learner [ˈlɜ:nə(r)]  [ˈlɜ:rnə(r)] 


learner 基本解释

名词 学习者,初学者

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learner 网络解释

1. 学习者,初学者:traveller 旅游者 | learner 学习者,初学者 | lover 爱好者

2. learner

2. 经理人必须是一位学习者:经理人必须是一位好老师 teacher | 经理人必须是一位学习者 learner | 经理人必须是一位决策人 decision-maker

3. learner什么意思

3. 初学者:liner 班船,班机 | learner 初学者 | corner 角;犄角;边远地区

learner 双语例句

1. By virtue of this research results, the simulation procedure possesses the functions that trains beginners to operate the distillation column and let the learner learn more easily.

2. A learner`s motivation will even determine the amount of time one spends in learning a language.

3. For example, am I primarily an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner?

4. learner

4. Is your child a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner?

5. learner是什么意思

5. I'm a trendsetter, I'm a dunamist, I'm a good learner, ,and you must be a sill girl!

6. learner的近义词

6. I`m eager to learn English well, but I`m a poor learner.

7. Quality education is one that welcomes the learner and can adapt to meet learning needs.

8. learner的解释

8. Quality education is one that welcomes the learner and can adapt to meet learning needs. It is inclusive.

9. Taking the word serve as an example and using CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpora) as a L2 corpus, this research makes a detailed analysis of the meaning of serve from all the aspects of extended unit of meaning, identifies the semantic characteristics of it in a L2, the similarities and differences of it in different corpora.

10. The common fault of learner is to admire the ancient and to despise the recent. However, if the ancient people, such as Xiwei Shi, live in nowadays society, wouldn`t they have to hold the life style and idea that are as same as ours?

11. The common fault of learner is to admire the ancient and to despise the recent. However if we let the ancient people, such as Xiwei Shi, come to our recent society to live, don`t they have to hold the life style and idea that are as same as ours?

12. learner什么意思

12. External Things (8)(7-10)(22.4)庄子演义杂篇外物(7-10)(22.4) 7 The common fault of learner is to admire the ancient and to despise the recent. However if we let the ancient people, such as Xiwei Shi, come to our recent society to live, don`t they have to hold the life style and idea that are as same as ours?

13. This is beneficial in that it helps the learner examine the task from a different perspective so as to encourage higher level thinking skills.

14. It is the primary hope for every Chinese learner to express his/her thought in appropriate and fluent Chinese.

15. When i'm free i usually go to library to study english, because library is a good place to learn knowledge. i'll carefully read some useful words and sentences. sometimes i like to read magazines, sometimes i like to read newspapers, i think english is a tool, so that i like to learn it at sparetime, i'm an english learner, library is my favorite place, because this place is very quiet, i'll be concentrate my energy to learn useful knowledge.

16. My favorite library when i'm free i usually go to library to study english, because library is a good place to learn knowledge. i'll carefully read some useful words and sentences. sometimes i like to read magazines, sometimes i like to read newspapers, i think english is a tool, so that i like to learn it at sparetime, i'm an english learner, library is my favorite place, because this place is very quiet, i'll be concentrate my energy to learn useful knowledge.

17. learner是什么意思

17. Passage The Successful Language Learner Some people seem to have a knack for learning language.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. Training in both Chinese and English translation in games, to foster learner's ability in translating Chinese to English.

19. Effective teaching and learning involve setting objectives by using appropriate methods and evaluating both the teacher and learner across each of the respective domains.

20. At the same time, owing to the computer technology which was considered as the fangle for the learner as well as the software and hardware cost when using the computer, it is still lack of evidence for the extent to which the computer performace appraisal was accepted.

learner 词典解释

1. 学习者;初学者
    A learner is someone who is learning about a particular subject or how to do something.

    e.g. ...a new aid for younger children or slow learners...
    e.g. Learner drivers must be supervised by adults who are at least 21 years old.

learner 单语例句

1. It follows the loss of secret intelligence files, information about millions of child benefit claimants and details about learner drivers.

2. But a learner does have some wonderful moments of clarity on the path, and this happens to me every few months.

3. A keen learner, she just finished her dissertation for a master's in management at Tsinghua University.

4. Nino Brown says the arguments are valid if the learner's sole motive for studying Mandarin is economic gain.

5. The shared alphabet and shared Latin base allow quick progress for a learner.

6. Just as all foreign languages are not equal in relation to a learner's goals, all dialects of the chosen foreign language are not equally useful.

7. " I was a 100 percent learner in Japan then, " Fan said.

8. No reason has been given for abolishing these tests, which learner drivers must practise and pass before obtaining a license under the current rules.

9. The Ministry Public Security has issued new regulations on April 1, requiring learner drivers to sit a tougher license test to boost safety awareness.

10. Investigation showed the accused held a learner's permit that had expired months earlier because the man failed a road test.

learner 英英释义


1. works for an expert to learn a trade

    Synonym: apprentice prentice

2. someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs

    Synonym: scholar assimilator


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