
kumara 基本解释


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kumara 网络解释

1. 原产于南美,是先期毛利人所带入新西兰的一种甘薯:Whare:房子,集会场所内的会议厅; | Hangi Hangi:毛利人传统的烹饪方式,将食物埋在土中做熟; | Kumara:原产于南美,是先期毛利人所带入新西兰的一种甘薯.

2. 鸠摩罗 即塞建陀或卡尔蒂凯耶,战神,湿婆之子:Kubera 俱毗罗 财神 | Kumara 鸠摩罗 即塞建陀或卡尔蒂凯耶,战神,湿婆之子 | Kush 俱舍 罗摩之子

kumara 双语例句

1. I stand in the presence of Thoth and Sanat Kumara.

2. I hold all of you in my own heart and give you to Sanat Kumara.

3. Our dream is skewed into something other than what we intend because of the thought forms associated with the Kumara Planes.

4. Some restaurants anchor death, death entities and the planes of death or Kumara of death.
    一些饭店锚定了死亡、死亡存有和死亡层或死亡 Kumara 。

5. There you will eat food such as fish and kumara which is cooked by wrapping them in leaves and steaming them over hot stones.

6. kumara的意思

6. I found that working with the intentions was very helpful in transcending the thought forms that shaped my life in the moment and separating myself from the Kumara Planes of Manifestation.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Part of the king's own name, Kumara, is itself an alternative name for the god of war, Skanda, also known as Karttikeya.

8. kumara的反义词

8. A gaily colored fruit for offers kiwi fruit, feijoas, tamarillos, pepino, kumara and other fresh New Zealand products while a Danish icecream parlour tempts the sweeter tooth.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Grilled New Zealand Lamb Chops with Sweet Potato Cake (Kumara), Green Asparagus and Beetroot Lamb Jus, Infused with Mint Oil.

10. kumara

10. Immanuel, mentioned once above: A older brother of Michael, from the Central Universe, not Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara.

11. 好好学单词·英语单词

11. A perfect choice with Roast Duck on Creamed Golden Kumara, with Baby Bok Choy & Jus of Pickled Plums.

12. kumara的翻译

12. AM ESU KUMARA, SON of SANAT KUMARA and not on my time will you cause any more trouble, as I am also walking this planet behind the scenes right now.

13. AAM: No, it is a combination but primarily it is the final decision of Sanat Kumara.

14. Officially called Kumara Serpent Healing, its an offshoot of Kundalini Yoga a branch of the form which mixes adopting physical positions with a focus on breathing, meditating and chanting.

15. Stagnant energy is known as the seven Kumaras of the vibrations of pain, death, suffering, lust, judgment, greed, and fear.


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