meager ['mi:gə]  [ˈmiɡɚ] 

meager 基本解释

形容词 贫乏的; 瘦的; 粗劣的; 不足的

meager 同义词


meager 反义词


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meager 相关例句


1. He could not support his family on his meager salary.

meager 网络解释

1. 缺乏的、不足的:redundant 多余的 | meager 缺乏的、不足的 | eager 渴望

2. 兆:meadowy 牧草地的 | meager 兆 | meagerly 瘦地

3. 清瘦的:meadow 草地 | meager 清瘦的 | meal 膳食

4. 缺乏的,不足的:amplifier 放大器 | meager 缺乏的,不足的 | eager 渴望

meager 双语例句

1. Each vant had a meager memory, and could communicate locally.

2. This is why artists scrape together a meager living for an average of seven years before being noticed.

3. If you calculate the ratio of rewards to spending, it`s meager.

4. meager的意思

4. I know I constitute only a meager voice and mind.

5. To a meager degree or in a meager manner.

6. This is the city's dusty underbelly, an unplanned settlement where people try to make a meager living selling home made breads and chapattis from their door step.

7. Clarence Vail, who is 101, comes from White Bear Lake, Minnesota. He had celebrated their 83-year wedding anniversary with his 99-year wife, Mayme. They create a new world record by their 83-year loyalty, and become the world's longest -married couple who still alive. It's said that, the Vails give one's meager resources to help another in time of need.

8. Little do they know the city's wealth has long been corrupt officials and the small rich miser who is taking your money, prostitute meager income, but only a tiny fraction of their hands; no matter how dry can not escape from poverty, fitters or go home to the Gansha Gansha go, playing what is not fake handle and a spout know?

9. meager什么意思

9. Taxi drivers said they were protesting against rising fees which theyre barely able to meet with their meager incomes.

10. They have lost 5 of 6, hitting a meager.195 across those games.

11. He still cleaved to pla in liv in g—nay, wild and meager liv in g in many respects and brotherl in ess with clowns

12. But the life that was in me demanded more than a meager existence of scraping and scrimping.

13. The technology for preparing foundry formed coke (by using meager and lean coal mixed with coke powder as raw materials and modified residue of tar washing oil as the binder) was studied.

14. meager的意思

14. It is simply disproportional and so meager that it is pitiful!

15. I can't say working for a meager $ 50 a month is very pleasant.
      我不能说为每月50 元的菲薄工资而工作是非常愉快的事。

16. 好好学单词·英语单词

16. After that, the secular wave of leverage would be enough to multiply their meager equity many times over and carry them to a beach where a fortune awaited them much like a pirate`s buried treasure.

17. Immacule Maxime, a 50-year-old street hawker in Port-au-Prince who made a meager living selling fried snacks and used clothes, says she lost her entire inventory-$40 of ingredients and $80 worth of clothing-and has little hope of replacing them.

18. On the basis of the meager signs seen of the enemy in the days which preceded the main battle, and because of the manner in which the storming occurred in one great thunderclap of action, the higher commanders of the troops which were immediately engaged reached certain tentative conclusions as to how CCF had been disposed and how their counterdeployment had managed to achieve such crippling effects.

19. meager的意思

19. His addiction for alcohol is a draft on his meager income.

20. But, In the face of all that is transpiring, I realize how meager my knowledge is.

meager 单语例句

1. But for a man from Queens with meager means and a few friends, living in camper just made sense.

2. If the current social security coverage remains too meager to meet the public's needs, most people will rather save more money in banks than careless spending.

3. The agency is trying to relocate the Darfur refugee camps further east from the border to ease the strain on Chad's meager natural resources.

4. The report also said the meager compensations and unsatisfactory resettlement conditions common in land transfers are farmers'two primary points of discontent.

5. The consultancy predicted luxury sales on the Chinese mainland to grow a meager 7 percent this year.

6. Most of the companies are either contracted manufacturers for international brands or they struggle with meager sales in developing markets.

7. It predicts a meager profit rise in the fourth quarter, due to cost control and a reconstruction of Gome's online business.

8. The murky water suggests that Darwin's law was in action as a meager pair of fish swam lazily around a solitary turtle.

9. He lived in a crowded dormitory, received a meager wage and had trouble understanding the accents of his colleagues and students.

10. Hefty franchise fees levied by taxi companies have left many drivers struggling with meager earnings, according to the cabbies.

meager 英英释义



1. deficient in amount or quality or extent

    e.g. meager resources
           meager fare

    Synonym: meagre meagerly stingy scrimpy


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