libertine [ˈlɪbəti:n]  [ˈlɪbərti:n] 


libertine 基本解释

名词 放荡不羁的人,淫荡的人

形容词 放荡的,自由思想的

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libertine 网络解释

1. libertine

1. 放荡者:liberty 随意 | libertine 放荡者 | libretto 剧本

2. 性行为放纵者,浪荡子:288. lexicographer: 词典编纂人. | 289. libertine: 性行为放纵者,浪荡子. | 290. literati: 文人,学者.

3. libertine的意思

3. 性行为放纵者,浪荡的人:limerick 五行打油诗 | libertine 性行为放纵者,浪荡的人 | harangue 长篇指责性演说

4. 放荡者 浪子:mutineer 反叛者 背叛者 | libertine 放荡者 浪子 | benefactor 捐献者

libertine 双语例句

1. It is Tirso's play that has put the legend and the figure together, and depicted the image of the libertine for the first time.

2. It is acknowledged that they spend many of the first years of their lives in acquiring a smattering of accomplishments; meanwhile strength of body and mind are sacrificed to libertine notions of beauty, to the desire of establishing themselves, ----the only way women can rise in the world, ----by marriage.

3. History, Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun love story spread through the ages, but many people do not know the right romantic Libertine dry out the world, no one can replace the non-world achievements!

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.

5. libertine

5. In spite of a libertine beau in the 《 Tang Fah Tawan Deaw 》, anotai who is wearing army service uniform handsomely in 《 Luod Kadthiya 》, Chisanu who is rich and handsome in 《 Kaew Ta Pee 》, Kong who is a playboy in 《 Roy Rei Sa Nei Rai 》, Ratrawee who is a young and successful diplomat 《 FunnFueng 》, Muuton who is a spoony in 《Miracle of amatory》, prince Puth who is clinging to blessedness in《Prissana》, we are moved by your sensation, we feel happy when you are happy, everything about you is a nice segment which is worthy to be cherished in our heart.
    不管是《同一骄阳下》中放荡不羁的纨绔子弟,《出逃的公主》中一身帅气军装的阿诺泰,《你是我的眼睛》中英俊富有的 Chisanu ,《诡计多端》里的花花公子 Kong,《美梦成真》中年轻有为的外交官Ratrawee,《恋人的奇迹》里痴情得让人心碎的Muuton,还是《谜》里执着于幸福的王子Puth,我们感动着你的感动,幸福着你的幸福,所有有关你的一切,都是在我们心里值得珍藏的美好片段。

6. A fiendish libertine from his earliest years this stinking goat of Mendes gave precocious signs of infantile debauchery, recalling the cities of the plain, with a dissolute granddam.

7. It also excludes the objection that election leads to a libertine spirit; unbelief and careless living are inconsistent with the scriptural doctrine of election.
    它也排除了反对选举导致了libertine的精神; unbelief和不小心的生活是不符合圣经的教义选举。

8. The wickedness of a loose or profane author is more atrocious than that of the giddy libertine, or drunken ravisher, not only because it extends its effects wider. No.77

9. Justification; C Hodge, Systematic Theology, III; L Berkhof, Systematic Theology; G Quell, TDNT, II; JA Ziesler, The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul; H Seebass and C Brown, NIDNTT, III; H Kung, Justification; GB Stevens, The Christian Doctrine of Salvation; JW Drane, Paul, Libertine or Legalist?
    理由; c Hodge的,有系统的神学,三;升,伯克霍夫的,有系统的神学;克平息,tdnt ,二;司法机构政务长齐斯勒,但其意义的行为,在保禄; h泽巴斯和C布朗,nidntt ,三; h公,理由; GB的史蒂文斯,基督教教义的救恩;李钟郁杜蓝,保罗,自由的还是法家?

10. We started off with a cocktail at the hotel bar, the libertine and it knocked my socks off.

11. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

11. The state or quality of being libertine.

12. A man without an address is a _; a man with two addresses is a libertine.

13. No. Casanova the libertine who devotes his life to seducing women.

14. libertine是什么意思

14. It is just at this moment that Tangtang got pregnant. He was afraid that he was blamed as a libertine, esp. as her classmate in Beijing.

15. The wickedness of a loose or profane author is more atrocious than that of the giddy libertine, or drunken ravisher, not only because it extends its effects wider. (No.77)

16. So this place belonged to the libertine casanova, eh?

17. libertine在线翻译

17. In Chinese classical literature, imperishable works tend to exhibit the misery caused by the limit in freedom and energy, expressing the libertine and grieving feelings.

18. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

18. Although it is generally believed that the story of Don Juan originated from a verbal legend, The Libertine of Serville, a play written by the Spanish author Tirso de Molina, is the real source of all subsequent works devoted to Don Juan.

19. I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine.

20. Your friend will know the libertine's refinement.

libertine 词典解释

1. 登徒子;浪荡子;好色之徒
    If you refer to someone as a libertine, you mean that they are sexually immoral and do not care about the effect their behaviour has on other people.

    e.g. ...a self-confessed coward, libertine, and scoundrel.

libertine 单语例句

1. He has invited former Libertine Carl Barat to be his best man at the ceremony.

libertine 英英释义



1. a dissolute person
    usually a man who is morally unrestrained

    Synonym: debauchee rounder



1. unrestrained by convention or morality

    e.g. Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
           deplorably dissipated and degraded
           riotous living
           fast women

    Synonym: debauched degenerate degraded dissipated dissolute profligate riotous fast


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