jump to conclusion [dʒʌmp tu: kənˈklu:ʒən]  [dʒʌmp tu kənˈkluʒən] 

jump to conclusion 基本解释

[法] 妄自断定,过早下结论

jump to conclusion的意思

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jump to conclusion 网络解释

1. jump to conclusion什么意思

1. 妄下结论:Don't jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while. 不要草率行事. 我们应该耐心等一... | jump to conclusion 妄下结论 | Don't jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first. 不要妄下结论,先把事情搞...

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 太早下结论:get above oneself 自高自大,自视甚高 | 138. jump to conclusion 太早下结论 | 139. be one's own master 独立自主

jump to conclusion 双语例句

1. At the same time, this paper draws a conclusion that the optimum control means to the teaching of back style jump of the PE specialty optimizes the process of teaching and accomplishes the object of teaching efficiently and provides a vast space for the development of personality of the students.

2. Uh...nevermind.. would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.

3. Don't jump to a conclusion so quickly. actually, i can't go along with you on that point.

4. Uh...never mind.. would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.


5. You should not jump to a conclusion.

6. jump to conclusion

6. After comparing with previously report, conclusion was as follow: when players use take-off spike movement by single-foot, the strides should increase progressively after observing the ball`s direction, and raise the height of jump by getting faster horizontal and vertical velocity of body gravity. In order to avoid increasing the time of take-off, the body gravity is inadvisable to drop so much. In air motion period, player`s movement of arm swing will influences the time of spike, if we emphasize the quick offensive, it should reduce the movement of arm swing to decrease the time of spike. When spiking, the joint of elbow should flex by a little range to make forearm powerful.

7. jump to conclusion的解释

7. This paper adopts the GARCH jump model and ARJI model of Chan and Maheu(2002) that combine the skewed generalized error distribution of asset returns, in order to examine the jump, leptokurtosis and volatility clustering for the rates of returns of America and BRICs. We also employ likelihood ratio test for testing goodness of different models. In conclusion, we analyze different models` capture ability for statistic features of mature market and emerging markets.
    本研究以跳跃扩散模型及Chan and Maheu(2002)的ARJI模型,探讨资产报酬为SGED分配下,美国及金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度及中国;BRICs)等五个国家之股价指数日报酬率是否存在跳跃的现象与是否具备高峰、厚尾及波动丛聚等特性,并以概似比率检定检验模型的配适性,最后再分析模型在成熟市场与新兴市场上,对於统计特性捕捉能力的优劣性。

8. Life is a voyage…Each providential opportunity may result to fructuous meeting of minds; on the other hand it may just a collection of bibelots; one never know its ultimate impact at the moment; so don`t jump to conclusion too soon while things are happening...

9. It is not right simply to compare a peasant's average annual income with a worker's and jump to the conclusion that one is too low and the other too high.

10. jump to conclusion的解释

10. I didn't want her to jump to the conclusion that the divorce was in any way her fault

11. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusion.

12. jump to conclusion

12. Some people jump rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong.

13. Is that we have to hurry to work, if the threshold is getting higher and higher, fewer and fewer players, not first jump to a conclusion that the'fratricidal'.

14. Whenever I start reading about how to eat healthy, I jump to the conclusion that to really do it right I`ll have to give up my job, grow organic fruits and vegetables, and spend hours and hours on my diet.

15. jump to conclusion是什么意思

15. Why do you jump to a conclusion that I did it?

16. I shouldn`t jump to conclusion, but you know what I mean.

17. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

17. Don't jump to conclusion, we have to figure out first.

18. You`d better not jump to a conclusion.

19. jump to conclusion的意思

19. But it would be the height of self-deception for anyone to jump to the conclusion that a nuclear-armed Iran would not be dangerous at all.

20. Don't jump to a conclusion before considering all the facts. Be circumspect.

jump to conclusion 单语例句

1. But it is not reasonable to jump to that conclusion, says an editorial in Economic Information Daily.

2. However, we should not jump to a conclusion that China will experience deflation in 2009.

3. Others prefer to jump to the lazy conclusion that China should be blamed for financial troubles of the US.

4. But one should not jump to the hasty conclusion that it will be all smooth sailing for Ma during his second term.

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