monomania [ˌmɒnəˈmeɪniə]  [ˈmɑ:nəˈmeɪniə]

monomania 基本解释

名词 单狂,偏狂


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monomania 网络解释

1. 偏狂:monologue 独白 | monomania 偏狂 | monomphalus 脐部联胎

2. monomania的翻译

2. 热狂:monologuist 独白者 | monomania 热狂 | monomaniacal 偏执狂者

monomania 双语例句

1. Audley, and do you select me as the victim of your monomania?

2. monomania是什么意思

2. It is no fault of mine if my husband's nephew goes mad, and chooses me for the victim of his monomania.

3. monomania

3. He might have had a monomania on the subject of his departed idol; but on every other point his wits were as sound as mine.

4. He looks at a common event with a vision that is diseased, and he distorts it into a gloomy horror engendered of his own monomania.

5. monomania在线翻译

5. But if they avoid all contact with others for too long a period, they fall into fresh danger of monomania, hallucination, or illusory progress.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The western world was indeed black with homicidal monomania.

7. " It is the sort of malady which we call monomania, " said the doctor.

8. monomania什么意思

8. In " Moby Dick, " Captain Ahab's pursuit of the whale whale is an example of monomania.

9. Monomania is a prerequisite of success.

10. monomania

10. He carried the others off their feet. " It is the sort of malady which we call monomania, " said the doctor.

11. monomania是什么意思

11. But the monomania of gamers here has also led to concerns about addiction and the potential harm caused by spending too much time playing games. Occasionally, news articles report on a gamer's dying of exhaustion in a PC bang after playing for days without rest.

12. He carried the others off their feet. " It is the sort of malady which we call monomania," said the doctor.

13. " It is the sort of malady which we call monomania," said the doctor.

14. In " Moby Dick," Captain Ahab's pursuit of the whale whale is an example of monomania.

15. Once Agassi has convinced himself of the optimal solution to a problem, he develops a nearly pathological monomania about it, disgorging encyclopedic data to buttress his points.

monomania 英英释义


1. a mania restricted to one thing or idea

    Synonym: possession


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