maven [ˈmeɪvn]  [ˈmevən] 

maven 基本解释



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maven 网络解释


1. 行家:引爆点(Tipping point)这本书说的很清楚,口碑营销的关键人是行家(maven)和热心肠(connector),而传播通道主要是弱关系.

2. maven的反义词

2. 专家,内行:310. mate: 伙伴. | 311. maven: 专家,内行. | 312. maverick: 想法与众不同的人.

3. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

3. 常用的:3.Maven常用的goal: | b.jar:将工程打包成一个Jar文件. | c.-P goal:列出goal下所有的子命令.

4. maven

4. 选项:i.eclipse:生成eclipse工程. | 4.Maven选项: | a.-P goal:列出所有goal下的子命令

maven 双语例句

1. maven的解释

1. One of the highlights of Maven 2 is transitive dependency management.
    Maven 2的一大亮点就是及物依赖管理。

2. Susan Roane, author of the book How to Work a Room...Stand in the periphery, do agreeable body language, smile, nod your head, and when someone looks your way you can step in. But here's the magic of the mingling maven - when you see someone in your periphery when you are in a group, step back.

3. If you are a Maven user, you might want to get started using the Maven Archetype.

4. maven是什么意思

4. What is it that makes Maven an attractive option for today's enterprises?


5. At the end of this article you will be able to build J2EE project artifacts using Maven.


6. It might open the door for cooperation with other projects, such as Ant or Maven.?

7. maven

7. How can Maven benefit my development process?

8. If you have just installed Maven, it may take a while on the first run.

9. We uze iz pack from maven.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. You might callit cross-project pollination or the sharing of project developmentknowledge; this is what Maven attempts to encourage.

11. In the words of Jason van Zyl, an important contributor to the Maven source code base, the intent of Maven is to make intra-project development highly manageable in the hopes of providing more time for cross-project development.
      用Jason van Zyl(Maven源代码的重要贡献者)的话说,Maven的目的就是使项目内部开发变得高度可控,进一步的目标是能为跨项目的开发节余更多的时间。

12. In the words of Jason van Zyl, an important contributor to theMaven source code base, the intent of Maven is to makeintra-project development highly manageable in the hopes ofproviding more time for cross-project development.
      用Jason vanZyl(Maven源代码的重要贡献者)的话说,Maven的目的就是使项目内部开发变得高度可控,进一步的目标是能为跨项目的开发节余更多的时间。

13. maven在线翻译

13. With that in mind, pop culture and counterculture maven R. U.

14. There are two convenience scripts from the Windows and Linux/UNIX platforms that would install Jester (that is, the actual jester-1.37.jar file) into Maven's local repository.

15. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

15. This directory contains the version number directory (the latest release is V0.3); within that directory is the actual maven-grester-plugin-x. x. jar file.

16. Others extend Rake, such as Raven, which supports external repository ala Maven.

17. It provides support for Maven and Ant integration, and seamlessly supports Spring integration.

18. Maven: This is the software project build system used in the Apache Jackrabbit implementation.

19. Maven: The Apache Maven project provides a build system that incorporates many best practices, including JUnit.

20. Pom. xml & This is a standard Maven project configuration.

maven 单语例句

1. His inauguration ceremony was attended by several hundred people, including fashion maven Fred Hayman.

maven 英英释义


1. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

    Synonym: ace adept champion sensation mavin virtuoso genius hotshot star superstar whiz whizz wizard wiz


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