misunderstanding [ˌmɪsʌndəˈstændɪŋ]  [ˌmɪsʌndərˈstændɪŋ] 


misunderstanding 基本解释

名词 误解; 误会; 不和

动词 “misunderstand”的现在分词

misunderstanding 同义词

misunderstanding 反义词


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misunderstanding 相关例句


1. Her poor French often lead to misunderstandings when she visits France.

misunderstanding 网络解释

1. 误会:也就是沟通双方避免与对方碰面,或是碰面时避免触及困扰性的主题;另一类的沟通问题即为沟通不良,指说话者本意与听话者的诠释产生错置(mismatch),而此类的错置即为误会(misunderstanding)或片面性了解(in

2. 误会,误解:misunderstanding 误会,误解 | mitten 连指手套;露指手套 | mix 使混合,混淆

3. 最近最让你伤心的事是什么:8、现在最想做的事: Try to be high/happy | 9、最近最让你伤心的事是什么: Misunderstanding | 10、最近最让你开心的事是什么: I can see my son is making progress everyday.

misunderstanding 双语例句

1. I would like to direct my mind that the feelings and all of the termination of all Misunderstanding.

2. The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding.

3. misunderstanding的翻译

3. This part tries to explore several key issues in Ideological and Political Dialogue Teaching from three aspects; i.'e.; creating dialogue environment; role play of dialogist; design of topics and choice of content. It also points out several misunderstanding and alienation phenomenon that should be avoided when applying Ideological and Political Dialogue Teaching.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Because of the misunderstanding the nature of administrative permission, the subject of civil right is laid in the subordinate status intentionally or unintentionally, which is worthless to ensure the subject's civil right effectively, and to restrict the expanding power of the administrative subject and the ab...

5. In fact, there are a lot of misunderstanding between us, and we are keen to get each other's understanding and forgiveness.

6. misunderstanding

6. In chapter 6, it highlights the fallowings: the name of the Maritime Injunction and the system of the Maritime Procedure Law, because the name of the law terms should embody its legal property; the definition of the Maritime Claims. Misunderstanding may arise without a clear definition; the content and reasons of the application to court, because they are quite general, so we can refer to the Mareva Injunction on this point; the time and ways in the application of the Maritime Injunction. There is no specific stipulation in it, we can refer to Mareva Injunction, too; whether it is possible to grant a Maritime Injunction to a third person, the answer is yes. The inexecution of the Maritime Injunction, what to do if the purpose cant be realized through the punishment; the exterritorial effectiveness of the Maritime Injunction.

7. Many of Giles`misunderstanding and mistranslation of the original text originate from the method of literal translation.

8. I am glad to get this misunderstanding sorted out.

9. Literature of the network's business model, the community has more than a misunderstanding.

10. On the other hand, Terry's parents and Guobin's parents had a misunderstanding while on their way to fetch their children home from school.

11. There is a fatal misunderstanding of traditional concept of public education supply: the negligence of the difference between service providing and service production. It is further mistakenly believed that if the government gives up the function of service producer, it naturally gives up the role of service provider.

12. Both of them would lead the people to a misunderstanding of the true nature of those changes due to their one|sidedness. This paper provides a preliminary description of and some comments on those two approaches, as well as an outline of a new approach which is expected to synthesize t...

13. misunderstanding

13. Nowadays, there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children, which is so-called generation gap.

14. Any misunderstanding and misinterpretation could cause a lot of unnecessary debates and arguments.

15. misunderstanding

15. The misunderstanding of the principle of discretion leads to that, the limitation of the litigant`right of disposition is expanded.

16. The overhead cost of all the translation, plus the risk of misunderstanding, is just too high.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. If such differences do not let it be improved and expanded, between two generations of people who will be in a wide invisible wall, then easily lead to misunderstanding.

18. If this kind of difference does not perform to improve lets it expand, between two generation of people will then form an invisible wall, the misunderstanding then easy to produce.

19. Don`t beat the dead horse. We cleared up that misunderstanding long ago.

20. The second part discussed the misunderstanding in the development of the theory of these thoughts.

misunderstanding 词典解释

1. 误解;误会
    A misunderstanding is a failure to understand something properly, for example a situation or a person's remarks.

    e.g. There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims...
    e.g. Tell your midwife what you want so she can make a note of it and avoid misunderstandings.

2. 分歧;不和;争执
    You can refer to a disagreement or slight quarrel as a misunderstanding .

    e.g. ...a little misunderstanding with the police.
    e.g. ...a misunderstanding between friends.

misunderstanding 单语例句

1. Officials insisted Wednesday night it was still too early to tell whether the incident was an attempted act of terrorism or a giant misunderstanding.

2. There is a misunderstanding that the central bank no longer regulates the business of commercial banks after the CBRC was set up.

3. The CPC central committee knows only too well just how important transparency and effective communication are to still misunderstanding and build credibility with the public.

4. This will certainly be conducive to avoiding confusion and misunderstanding and will make things easier for foreigners who come and stay legally.

5. Another obstacle in curbing child abuse in Hong Kong is parents'misunderstanding on child protection.

6. The ministry said it wants the EU to present correct data to the public in order to clear up the misunderstanding and avoid trade conflicts.

7. " Rumors and misunderstanding set the world stock market on a roller coaster ride, " Wen told reporters after the National People's Congress closed its annual session.

8. While children continue to come up against widespread misunderstanding of their condition, scientists are trying to figure out the genetic cause of the disease.

9. It is a common misunderstanding that volunteers can and will answer all questions.

10. Shao said the major lines and the body structure of the two logos were " obviously " different and would not cause confusion and misunderstanding among buyers.

misunderstanding 英英释义



1. an understanding of something that is not correct

    e.g. he wasn't going to admit his mistake
           make no mistake about his intentions
           there must be some misunderstanding--I don't have a sister

    Synonym: mistake misapprehension

2. putting the wrong interpretation on

    e.g. his misinterpretation of the question caused his error
           there was no mistaking her meaning

    Synonym: misinterpretation mistaking


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