loot [lu:t]  [lut] 


loot 基本解释

名词 抢劫; 掠夺物,战利品; (官吏的)赃物,非法收入; 外快

及物/不及物动词 抢劫,掠夺; (官吏)贪污


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loot 相关例句


1. loot的近义词

1. Following the explosions in the town centre, groups of robbers looted the shops.


2. The Japanese soldiers looted and massacred for three days in Nanjing.

3. The soldiers looted the town.


1. The thieves were caught with their loot by the police.

loot 网络解释

1. 掠夺:(二)当一群玩家正在攻打怪物时,不得未经询问就进行掠夺(Loot)战利品并占位己有. (三)公会杀怪得到的公共财物,如有人需要,则必须在公会版块定期的财务申请帖中回复,指明所申请的物品.

2. loot是什么意思

2. 抢劫:其中故事片类中,有肖恩-贝克执导的、描写纽约移民的<<百老汇王子>>;劳瑞-佩帝执导的<<扑克屋>>,是由影片主演之一的大卫-艾伦-格瑞尔的剧本拍摄而成;将在本次电影节上首映的<<抢劫>>(Loot),由德莱厄斯-玛尔德执导,

3. 掉落物品:3.掉落物品(LOOT)分配方式7.人物属性 主属性 劲力 (STR) 与攻击力相关灵敏 (AGI) 与命中相关悟性 (INT) 与回魔速度以及最大真元力相关真元 (MED) 与防御力相关

loot 双语例句

1. You need to steal at least 850 loot to cover the rent and other expenses.
    你到少要偷窃价值 850单位的财宝用以支付房租和其它费用。

2. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army.

3. In addition, we`ll be adding new types of useful loot.

4. loot的翻译

4. They captured and loot ed many famous cities, including Samarkand, tashkent, Bokhara and Herat

5. A body could come sneakin'in here at night, bury his loot, and cat-foot it out before anyone knew what was up.

6. Probably to them, overseas market, lest market of cost software loot is potential relatively easy, but fostering an user group later, how to turn smoothly to collect fees, perhaps receive fund with the means of the service, also be not easy as my eyes thing.

7. Congratulations to the Kil'jaeden kill and the legendary weapon. How was the nerdscream when Kil'jaeden was defeated and you saw the loot?

8. Congratulations to theKil'jaeden kill and the legendary weapon. How was the nerdscreamwhen Kil'jaeden was defeated and you saw the loot?

9. The old one chucked a tear bomb at the cops and then did a bunk with the loot.

10. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

10. Some nature time mobs can be herbed when they die if herbalism is high enough, and herb nodes sometimes give you a buff when you loot them (30health/5sec for 30 mins, 900 dmg shield, etc).

11. There is more theasure in books than in all the pirates'loot on Theasure Island and at the bottom of the Spanish ain, and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life.

12. The famous black out in new york city in 1977 cause a lot of crime and loot.

13. The lesson to date is that America, faced with nuclear blackmail, will bow down, dignify and fortify tyrants, fork over loot, and celebrate the process as a victory for diplomacy.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. No unit or individual may disseise, destroy, steal or loot any pipeline installations.
      第四条 管道设施是重要的基础设施,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵占、破坏、盗窃、哄抢。

15. If want to practice hero - the first category, to use market hero, choose 1 weapon skill hero, is the most appropriate, can reduce early precious soldiers, and battle damage to further hunting, get more EXP and loot, Although six, seven soldiers specialty hero late, but early game rather than skill is grade 1 of combat hero.

16. loot是什么意思

16. He is the stony-hearted expug, committed deep within him, despite all blandishments, to anarchy and loot

17. For example, we have a lot of dungeon-quality PvP loot you'll be able to get through the reputations, the different dungeon reputations, we also have, in the different raid tiers, for example, the Karazhan raid tier, the Tier 4 raiding gear, you'll be able to exchange those set item tokens for the Season One PvP gear.

18. According to the Public Security Bureau, every nook and cranny in town had been searched, but there was no trace of the loot.

19. Nothing like mixing in society, especially if it comes with good loot.

20. loot

20. There was a rift within the loot, as Albert Tennyson says.

loot 词典解释

1. (战争、暴乱等时)洗劫,劫掠(商店或民宅)
    If people loot shops or houses, they steal things from them, for example during a war or riot.

    e.g. The trouble began when gangs began breaking windows and looting shops...
    e.g. There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the general confusion to loot and steal.

In the country's largest cities there has been rioting and looting.

2. (战争、暴乱等时)掠夺,抢劫(财物)
    If someone loots things, they steal them, for example during a war or riot.

    e.g. The town has been plagued by armed thugs who have looted food supplies and terrorized the population.
    e.g. ...lists of looted material ranging from tanks to office fittings.

3. (盗抢而来的)贼赃,赃物
    Loot is stolen money or goods.

    e.g. Most criminals steal in order to sell their loot for cash on the black market.

loot 单语例句

1. Police confiscated enough loot to fill a supermarket when they busted the gang.

2. China didn't loot treasures from other countries or colonize others'land.

3. Glass breaks, paper flies - the loot's gone hours before the waste company even arrives.

4. But a few incidents of companions running away with expensive loot have taken the gloss off the innovative service.

5. Eventually they had a hole large enough to lower themselves into and then hauled out the loot.

6. The girls remained silent as the intruder grabbed more loot and then his eye fell on one of the girls who was trembling in fear.

7. Three suspects who made away with three valuable jade pieces spent just 40 hours with their loot before getting caught.

8. No mercy should be shown to criminals who intentionally take other people's lives, loot property and set fire to shops with a view to disrupting social order.

9. He said they were about to loot his building when he and 10 colleagues went out to reason with them.

10. Two burglars were arrested after they fell for a police sting they thought would earn them even more loot.

loot 英英释义


1. goods or money obtained illegally

    Synonym: booty pillage plunder prize swag dirty money

2. informal terms for money

    Synonym: boodle bread cabbage clams dinero dough gelt kale lettuce lolly lucre moolah pelf scratch shekels simoleons sugar wampum



1. steal goods
    take as spoils

    e.g. During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners

    Synonym: plunder despoil reave strip rifle ransack pillage foray

2. take illegally
    of intellectual property

    e.g. This writer plundered from famous authors

    Synonym: plunder


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