jarring ['dʒɑ:ɪŋ]  ['dʒɑ:ɪŋ] 


jarring 基本解释

形容词 刺耳的,不和谐的,辗轧的

名词 震动,冲突,辗轧声

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jarring 网络解释

1. 刺耳的:jargon aphasia 乱语型失语症 | jarring 刺耳的 | Jastrow cylinders 贾斯特若圆筒

2. 震击;冲突;炸裂声;刺耳的;不和谐的;震击:jarring ring 震击环 | jarring 震击;冲突;炸裂声;刺耳的;不和谐的;震击 | jasper 碧玉;墨绿色

3. 震动:jarring motion 震动 | jarring 震动 | Jason clause 杰森条款

4. jarring的翻译

4. 辗轧的:jarovize 实施人工方法使植物早熟 | jarring 辗轧的 | jarring 辗轧声

jarring 双语例句

1. For many, especially those who pour cash into Venice preservation charities, such phlegmatism sounded a jarring note.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. As a final note in this section, I want to be clear that when I talk about minimizing jarring interruptions that force her to engage her logical mind, this is not the same as hypnotizing or befuddling her so she`s not

3. 好好学单词·英语单词

3. The idea of assigning mental-health workers to child-care centers and preschools is jarring; I was skeptical when I first heard the idea.

4. The branches lashed about me. I felt the intermittent jarring that came now and then, as if something heavy had fallen and the shock had traveled up till it reached the limb I sat on.

5. They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear.

6. There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice.

7. jarring

7. The fact is that insensibly, the absolute strangeness of everything, the sickly jarring and swaying of the machine, above all, the feeling of prolonged falling, had absolutely upset my nerve.

8. Protection for the car and rails – Ropegripper activation results in a powerful, gradual, non-jarring stop.

9. A grapple, or similar slip mechanism, on the overshot grips the fish, allowing application of tensile force and jarring action.

10. The down jarring section takes use of mechanical friction mechanism, the jarring force is well preadjusted by adjusting device before put into downhole.

11. Whereas Mameg creates an atmosphere of domesticity and comfort, Maison Martin Margiela creates a jarring world of collage and reflection.

12. jarring的近义词

12. The first promotional art of the HBO series has been released, revealing a jarring image of hot blood brewing inside coffee maker.

13. jarring

13. The Phantom's rear view is classic, but some of the details outside and inside are modern and jarring.

14. jarring

14. Setting your alarm back a full hour is jarring to your system, so take baby steps.

15. Its function mainly is to supply acceleration to the upper end of the jar during the free jarring stroke.

16. The ZJS type jar intensifier is a down hole fishing jar designed to increase jarring energy to up jar.

17. In order to investigate the process of jarring and to analyze the factors related to the impact effect, an analytical model, based on proper assumptions, was developed. The jarring process is divided into three periods: energy storing, energy releasing and impact period.

18. In jarring operation, different particles of the drill string move differently, and have different contribution to the impact effect. The particle that is closer to the stick point can produce bigger impact force. Pull force, jar placement, collar dimensions and depth of fish are related to the impact force.

19. This week`s events begin a series of jarring changes in your way of living and working.

20. Shakespeare disconcerts Henry Ⅷ by conducting in it a jarring tone, and thereby unmasks Henry the tyrannical king.

jarring 单语例句

1. Although the booing was expected, it was still jarring because McGrady could do no wrong here for three seasons.

2. Mount Fuji captures the jarring amalgam of spirituality and commercialism that is central to Japan's modern identity.

3. " Hello, this is " The voice was too metallic and jarring.

4. Bolton have had a reputation in recent years for nicking results when the odds are against them and this was just jarring another example.

5. But it is jarring for Chinese exporters, whose profit margins are thin and whose only competitive edge is low prices.

6. The one jarring note in this uninterrupted tranquility comes from a modern scourge - motorbikes.

7. Some GM dealers said a shutdown of up to nine weeks is jarring, but not unexpected given the sales slump.

8. It descended on parachutes and then hit the ground in a jarring puff of dust and dirt.

9. The world outside the convention delivered jarring news in the global war on terror.

10. However jarring it may sound to the educated ear, no one has died from bad English yet.

jarring 英英释义



1. making or causing a harsh and irritating sound

    e.g. the jarring noise of the iron gate scraping on the sidewalk


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