jut [dʒʌt]  [dʒʌt] 


jut 基本解释

不及物动词 突出,伸出

及物动词 使伸出,使突出

名词 突出,突出物

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jut 相关例句


1. The balcony juts out over the swimming pool.

2. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

2. The soldier saw a gun jutting out of some bushes.

3. The balcony juts out over the garden.

jut 网络解释

1. jut的解释

1. 突出:jut out 突出 | jut 突出 | jute bag 麻袋

2. jut在线翻译

2. 突出;尖端:justify 证明... 是正确的或合理的 | jut 突出;尖端 | jute 黄麻;电缆黄麻包皮

3. 凸出,伸出:justowriter ==> 带穿孔打字系统 | jut ==> 凸出,伸出 | jut window ==> 突出窗

4. 質:JUP 執 | JUT 質 | KA 嘉/家

jut 双语例句

1. Carcasses are strung up, and sharp, tusklike bones jut out of the ground.
    尸体是串成了,和锐利,tusklike 6282骨头出地面。

2. I don`t like writing, and it`s not my jut either, but of surely worthy it is.

3. The long parallel rays slanting across the top of the above radio image are known collectively as the Galactic Center Radio Arc and jut straight out from the Galactic plane.

4. Drake:Why not jut open the window.

5. You also jut your jaw out when you're playing intensely. Is that in the game?

6. His mouth started to jut out, and his jaw got longer.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The environmental Problems jut out, especially refuse problem is most difficult to solve.

8. His teeth tend to jut out a little.

9. Don't jut out in front of me!

10. jut的意思

10. Four tubes jut out from its shell.

11. jut的翻译

11. The balcony jut s out over the garden.

12. A pair of razorsharp incisor tasks jut forward from the lower jaw and grind against two blunter versions in the upper jaw.

13. He knew every jut and corner of it, as far as it was possible to see.

14. There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, jut be carefull.

15. jut的翻译

15. If he tries to sit, jut put your hand under his belly.

16. When I get the idea to write a poem, I jut gonna to sit down and write him.

17. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

17. You`re jut a good for nothing bum!

18. More than a hundred teeth jut from narrow jaws that must have been adept at snagging fish.

19. I getting ungry jut tinking bout it.

20. She is jut one track-minded, not be harmful.

jut 词典解释

1. 凸出;伸出
    If something juts out, it sticks out above or beyond a surface.

    e.g. The northern end of the island juts out like a long, thin finger into the sea...
    e.g. Tombstones jutted out of the ground in broken clusters...

2. (使)(使身体部位)凸出;(尤指)翘起(下巴)
    If you jut a part of your body, especially your chin, or if it juts, you push it forward in an aggressive or determined way.

    e.g. His jaw jutted stubbornly forward; he would not be denied...
    e.g. Gwen jutted her chin forward and did not answer the teacher...

jut 单语例句

1. White marble gleams in the bathrooms, and little balconies jut jauntily out over the garden greenery.

2. And then there's the Austin Powers teeth that jut at odd angles from his mouth.

3. Soon after, the pair of pipes that jut from virtually every building start burping soot.

4. They also plan to conceal power lines and water pipes that jut out of many of the buildings.

5. I jut share my experiences with them and tell them some details to pay attention.

6. He sets up a scenario in which sacred Buddhas and secular bodies are juxtaposed, while sexuality and spirituality abruptly jut into the fore.

jut 英英释义



1. the act of projecting out from something

    Synonym: protrusion projection jutting

2. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings

    e.g. the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
           the hump of a camel
           he stood on the rocky prominence
           the occipital protuberance was well developed
           the bony excrescence between its horns

    Synonym: bulge bump hump swelling gibbosity gibbousness prominence protuberance protrusion extrusion excrescence


1. extend out or project in space

    e.g. His sharp nose jutted out
           A single rock sticks out from the cliff

    Synonym: stick out protrude jut out project


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