mock [mɒk]  [mɑ:k] 


mock 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 愚弄,嘲弄

及物动词 使受挫折; 不尊重,蔑视

形容词 模拟的; 仿制的; 虚假的; 不诚实的

名词 (英国)模拟考试


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mock 相关例句


1. Our team mocked the visitors' attempt to score.

2. He made the boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke.

3. He went to church only to mock.


1. They mocked at my timidity.


1. His bullying made a mock of all the fine things he said about kindness to others.

mock 网络解释


1. 嘲笑:公鸡(cock)穿着短袜(sock)走,嘲笑(mock)岩石(rock)锁(lock)码头(dock)农场(farm)坚硬(firm)公司(firm),来自(from)泡沫(foam)形式(form). 花费(cost)你(u)我(me)的钱去买服饰一次(an)名词(noun)测试(ce)的通知飞离(谐音)一只跳蚤(flea)飞离了-逃脱

2. 模拟:用 SWT 和 Swing 通常很难访问 GUI 组件并模拟(mock)这些组件. 针对 Presentation Model 运行所有测试,因为 Presentation Model 包含有条件的逻辑和一个储存随执行而更改的状态的空间.

3. (企)领:mini marker 小唛架(可用来估算用料) | mock (企)领 | mock buttonhole,decoration buttonhole 假扣眼,[粤]假钮门

mock 双语例句

1. Methods The effects of increased ICP on flow velo city, diameter of the c erebral bridging veins and pulsatility index were measured by using colo u r Doppler ultrasound in 7 Damsh landrace pigs. ICP was increased stepwise from ba seline (about 1.3kPa) to 2.7kPa and 4.0kPa by infusion of mock CSF into the cisterna magna.

2. A full scale mock up of the Anglo-French supersonic passenger jet is prepared in Filton, England, for presentation to customer airlines.

3. mock的反义词

3. A full scale mock upof the Anglo-French supersonic passenger jet is prepared in Filton, England, for presentation to customer airlines.

4. A mock-up of the Orion space capsule is loaded into a hangar at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. In late 2008, the full-size structural model will be jettisoned off a simulated launch pad to test the spacecraft's astronaut escape system, which will ensure a safe, reliable method of escape for astronauts in case of an emergency.

5. mock

5. In addition, we introduce some redshift survey observations and how to construct mock galaxy redshift surveys with the same selection criterias as in the redshift surveys.

6. mock的翻译

6. It decks me only to mock me, this jewelled chain of mine.

7. XI It decks me only to mock me, this jewelled chain of mine.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. I nodded in mock agreement, but he might as well have been speaking Swahili.

9. mock

9. For solve these problems, we first do end-to-end communications and transmission of a mock demonstration of the process.

10. After the test has finished, jMock will verify that the mock Subscriber was called as expected.

11. I'm sorry, your holiday is bad 2、Yesterday she overslept that she didn't catch the early bus 3、In my opinion, you never because small and not learn something 4、Liu xiang is love sports, he is a genius 5、Zhu bluestone mouth suitable candidate, because his spoken English is unique 6、He is in a 70-year history of the competition on the first Chinese pianist in the award 7、He majored in three gorges university, Japanese and French 8、Today's newspapers without what's new 9、My dad on study are very strict to me 10、Because she failed the exam, so she mock henceforth seriously study
      我很抱歉,你的假日过的不好 2。昨天她睡过了头,以至于她没赶上早班车 3。在我看来,你永远不会因为小而不能学东西 4。刘翔很爱运动,他是一个天才运动员 5。朱青石嘴合适的人选,因为他的英语口语是独一无二的 6。他也是在有着70年历史的这项大赛上第一个获此奖项的中国钢琴家 7。他在三峡大学主修日语和法语 8。今天的报纸上没有什么新鲜事 9。我爸爸在学习上对我要求很严 10。因为她考试不及格,所以从今以后她比武认真对待学习

12. mock的翻译

12. This is the mock examination papers examination is a good beginners learning...

13. This is the mock examination papers examination is a good beginners learning materials.

14. These roles should be reinforced during regular training exercises, such as a mock code, quarterly or biannually.

15. The mock marcroscopical habit plane of ferrous martensites with the PTMC indeterminate equations is a beginning plane of transformation basic-units in which the plastic coordination between basic-unit and austenite composes various macroscopical habit planes of martensites.

16. A good mock court, as well as choosing the right cases, is half done.

17. mock的意思

17. I was about 23 years old and being able to see my first 1:1 scale drawing come into life as a wooden mock-up was a very strong emotion.

18. Despite her mock amazement, there really are enough coincidences surrounding the film to give Ms. Rosenthal pause: control, after all, is the hallmark of the stop-motion animator.

19. And surely not bad men, whether cowards or any others, who do the reverse of what we have just been prescribing, who scold or mock or revile one another in drink or out of in drink, or who in any other manner sin against themselves and their neighbours in word or deed, as the manner of such is.

20. Here is the test without the definition of the Mock Object
      以下是没有定义过 Mock 对象的测试代码

mock 词典解释

1. 嘲笑;嘲弄;(模仿)取笑
    If someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you, or by imitating your behaviour.

    e.g. I thought you were mocking me...
    e.g. I distinctly remember mocking the idea...

2. 假的;仿制的;假装的
    You use mock to describe something which is not real or genuine, but which is intended to be very similar to the real thing.

    e.g. 'It's tragic!' swoons Jeffrey in mock horror...
    e.g. One of them was subjected to a mock execution.

3. 模拟考试
    Mocks are practice exams that you take as part of your preparation for real exams.


    e.g. She went from a D in her mocks to a B in the real thing.

mock 单语例句

1. CCTV showed astronauts in training being spun blindfolded in a mock space capsule and doing somersaults in simulated weightlessness.

2. Religious leaders have condemned the mock crucifixion as an act of hostility toward the Roman Catholic Church and as a publicity stunt in bad taste.

3. Both have revealed information in CIA interrogations that reportedly involve forced nudity, stress positions and mock drowning known as waterboarding.

4. When he cracked during the climactic final line of " Reason to Believe, " Stewart laughed with mock embarrassment.

5. A Florida high school criminology class discovered a real body during a mock crime scene investigation at Fort Lauderdale's Holiday Park.

6. He cursed the bad shots or took mock swings in anger - sometimes doing both.

7. Mousavi added that mock aerial strikes were also carried out on some vessels, followed by a test of firing systems and tactics to confront such attacks.

8. My parents later told me the kids at his kindergarten often mock my son by saying his dad didn't want him anymore.

9. Detector dogs sniffed out mock explosives and officers carried out systematic hand searches.

10. McGrady put his arms out to his sides in mock disbelief as he trotted down the court.

mock 英英释义


1. the act of mocking or ridiculing

    e.g. they made a mock of him



1. treat with contempt

    e.g. The new constitution mocks all democratic principles

    Synonym: bemock

2. imitate with mockery and derision

    e.g. The children mocked their handicapped classmate


1. constituting a copy or imitation of something

    e.g. boys in mock battle


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