起;促成;鼓动;唆使
    Someone who instigates an event causes it to happen.


    e.g. Jenkinson instigated a refurbishment of the old gallery...
    e.g. The violence over the last forty-eight hours was instigated by ex-members of the secret police.
           过去 48 小时的暴力事件是在前秘密警察的煽动下爆发的。

The talks are taking place at the instigation of Germany...
At Kukhar's instigation he joined the restaurant as an apprentice chef.

instigate 单语例句

1. I began to clip items that would inform my students and began to be on the lookout for those which would instigate discussion.

2. All those trying to instigate or aggravate disputes among emerging Asian countries are ill intentioned.

3. Organizers claimed that once they were blocked outside China, they would stage protests and instigate followers to emulate them by making trouble inside China.

4. Such a lie was cooked up to instigate enmity between Chinese Han and Tibetan people.

5. " Certain groups of people have plans to actively instigate violence during this period, " he said.

6. Otherwise the hotheaded people could use various rumors to instigate more violence.

7. When ignorance and power - the power to instigate the masses - are mingled together, the disaster may become a raging inferno before us!

8. The treated mice were less likely to instigate the intruder's entry.

9. Parents are between the fire and the water on the one hand whereas on the other it helps instigate their children's mentality of vanity.

10. The ministry asked people not to attend any unauthorized demonstrations or protests, nor spread messages that might instigate such events.

instigate 英英释义



1. serve as the inciting cause of

    e.g. She prompted me to call my relatives

    Synonym: prompt inspire

2. provoke or stir up

    e.g. incite a riot
           set off great unrest among the people

    Synonym: incite set off stir up


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