masquerade [ˌmæskəˈreɪd]  [ˌmæskəˈred] 


masquerade 基本解释


名词 伪装; 化装舞会; 掩饰

不及物动词 伪装; 假扮; 乔装; 冒充

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masquerade 网络解释

1. masquerade的反义词

1. 化妆舞会:但是也模糊了真实与拟像(simulacrum)之间的疆界,且扰乱约定俗成的观视(gaze)与欲望(desire)之间的性别对应关系(如男性(drag),面具,化妆舞会(masquerade)为其经常使用的行动

2. 化装舞会:EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第十八集:化装舞会(Masquerade)EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第十九集:雪人(Snowman)EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第二十集:神秘溶液(The Solution)EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第二十一集:约会(Rendezvous)

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 伪装:b.定义预设策略 (policy)事实上,除了 IP 伪装 (MASQUERADE) 之外,我们还可以直接指定修改 IP 封包表头的来源 IP 呢! 举例来说,如下面这个例子∶

4. 深入虎穴:在变形金刚第二季的<<深入虎穴>>(Masquerade)一集中,上演了经典的一幕. 汽车大师由威震天创造,并用魔力神球赋予了智慧和生命. 汽车大师是狂派中少有的光明磊落的角色. 同样作为重型卡车,和擎天柱一决高下是他的宿愿. 终于在<<深入虎穴>>这一集,

masquerade 双语例句

1. And we're lost in a masquerade!

2. masquerade

2. We're lost in a masquerade!

3. masquerade

3. If this is so, it would be interesting to seethe reaction Of intel to a similar masquerade:.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Do you want to go to the masquerade parties?

5. It is your fate to masquerade with lies.

6. masquerade

6. Actually, the masquerade is very popular in the world, especially in Italy.

7. The First Tradition: The Masquerade Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood.

8. The thought keep spinning in my head, Can we drop this masquerade?

9. It was at Rome, during the Carnival of 18 --, that I attended a masquerade in the palazzo of the Neapolitan Duke Di Broglio.

10. Chapter Three focuses on womanliness is a masquerade.

11. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

11. So, she was intensely annoyed when he dropped his masquerade and set out apparently upon a deliberate campaign to alienate Atlanta's good will.

12. It suggested that congenital hepatic fibrosis should be suspected in patients with symptoms or signs of portal hypertension; but could also masquerade in as recurrent fever without hematemesis.

13. masquerade什么意思

13. Everything in the story is possibly something else, a masquerade, a paradox.

14. masquerade的近义词

14. Everything changes for Ashley and Jake when they meet at a swank masquerade party, share a kiss, and miraculously swap their luck.

15. Idiopathic orbital inflammation may develop in a patient with underlying malignancy and masquerade as orbital cellulitis.

16. masquerade的翻译

16. Junkanoo became an organized event on Grand Bahama Island in 1970, with the advent of the Grand Bahama Masquerade Committee.

17. There is a false security and counterfeit peace which stems from the devil's masquerade of carnality.

18. A loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume.

19. A lse hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume.

20. masquerade什么意思

20. It is important to note that a fracture of the lateral process of the talus can masquerade as an ankle sprain and is frequently undetected on plain x – rays.
      重要的是要注意到,骨折侧进程中的距骨可以伪装成一个脚踝扭伤,并经常被发现在简单的X -射线。

masquerade 词典解释

1. 化装;伪装;冒充
    To masquerade as someone or something means to pretend to be that person or thing, particularly in order to deceive other people.

    e.g. He masqueraded as a doctor and fooled everyone.
    e.g. ...vices masquerading as virtues.

2. 虚假的行为;掩饰;欺骗
    A masquerade is an attempt to deceive people about the true nature or identity of something.


    e.g. He told a news conference that the elections would be a masquerade.

3. 化装晚会
    A masquerade is an event such as a party or dance where people dress up in disguise and wear masks.


    e.g. ...a masquerade ball.

masquerade 单语例句

1. Dance discreetly at the Vanguard " Nightmare of Christmas " Masquerade, where masks are a must.

2. If not for the swimsuit parades, then for the interview rounds that masquerade as Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speeches.

3. Modern Brazilian Carnival originated in Rio de Janeiro in 1641, when the city's bourgeoisie imported the practice of holding balls and masquerade parties from Paris.

masquerade 英英释义



1. making a false outward show

    e.g. a beggar's masquerade of wealth

2. a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party

    Synonym: fancy dress masquerade costume

3. a party of guests wearing costumes and masks

    Synonym: masquerade party masque mask


1. pretend to be someone or something that you are not

    e.g. he is masquerading as an expert on the internet
           This silly novel is masquerading as a serious historical treaty

2. take part in a masquerade


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