lope [ləʊp]  [loʊp] 


lope 基本解释

不及物动词 (尤指动物)轻跳着奔跑

名词 大步慢跑

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lope 网络解释

1. 大步慢跑:169.普通慢快跑:ordinary canter | 170.大步慢跑:lope | 171.反常跑步:counter canter; false lead

2. 使大步慢跑:loot 战利品 | lope 使大步慢跑 | lore 知识;全部传说

3. 慢跑:antelope 羚羊 | lope 慢跑 | ambush 伏击某人

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 建造房子:235.lopa房子 | 236.lope建造房子 | 237.lopy房子的

lope 双语例句

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. They lope like wolves into banks, snatch fistfuls of money and live large in the face of the Great Depression.

2. In the same night one cannot visit the morgue, the infirmary, the zoo, the signs of the zodiac, the limbos of philosophy, the caves of epistemology, the arcana of Freud and Stekel… On the merry go round one doesn't get anywhere, whereas with the Germans one can go from Vega to Lope de Vega, all in one night, and come away as foolish as Parsifal.

3. They say she believes that her son will come back and they have never given up lope.

4. What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishes to lope?

5. I lope you`ll join us.

6. lope

6. What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishesto lope?

7. There is lope for peace but the problem of development has not yet.


8. Don Lope de Aguirre: I am the wrath of God. Who else is with me?

9. Made love with Scarlett and Penélope simultaneously in an effort to keep them happy.

10. lope的近义词

10. Q7 xcrazystudy. com 记法 1: lope→polen.

11. Objective To understand the intervention effects of improved antimalarial drugs packaging treatment on malarial pa-tients. Methods The experimental group received medication in two separate blister packs, chloroquine and primaquine and each blister contained drug name, dose and packetwith instruction of use. The control group received medication in the normal paper enve-lope. Compliance of patients in both2groups was observed and cost of treatment in the two groups was compared.
      目的 了解抗疟药包装对疟疾病人治疗干预的效果方法实验区接受起泡包装的磷酸氯喹和磷酸伯喹单人份包装,在起泡包装背面标示药名和剂量,并配相应小盒,小盒正反面及二侧标有作用与用途、用法与剂量等;对照区接受普通纸包装或纸袋包装。

12. Methods The experimental group received medication in two separate blister packs, chloroquine and primaquine and each blister contained drug name, dose and packetwith instruction of use. The control group received medication in the normal paper enve-lope. Compliance of patients in both2groups was observed and cost of treatment in the two groups was compared.

13. Throw in some fried liverwurst while you're at it; I could gobble up the fifteen hundred plays of Lope de Vega in one sitting.

14. The sequence requ ires him to grab Penélope Cruz, tear off her clothes and ravish her in the be droom.

15. lope的近义词

15. The hot-melt adhesive tape for clothing was prepared using PA6, LDPE and EVA as materials of base sheet and nylon copolymer as material of adhesive layer.


16. Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider?

17. Milo sniffed in consternation twice, like a shaggy brown hare. The hares and rabbits lope away.

18. The hares and rabbits lope away.

19. The deer went off at an easy lope.

20. The deer went off at an easy lope. Lighthearted; gay.

lope 词典解释

1. (轻松而大步地)慢跑,缓跑
    If a person or animal lopes somewhere, they run in an easy and relaxed way, taking long steps.

    e.g. He was loping across the sand toward Nancy...
    e.g. Matty saw him go loping off, running low.

She turned and walked away with long, loping steps.

lope 英英释义


1. a smooth three-beat gait
    between a trot and a gallop

    Synonym: canter

2. a slow pace of running

    Synonym: jog trot


1. run easily


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