lion [ˈlaɪən]  [ˈlaɪən] 


lion 基本解释

名词 狮子; 名人; [天文学、占星术]狮子(星)座; 勇士,名流

lion 同义词

名词  Leo

lion 反义词

名词  lioness

lion 相关例句

1. A lion at home, a mouse abroad.



1. He is regarded as a literary lion.

2. The soldier was as brave as a lion.

lion 情景对话


A:Have any plans for the weekend, Tom?

B:Yeah, I’m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains.

A:Oh, do you go hiking often?

B:I go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature.

A:It would be nice to get out of the city. Do you want some company?

B:Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before?

A:Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike.

B:Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city.

A:Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest.

B:Well, bring him along too. We’ll have a great time this weekend.

A:Thanks, I’ll ask him.

lion 中文词源

lion 狮子


lion 双语例句

1. They danced traditional lion dances to celebrate their victory.

2. Lion dances and any other programs are also indispensable games which will last for about 3 days.

3. I have to take the kids to The Lion King.

4. During the festival, many people also attend traditional recreational activities, such as the lion dance, dragon-lantern dance and stilt-walking.

lion 词典解释

1. 狮子
    A lion is a large wild member of the cat family that is found in Africa. Lions have yellowish fur, and male lions have long hair on their head and neck.

lion 英英释义


1. large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male

    Synonym: king of beasts Panthera leo

2. a celebrity who is lionized (much sought after)

    Synonym: social lion


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