latency ['leɪtənsɪ]  [ˈletn:si] 

latency 基本解释

名词 潜伏; 潜在因素

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latency 网络解释

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. 等待时间:例如, 控制 事务需要高度数据可靠性; 它通过使用错误检测和重试的方法支持端到端的数据完整性.出 于同步事务的带宽(Bandwidth)和等待时间(Latency)的要求的原因,它不允许进行重试, 且必须对未纠正的错误有较高的容忍程度.

2. 潜伏期:任务(task) 反应时任务(task) 潜伏期(latency) 波幅(amplitude) 任务(task) 潜伏期(latency) 波幅(amplitude)[6]赵旭,姜淇远. 事件关联脑电位(ERP)与手控工作负荷关系的研究[J]. 航天医学与医学工程,1990,3(4): 267~271

3. latency是什么意思

3. 潜伏:由此可知本病已由急性发病形态转为慢性带毒(carrier)型态,因疱疹病毒具有潜伏(latency)的特性,一旦感染,除非清场,否则潜伏在各场中的持续感染病鱼遇到天气变化、温度紧迫就会开始发病.

4. 延时:2) 延时:(Latency) 交换机延时是指从交换机接收到数据包到开始向目的端口复制数据包之间的时间间隔. 有许多因素会影响延时大小,比如转发技术等等. 采用直通转发技术的交换机有固定的延时. 因为直通式交换机不管数据包的整体大小,

latency 双语例句

1. The elicitation ratio of EABR evoked by the needle electrode before cochlear implantation was coherent compared with elicitation ratio after cochlear implantation, though the waveforms differentiation were pgorer.3.Average waveⅤlatency and average response threshold in different positions between promontorium tympani or round window niche stimulation with needle electrode before cochlear implantation and EABR after cochear implantation were similar, though there were still some difference.4.Position of needle electrode stimulation and pulse width were the most important reason for elicit good waveform.5.Waveforms latency for different pulse width was similar, but the response threshold was different and waveforms differentiation was better for short pulse width.6. Needle electrode and insulated nerve block neelde for neurostimulation were all efficient for elicit EABR, but the waveform differentiation evoked by insulated nerve block needle for neurostimulation was better than needle electrode.


2. Indexes of sexual function such as mount latency, mount frequency and intromission latency were observed and recorded...

3. Indexes of sexual function such as mount latency, mount frequency and intromission latency were observed and recorded and statistically analyzed.

4. Then, two groups of male rats copulated with female rats philtred in advance. Indexes of sexual function such as mount latency, mount frequency and intromission latency were observed and recorded.

5. latency在线翻译

5. Disproportions between the capabilities of the resources in the grid and its property of heterogeneity cause bottlenecks in the system and high latency seen by the users.


6. I wouldn't recommend using the macro for Mind Flay if you have high latency, but even with low latency you'd gain a very small amount of DPS if you would properly time your Mind Flays rather than using the macro.

7. The results showed that body size had no influence on duration of latency, courtship, insertion, sperm induction and three phases in inserting dura. tion.

8. So controlfile transactions are potentially expensive in terms of I/O latency.

9. Results Normal sensory conduction velocity and normal amplitude of the sensory nerve action potential were found, but there was a delay of the distal motor latency in all 14 cases.
    结果 14例患者正中神经末梢运动潜伏时延长,11例复合肌肉动作电位波幅降低,14例感觉传导速度、感觉动作电位波幅正常,12例前臂段运动传导速度正常;12例拇短展肌、14例拇指对掌肌见纤颤电位和/或正锐波;14例旋前方肌、小指展肌与指浅屈肌肌电图检测均正常。

10. What is the typical round trip latency of your network?

11. I think this is a result of network latency.

12. Firstly, we examined and recorded all results of amplitude and latency of P100 under different experiment conditions with PRVEP technology, Then all data collected were processed and analyzed with SPSS software, We, finally, tried to find and determine theexamining items for expertizing visualacuity.

13. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

13. Analyses and simulation results show that the broadcast protocol can not only avoid collision, but also highly reduce the redundant rebroadcasts and the broadcast latency.

14. There is no latency, which makes this the ideal tool for real time performance in the studio or on stage.

15. There is no latency, which makes this the ideal instrument for real time performance in the studio or on stage.

16. The next stage of the disease is the period of latency.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Mesothelioma has a latency period of 20 to 50 years after the first exposure to asbestos.

18. There is a latency period for most diseases and it may take years and more studies before the required weight of evidence is established.

19. latency的反义词

19. Experimental results show that the new algorithm can shorten the data arrival latency of every scheduling period to a certain degree.

20. latency的近义词

20. A latency period is the length of time between catching a disease and showing signs having caught it.

latency 单语例句


1. Hepatitis C has a long latency and can be transmitted in many ways.

2. Use of plugs and masks resulted in more REM sleep, shorter REM latency and fewer arousals.

3. " The examination can find latency diseases before pregnancy and prevent birth defects, " he said.

4. The delay between placing an order and getting the order executed is called latency.

5. It can reduce memory latency, expand data transmission bandwidth and enhance computing efficiency and performance.

latency 英英释义


1. the state of being not yet evident or active

2. the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it

    Synonym: reaction time response time latent period

3. (computer science) the time it takes for a specific block of data on a data track to rotate around to the read/write head

    Synonym: rotational latency


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