machination [ˌmæʃɪˈneɪʃn]  [ˌmækəˈneʃən, ˌmæʃ-] 

machination 基本解释

名词 阴谋,诡计

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machination 网络解释

1. 诡计:machinate 图谋 | machination 诡计 | machinator 阴谋家

2. 策划,阴谋:Gibber 急促不清楚地说话 | Machination 策划,阴谋 | Renunciation 放弃,否认,断念,出家

3. machination的翻译

3. 阴谋:macerate 浸软,消瘦 | machination 阴谋 | mackintosh 雨衣,防水胶布

4. 机修技工:熨烫工:Presser | 机修技工:Machination | 洗涤工:Washer

machination 双语例句

1. They are attempting to counter oenemy's machination.

2. machination

2. And why should we commit ourselves to something that ultimately is nothing other than the machination and construction of some mortal mind?

3. In addition to Wesker's machination, they also learned the source of the zombie breakout was due to the release of the T-Virus.
    除了 Wesker 的阴谋,他们还得知此次的生化危机是由于 T 病毒的泄露而引起的。

4. They got the punishment that they deserved when the machination is uncovered.

5. The British bourgeoisie, past masters of machination and manoeuvre, are a class which knows best when to compromise

6. The spy, a past master of machination and maneuver, was caught at last.

7. The exploit machination is in backward status in tourism research usually.

8. This is all a machination!

9. machination的反义词

9. The British bourgeoisie, past masters of machination and manoeuvre, are a class which knows best when to compromise.


10. To attempt to counter one's machination

11. machination

11. Comparing with the traditional construction way of lime-stable, it deduces the sieving processes of lime and grinding soil, and facilitates machination of construction.

machination 英英释义


1. a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends

    Synonym: intrigue


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