moan [məʊn]  [moʊn] 


moan 基本解释

及物动词 抱怨; 悲叹; 以呻吟声说出; 哀悼

名词 呻吟声; 悲叹声; (尤指风的)呼啸声

不及物动词 呻吟; 抱怨; 悲叹; 发出呻吟般的凄切声

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moan 相关例句


1. He is always moaning about how tired he is.

2. moan

2. Stop moaning; you really have nothing to complain about.

3. The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep.



1. He always has some moan or another.

2. His constant moan is that no one understands him.

moan 网络解释

1. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

1. 呻吟:怎么,她今天竟面带愁容,呻吟 (moan) 不已呢?仔细一问方才得知. joan 遇到强盗,借来 (loa n) 的钱连同父亲买给的上衣 (coat) 都被掠走了. 没有办法,joab 逃到船 (boat) 上. 适才见到了 joab 才投奔而来.


2. 呻吟声:10. humdrum 平淡的,单调的 | 11. moan 呻吟声 | moan about 发牢骚

3. moan的反义词

3. (呜咽):/massage (按摩) | /moan (呜咽) | /mock (嘲笑)

4. 你輕聲的呻吟著:mglint 你的眼中闪动着淘气顽皮的光芒. | moan 你轻声的呻吟着. | mutter 你喃喃自语.

5. moan:mark offline analysis; 重建和分析程序

moan 双语例句

1. David Crystal编的The Cambri dge Encyclopedia of L anguage(1987:74)对有关问题的解释是:Three cases are usual y recognized, involving t he repetition of initial consonants(alliteration, as i n f i ne, f rien d), vowels(assonance, as i n roll/moan), and final syl ables(rhy me, e. g. gladness, m adness).
    和friend;(2)重复元音(协音,如rol和moan);(3)重复词末的音节(尾韵,如gladness,madness)。英语头韵的种类 1。

2. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

2. And the boss may well approve of the moan: he will take it to be a sign of hunger, and hunger is good.

3. moan在线翻译

3. Under absolute calm, I fiercely execute the killing, and make the rebel army disorder with big moan.

4. I would prefer to moan quietly suffering, but also do not want to end this love.

5. I learned to choke my moan, hold it back like a sneeze.

6. moan

6. I used to moan at Jason for not taking advantage of the public transport systems in Taiwan, but it was only until I arrived here, did I realise that it can be a very big deal for an expat, even if you have no language barrier!

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. And alas, I so desired her that now I moan and cry half mad with grief.

8. moan

8. It was her sound of moan.

9. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

9. Everyone thought it was a moan.

10. Stiff and dead. We made him bury it which made him moan unhapply.


11. It was a moan of remorse, a cry of grief. He spoke slowly, a word at a time. Though I was in love with her, I'd seen too many beautiful and appealing girls in my 3-D animation. I thought the future was there for the taking. I had my own world!

12. moan的反义词

12. And so I did, moving her back and forth, thrusting into her hard, fast, deep; and she loved it, it made her moan, made her moans grow to gasps, her gasps to cries, her cries to yells....

13. Lest the wise world should look into your moan, And mock you with me after I am gone.

14. All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan.

15. moan的近义词

15. The boy got up with a moan and held the dog tight in his arms.

16. The characters in this movie should be arrested for loitering with intent to moan.

17. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

17. I moan along with the rest about England but at this moment in time I think how lucky I am to be here and not there.

18. moan的反义词

18. He sat and moan ed and groan ed.

19. Allow yourself to be angry by writing down all the words that come to mind when an event occurs; let the tears come when something touches your heart; allow youself to moan with pleasre when you bite into a ripe strawberry; listen to the end of you favorite song on the car radio even if you are already late.

20. With my sister, it wasn`t the postman who was the problem, but the caretaker of her block of flats: All he ever does is moan and complain; he talks at me rather than to me, never listens to a word I say, and yet for some reason I`m always really nice to him.

moan 词典解释

1. 呻吟;呜咽
    If you moan, you make a low sound, usually because you are unhappy or in pain.


    e.g. Tony moaned in his sleep and then turned over on his side...
    e.g. 'My head, my head,' he moaned. 'I can't see.'

2. 抱怨;发牢骚
    To moan means to complain or speak in a way which shows that you are very unhappy.

    e.g. I used to moan if I didn't get at least six hours' sleep at night.
    e.g. ...moaning about the weather...

3. 抱怨
    A moan is a complaint.

    e.g. They have been listening to people's gripes, moans and praise.

4. 抱怨;发牢骚
    If you have a moan, you complain about something.

    e.g. You can go see him and have a good old moan.

5. 低沉的声音
    A moan is a low noise.

    e.g. ...the occasional moan of the wind round the corners of the house.
    e.g. ...the moan of distant traffic.

moan 单语例句

1. She said she was doing requested abdominal work on Gore when he started to moan and demanded she go lower.

2. Justin's new film Black Snake Moan premiered at Sundance earlier in the week while Jessica finished with boyfriend Derek Jeter last week.

3. They moan about hours spent sitting in traffic jams in taxis, moving less than a kilometer an hour.

moan 英英释义


1. an utterance expressing pain or disapproval

    Synonym: groan


1. indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure

    e.g. The students groaned when the professor got out the exam booklets
           The ancient door soughed when opened

    Synonym: groan


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