misread [ˌmɪs'ri:d]  [ˌmɪs'ri:d] 


misread 基本解释

及物动词 读错,念错,对…判断错误

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misread 相关例句


1. He misread the date on the letter; it was December 17th, not 18th.


2. The general misread the enemy's intentions.

misread 网络解释

1. 错读:mishandle 胡乱操作、误操纵 | misread 错读 | misreading 误读、错读

2. 读错:misquote 错误地引用 | misread 读错 | misremember 记错

3. 读错;误解:Δfrown 皱眉;蹙额vi. | Δmisread 读错;误解vi. | facial 面部的adj.

misread 双语例句

1. Such a snapshot should not be misread: Germans are not about to ditch democracy.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Investment bank Liberum Capital reckons BHP gravely misread from the outset the complexity of the anti-trust issue.
    投资银行Liberum Capital认为,必和必拓从一开始就严重误判了反垄断问题的复杂性。

3. It is possible that I apos ve misread the situation and that you are the sly sneak you fear your colleague is much better than you think, he deserves to be paid more and you looked at his payslip on purpose.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. As for my last reply, I admit I indeed misread your message. I did not notice the subject of the sentence. Sorry.

5. misread的意思

5. It is possible that I ve misread the situation and that you are the sly sneak you fear your colleague is much better than you think, he deserves to be paid more and you looked at his payslip on purpose.

6. It is possible that I've misread the situation and that you are the sly sneak you fear your colleague is much better than you think, he deserves to be paid more and you looked at his payslip on purpose. blog. hjenglish. com

7. The pharmaceutist double check to make sure she didn't misread the prescription.

8. The pharmaceutist double check to make sure she didn't misread the pre script ion.

9. misread的意思

9. Through all the blunders and misread signals...

10. misread在线翻译

10. Or maybe the happy ending is this:knowing that all the unreturned phone calls and broken hearts through all the blunders and misread signals, through all of the pain and embarrassment, you never, ever gave up hope.

11. Maybe the happy ending is just... moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this: Knowing that through all the inreturned phone calls and broken heart... through all the blinders and misread signals... through all of the pain and embarrassment... you never, ever gave up hope.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this:Knowning that through all the inreturned phone calls and broken hearts. Throgh all the blinders and misread signals. Through all of the pain and embarrassment..

13. misread的翻译

13. Misread as a vague expression of pan-Asian sentiment, this is in essence a possible plan of action.

14. misread的意思

14. Then on this basis, it questions the mainstream discourse on this topic in the academia, and opens out that most people have misread the ancient literature.

15. There is a danger that higher headline inflation will be misread, even as rising energy costs sap demand.

16. It should be on fire at this point. If not, tell her you must have misread her clues.

17. Otherwise, it's too easy to mistake a subroutine call for a control structure, or misread the initial part of an array element as an independent scalar variable.

18. misread的翻译

18. The chapter 2 points out the misread of the the Dian by the jurist in civil law of Japan, and the absence of provision on the Dian in The Code of Civil Law and the distortion of the Dian in judgement which is caused by the misread of the Dian. Then the second chater narrates the background of the result.

19. misread是什么意思

19. I misread the b flat note on the sheet.

20. misread的意思

20. To regard that upward slope as signaling a bounceback, however, is to misread the forward curve.

misread 词典解释

The form misread is used in the present tense, and is the past tense and past participle, when it is pronounced /ˌmɪs'red/. misread 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同,但读作 /ˌmɪs'red/。

1. 误解;误会
    If you misread a situation or someone's behaviour, you do not understand it properly.

    e.g. The government largely misread the mood of the electorate...
    e.g. Mothers may also misread signals and think the baby is crying because he is hungry.

...a misreading of opinion in France.

2. 看错;读错
    If you misread something that has been written or printed, you look at it and think that it says something that it does not say.


    e.g. His chauffeur misread his route and took a wrong turning.

misread 单语例句

1. Retail analysts say that foreign producers have largely misread the buying habits of urban consumers, leading to the incorrect positioning of their products.

2. Now airports and airlines are saying customers have misread the directive and their extreme action has affected the timely issuance of detailed compensation rules.

3. Ho Chih Minh's drive for national unification was misread as the expansion of communism in Southeast Asia.

4. If some foreign companies misread the measures to fight corruption, there is little the government can do.

5. Some foreign observers had thus misread the case as an unfair tactic for negotiation or a sort of discrimination against foreign businesses.

6. The Japanese Government's permission for Lee's visit will easily be misread as a signal that Tokyo pampers and supports the Taiwan independence forces.

7. Marquez apparently misread the district handbook and ordered a lockdown designed for nuclear attacks.

8. Chow misread the patient's laboratory report and told her she was not pregnant.

9. Many have misread it as a sign that the authority has given the green light to the US duo.

10. First, there are areas in which some Americans misread ancient China in important ways.

misread 英英释义


1. interpret wrongly

    e.g. I misread Hamlet all my life!

    Synonym: misinterpret

2. read or interpret wrongly

    e.g. He misread the data


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