millipede [ˈmɪlɪpi:d]  [ˈmɪləˌpid] 


millipede 基本解释

名词 马陆,千足虫

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millipede 网络解释

1. 杀虫大战:名称:杀虫大战 (Millipede) 简体中文版[FC游戏]点下面下载: 杀虫大战 (Millipede) 简体中文 [258]

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. 马陆:[出处]<<中华本草>>我看像马陆,如果是的话请往下看: 马陆(millipede),也叫千足虫. 马陆隶属节肢动物门多足纲倍足亚纲. 国内各地均有发生,除草坪外受害植物还包括仙客来、瓜叶菊、洋兰、铁线蕨、海棠、吊钟海棠、文竹等一些花卉植物.

3. 迷你昆虫:169 ARABIAN 辛巴达 | 170 MILLIPEDE 迷你昆虫 | 171 FIVE CHESS 五子棋

millipede 双语例句

1. millipede的意思

1. So it may have resembled a centipede or millipede, or a worm with legs.

2. millipede

2. It was my first time seeing such a huge millipede!

3. millipede的反义词

3. However, for the micro-sized crew, a millipede is of great danger due to its deadly fluid.

4. millipede的反义词

4. This is a Millipede, but it`s a giant!

5. 好好学单词·英语单词

5. I find a millipede insect and rub it over my body.

6. When I find a millipede insect, I rub it over my body.

7. And there wasn't just one millipede found - there was a plague of them!

8. millipede

8. With the results of this'Millipede Mayhem'experiment, Dr Baker hopes to learn more about the effect they are having on our natural ecosystems and how best to control them.

9. You think having a wormy millipede stretch its bazillion legs across your upper lip is creepy and beyond disgusting?

10. Any of several arthropods, such as the centipede or millipede, having segmented bodies, one pair of antennae, and at least nine pairs of legs.

11. millipede在线翻译

11. Any of several arthropod s, such as the centipede or millipede, having segmented bodies, one pair of antennae, and at least nine pairs of legs.

12. Any of several arthropods, such as the centipede or millipede, having segmented bodies, one pair of antennae, and at least nine pair s of legs.

13. Dr Baker has carried out numerous studies of the black Portuguese millipede, looking at topics such as patterns in their activity, their life cycle and whether they have any natural predators, either here or in Portugal.

14. In perplexity and helplessness, I wondered about everywhere. A kind millipede invited me to travel in his train, but I had no idea where the termination was.

15. Exhibiting its main defense mechanism, a millipede curls into a tight spiral.

16. millipede是什么意思

16. Photo Camp: Santa Monica BioBlitz. Photo Camp student Zury Benitez captured this image of a millipede on a piece of wood at the 2008 Santa Monica Mountains Bioblitz.
      意译:露营图片日记:照片露营学生Zury贝尼特斯抓获这个照片一条百足虫在一块木头上在2008年桑塔莫尼卡山脉Bioblitz 。

17. millipede的翻译

17. Photo Camp student Zury Benitez captured this image of a millipede on a piece of wood at the 2008 Santa Monica Mountains Bioblitz.
      意译:露营图片日记:照片露营学生Zury贝尼特斯抓获这个照片一条百足虫在一块木头上在2008年桑塔莫尼卡山脉Bioblitz 。

18. Normally, a millipede looks like a harmless creature to humans.

19. millipede

19. Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of millipede.

20. millipede

20. A fern thought to resemble a millipede.

millipede 词典解释

1. 千足虫;马陆
    A millipede is a small creature with a long narrow body and a lot of legs.

millipede 英英释义



1. any of numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods having a cylindrical body of 20 to 100 or more segments most with two pairs of legs

    Synonym: millepede milliped


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