jejune [dʒɪˈdʒu:n]  [dʒəˈdʒun] 

jejune 基本解释

形容词 幼稚的; (指思想、著作等)浅薄的; 缺乏营养的; 贫瘠的


jejune 反义词


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jejune 网络解释


1. 不成熟的:jeer 嘲笑 | jejune 不成熟的 | jigsaw puzzle 拼板玩具

2. jejune

2. 空洞的(不是欢快的):FLACCIDITY 软弱(不是可安慰) | JEJUNE 空洞的(不是欢快的) | CULRABLE 可归罪的(不是可抚慰的)

3. jejune的翻译

3. (指思想、著作等)浅薄的, 幼稚的, 枯燥无味的:irony 具有讽刺意味的事, 嘲弄 | jejune (指思想、著作等)浅薄的, 幼稚的, 枯燥无味的 | kinetic 动力的, 由运动引起的, 活跃的; 有力的

4. 无味干燥的:jehad 拥护扑灭运动 | jejune 无味干燥的 | jejunectomy 空肠切除术

jejune 双语例句

1. jejune

1. However I want to say: I am jejune!!

2. Then she was gone, leaving me in unexpectedly jejune loneliness

3. I detected a jejune air that had not imbedded me before.

4. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

4. By this chance i would like to publish some jejune idea about the perspective of the trading relative between china and england, just for your reference.

5. Then she was gone, leav in g me in unexpectedly jejune lonel in ess

6. She seems a rather creepy, jejune and adolescent fantasy.

7. Every reader will mark this as an incongruous, jejune break-up in the vivid narrative, quite unlike the rest.

8. In NHL action: with two seconds left in OT, Penguins` winger Jean Jejune nailed a wrist shot from the point that sent the puck skidding through the five-hole.

9. In NHL action: with two seconds left in OT, Penguins'winger Jean Jejune nailed a wrist shot from the point that sent the puck skidding through the five-hole.
    来看最新的NHL战况:在全场比赛时间(OT:overall time)仅剩2秒的时候,企鹅队的边锋Jean Jejune一记抖腕射门,冰球穿裆入门进了。

10. Adolescent insecurity; jejune responses to our problems; their behavior was juvenile; puerile jokes.

11. They were of great service in correcting my jejune generalizations.

12. We knew we were in for a pretty long, jejune evening.

13. 好好学单词·英语单词

13. Then she was gone, leaving me in unexpectedly jejune loneliness.

14. jejune什么意思

14. And there pour forth jejune words and useless empty phrases (Anthony Trollope)

15. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

15. Will he come? The jejune jesuit.

16. Early Missionary Work by the Society of Jesus and a Comparison of Traditional Society Backgrounds between Ancient China and Japan; & Will he come? The jejune jesuit.

jejune 词典解释

1. 幼稚的;不成熟的;头脑简单的
    If you describe something or someone as jejune, you are criticizing them for being very simple and unsophisticated.

    e.g. They were of great service in correcting my jejune generalizations.

2. 枯燥乏味的;单调的
    If you describe something or someone as jejune, you mean they are dull and boring.


    e.g. We knew we were in for a pretty long, jejune evening.

jejune 英英释义



1. lacking interest or significance or impact

    e.g. an insipid personality
           jejune novel

    Synonym: insipid

2. displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity

    e.g. adolescent insecurity
           jejune responses to our problems
           their behavior was juvenile
           puerile jokes

    Synonym: adolescent juvenile puerile

3. lacking in nutritive value

    e.g. the jejune diets of the very poor

    Synonym: insubstantial


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