iota [aɪˈəʊtə]  [aɪˈoʊtə] 


iota 基本解释

名词 希腊文的第九个字母; 极少量,一点儿

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iota 相关例句


1. There is not an iota of truth in his remarks.

2. There is not an iota of truth in his story.

iota 网络解释

1. 艾欧塔:Θθ:西塔 Theta | Ιι:艾欧塔 Iota | Κκ:喀帕 Kappa

2. 约塔:θ Theta 西塔 | ι Iota 约塔 | κ Kappa 卡帕

3. 艾尔塔:θ Theta 矽塔 | ι Iota 艾尔塔 | κ Kappa 卡巴

4. 海岛编号:gridsquare 网格分区 | IOTA 海岛编号 | JCC 日本(百个)城市(奖)编号

5. iota:international occultation timing association; 国际掩食定时协会

6. iota:information overload testing apparatus; 信息过载测试设备

iota 双语例句

1. The police found that there is no more than a scintilla of evidence.

2. The English vowels a, e, i, o, and u grew out of the Greek letters alpha, epsilon, eta, iota, omicron, upsilon, and omega.
    英语中的元音a,e,i,o 和u就来自于希腊字母的α,ε,η,ι,ο,υ和ω。

3. Did they wait until it was too late to makefrom their lives evenone iota of what they were capable? because, you see gentelman, theseboys are now fertilising daffodils. but if you listen real close, you canhear them whisper their legacy to you. go on, lean in. listen, you hearit? carpe..

4. Your phone is like your trusted valet: it knows a lot about you, and won't disclose an iota of it without your OK.

5. Giant's breath forms the storm cannot let me move the iota.


6. Iota; CHU Bing-feng, ZHANG Ying, LIU Hong-chen.(Dept. of Geriatric Dentistry, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China) The ageing of Chinese population combined with development of geriatric dentistry results in increased retention of natural teeth and higher risk of dental caries in older patients.

7. I don`t think his advice would help me one iota.

8. Here it is: I don`t blame you one iota for feeling as you do.

9. Within a constant declaration, the predeclared identifier iota represents successive untyped integer constants.

10. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

10. He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work.

11. iota什么意思

11. For truly I say to you, Until heaven and earth pass away, one iota or one serif shall by no means pass away from the law until all come to pass.

12. Our credit standards haven't changed one iota.

13. I don't think his advice would help me one iota.

14. iota

14. I don't have one iota of feeling for you whatsoever.

15. You know, I don't think you've changed an iota.

16. iota

16. If you make the same mistake again, despite all my warnings, I will not have one iota of sympathy for you.

17. You got me there and I won't argue one iota, I swear.

18. iota什么意思

18. I do not think there's any iota of truth in that story.

19. The buyer would not go one iota higher.

20. No, Mr. Collins, we have not an iota of proof in writing.

iota 词典解释

1. 极少量;一点儿;些微
    If you say that there is not an iota or not one iota of something, you are emphasizing that there is not even a very small amount of it.


    e.g. He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of work.

2. (用于强调否定)一点儿也不,一点儿也没有
    You can use an iota or one iota to emphasize a negative statement. Not an iota or not one iota means not even to a small extent or degree.

    e.g. Our credit standards haven't changed one iota.

iota 单语例句

1. I don't have an iota of sympathy for Deng Guida, the official who got his comeuppance for his misbehavior.

2. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday that the Islamic Republic would not step back " an iota " from its nuclear path.

3. It was the kind of idle chat that did not yield an iota of substance or drama.

4. And even without an iota of telepathic talent I could read their minds.

5. A listing of times for the disappearance and reappearance of Venus is available from IOTA, the International Occultation Timers Association.

6. The battle of the sexes and the family dynamics are so accurately and playfully depicted that it hasn't lost an iota of relevance.

iota 英英释义


1. the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet

2. a tiny or scarcely detectable amount

    Synonym: shred scintilla whit tittle smidgen smidgeon smidgin smidge


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