loiter [ˈlɔɪtə(r)]  [ˈlɔɪtɚ] 


loiter 基本解释

不及物动词 游荡; 闲逛; (在公共场所)走走停停; 磨蹭

loiter 同义词


loiter 反义词

不及物动词 hasten hurry

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loiter 相关例句


1. We must not loiter or we will be late for school.

2. He loitered on his way.

loiter 网络解释

1. 闲荡:loiter away 消磨 | loiter 闲荡 | loll out 伸出

2. 徘回;閒蕩;消遙:loaf 遊手好閒;虛度光陰 | loiter 徘回;閒蕩;消遙 | loll 懒洋洋地靠在...;低垂;伸出

3. 最强五笔:DebugXP微软拼音 | loiter最强五笔 | xunshine智能ABC

4. loiter什么意思

4. 闲混:loincloth 束带 | loincloth 缠腰带 | loiter 闲混

loiter 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Amone the perfamed paths in the little garden, I loiter, alone.

2. He saw them loiter around the garden.

3. There are several young boys loiter ing around the building.

4. loiter的意思

4. To loiter means to stand around where you arenot wanted.

5. He had a circle of friends who would loiter around Tosche station in Anchorhead when not occupied by their chores.

6. loiter的翻译

6. The just hang around. They loiter.

7. Based on the morphing concept of telescopic wings, this paper chose a flight mission which is comprised of supersonic cruise and subsonic loiter. With aerodynamic coefficients calculated by Missile Datcom, the shapes of the fixed wing and telescopic wings were optimized through the hybrid optimization strategy coupling genetic algorithm with a pattern search method.
    基于一种伸缩弹翼改变巡航导弹外形的概念,提出超声速巡航与亚声速盘旋相结合的飞行任务,使用Missile Datcom作为气动计算的工具,分别对固定翼、两级伸缩翼和三级伸缩翼的外形参数进行了优化,使三种不同弹翼导弹完成相同飞行任务的燃料消耗分别最小,优化方法选取遗传算法与模式搜索法相结合的混合优化策略。

8. loiter的反义词

8. The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed, for there are no flashing signs to assault the eye, no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter.

9. It`s a big number, but it is impossible to know how many will loiter in your digestive system.

10. To Xiao Yan, loiter net became the one part of the life.

11. The scenery attracted her to loiter on the way.

12. People were born in the wide world, but more of the time, we just loiter around the small space, which is like a box with the height of three to four meters and width of several decades.

13. Return in the color again, lead long before horse hold hands to loiter dealer's stand that quarrels in the city, step a the street joke continuously smile is owed the body wish by common people, return to a palace, the waist depends on in the window way, the hopes noisy lights of that city, hearing a company the trip bell ring voice, distant place water grass in the lake connect a day......

14. Loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, lallygag, hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, lurk, mill about, mill around

15. Loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, lallygag, hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, lurk, mill about, mill around

16. Loiter, lounge, footle, lollygag, loaf, lallygag, hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, mill about, mill around同义词:ambush, scupper, bushwhack, waylay, ambuscade, lie in wait

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. Here is some money; go quickly, and don't loiter by the way.

18. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

18. But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.

19. loiter的解释

19. I picked a weekday mid-afternoon, assuming I could whizz in and loiter through.
      我挑选平日中旬下午,假设我可以 whizz 在游荡,并通过。

20. The extra fuel increases range, loiter time, and combat persistence as well as reduces the demand for tanker support.

loiter 词典解释

1. 闲逛;游荡;徘徊
    If you loiter somewhere, you remain there or walk up and down without any real purpose.

    e.g. Unemployed young men loiter at the entrance of the factory.

loiter 单语例句

1. Dogs and cats loiter in streets because of irresponsible people who drive them away for one reason or the other.


loiter 英英释义


1. be about

    e.g. The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
           Who is this man that is hanging around the department?

    Synonym: lounge footle lollygag loaf lallygag hang around mess about tarry linger lurk mill about mill around


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