lethargy [ˈleθədʒi]  [ˈleθərdʒi] 


lethargy 基本解释

名词 昏睡; 没精打采; 懒洋洋; 嗜眠症

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lethargy 相关例句


1. The bird's lethargy in the morning was unusual.

2. lethargy

2. Several hours after the surgery, she was still in her lethargy.

lethargy 网络解释

1. 嗜眠(症):注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)是儿童期常见的行为障碍之一,患病率在学龄期儿童约为5%左右约66%的ADHD患儿至少存在一种共病4.ADHD与睡眠觉醒障碍:30%左右ADHD共病睡眠和/或觉醒障碍嗜眠症(Lethargy)在临床上类似ADHD,

2. 嗜睡症:lethargic 昏睡的 | lethargy 嗜睡症 | lethargy by inducing 诱导性迷睡

3. 勒;衰减系数:lethal 致命的 | lethargy 勒;衰减系数 | letter character 字母符号

lethargy 双语例句

1. In more severe cases the hamster may have runny eyes, lethargy, weight loss, refusal to eat and drink orlaboured breathing/wheeziness.

2. The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses.
    这种 态度会使生命的价值印章有突出,使我们以优雅的风度、旺盛的精力和高度珍异的心情度过每一天;而当我们觉得岁月延绵不断,来日方长时,往往失掉这种态度。

3. Liver pain, or even death in cirrhotic ascites; Paragonimiasis infected cysts, child or adult worms in human tissues and organs within the transitional, If staying in the lung, patients would cough, chest pain and other discomfort, live in the brain occur in epilepsy, hemiplegia, live mainly in the liver to the liver, liver pain, will live in the subcutaneous form transitional mass or nodule; Fasciolopsiasis worm infection can suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea, malnutrition, etc.; Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae in human migration, lesions in the brain, can cause severe headache, nausea, vomiting, fever and neck hard, there will be serious paralysis, lethargy, coma or even death.

4. After having been suspended for fifteen years, the work was resumed through the efforts of Haggai and Zechariah (Ezra 6:14), who by their exhortations roused the people from their lethargy, and induced them to take advantage of the favourable opportunity that had arisen in a change in the policy of the Persian government.

5. It may also have diarrhea, weight loss and lethargy.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Intern: Generally I would look for some lethargy and disorientation.

7. Surveillance: routine follow-up in a metabolic clinic; monitoring for hyperammonemia and secondary deficiency of essential amino acids; monitoring older individuals for signs of impending hyperammonia (i. e., mood changes, headache, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, refusal to feed, ankle clonus) and elevated plasma glutamine concentration.

8. Methods The patients with acute cerebrovascular disease were classfied into three groups:conscious mind group, somnolence or lethargy group and coma group.

9. lethargy的反义词

9. Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical significance and the changes of the parathyroid hormonein serum of patients with acute cerebrovascular disease. Methods The patients with acute cerebrovascular disease were classfied into three groups:conscious mind group, somnolence or lethargy group and coma group.
    目的 探讨急性脑血管病患者发病后患者的意识状态与外周血液中甲状旁腺激素的含量变化及其临床意义方法按患者发病后意识状态好坏分:神志清楚组、嗜睡或昏睡组、昏迷组3组。

10. lethargy的翻译

10. But for various reasons, ranging from government lethargy to, it runs a serious risk of energy shortages at home.

11. But for various reasons, ranging from government lethargy to environmental lobbies, it runs a serious risk of energy shortages at home.

12. The biggest obstacle and difficulty you may face is that of passivity and a state of apathy and lethargy. The negative 2 can be very pessimistic.


13. At present the UN and Lebanese forces are on their mettle to cool things down and it will be some time before lethargy and apathy allow a renewed confrontation that will surely come one day.

14. Intravenous infusion of a high concentration of BCAA with THF 500 ml mixed with 50% glucose 80 ml per day was given for 3 to 7 days. Evaluation consciousness and determination of serum ammonia were studied before and after treatments. The consciousness levels were classified into 5 grades: grade 0: No abnormal, grade i: trivial lack of awareness, grade ii: lethargy or apathy, grade iii: somnolence to smi-stupor and confused, grade iv: coma.
      按Parsons-Smith之意识型态分类其意识昏迷程度在ii度以上,才开始给予分枝氨基酸输液,本研究给予病人含高浓度BCAA之THF输液每500ml加上50%葡萄糖80 ml混合静脉以2-3小时点滴注射,经过3至7日观察其反应及其血中之氨改变情形。

15. These are acute renal failure symptoms, such symptoms include fatigue, mental apathy, lethargy, irritability, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cases, patients are also anemic, hiccup, mouth ulcers, gastrointestinal ulcers or bleeding, convulsions, coma, respiratory difficulties Hui times, however

16. Captain Black yawn ed deliciously, rubbed the last lethargy from his eyes and laughed gloatingly

17. lethargy的反义词

17. Captain Black yawned deliciously, rubbed the last lethargy from his eyes and laughed gloatingly.

18. Lyme disease and some of the other tick-borne illnesses are characterized by joint pain, lethargy, lack of appetite.

19. Lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul, He becomes all outer

20. lethargy

20. He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish the article.

lethargy 词典解释

1. 慵懒;倦怠;没精打采
    Lethargy is the condition or state of being lethargic.

    e.g. Symptoms include tiredness, paleness, and lethargy.
    e.g. ...the lethargy that plagued this project from its outset.

lethargy 单语例句

1. This dish also plays into my innate lethargy because it requires little attention and stirring, contrary to what cooks will tell you.

2. Chytridiomycosis causes lethargy and convulsions, and thickens the skin that frogs breathe through.

3. Apart from lethargy and fatigue, the latter group often has symptoms uncharacteristic of depressive disorder.

4. A story posted online not long ago set many people lamenting about some of our children's lethargy toward their parents'loving care.

5. Lethargy holds many people back from doing the things that lead to happiness.

6. Elderly people restrict their winter activities more than younger ones do, so their springtime lethargy is especially pronounced.

7. The cold, dark season's reign of listlessness would be over were it not for springtime lethargy.

8. People are mistaken if they think that getting more sleep will combat springtime lethargy.

9. Petrova overcame a bout of lethargy before the match but soon found her form.

lethargy 英英释义


1. inactivity
    showing an unusual lack of energy

    e.g. the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends

    Synonym: languor sluggishness phlegm flatness

2. weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy

    Synonym: inanition lassitude slackness

3. a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness)

    Synonym: lassitude sluggishness


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