muck [mʌk]  [mʌk] 


muck 基本解释


名词 污物,污泥; 废石; 湿粪; 秽物

及物动词 弄脏; 施粪肥于…; 清除

muck 相关词组

1. muck in : 分担工作, 参加, 与人合伙;

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muck 相关例句


1. I mucked up my shirt when I was working in the garden.

2. muck的意思

2. The change in the weather has mucked up our sports timetable.

1. muck是什么意思

1. Stop mucking about and take my friendly advice.


1. The kids were covered in muck.

2. That novel is sheer muck.

muck 网络解释

1. 淤泥:软土[soft soil]是淤泥(muck)和淤泥质土(mucky soil)的总称. 主要是由天然含水量大、压缩性高、承载能力低的淤泥沉积物及少置腐殖质所组成的土. 软土是指滨海、湖沼、谷地、河滩沉积的天然含水量高、孔隙 比大、压缩性高、抗剪强度低的细粒土.

2. 腐殖土:大部分腐殖物质与粘土,氧化物等无机物相连,小部分溶于土壤溶液,尤其是碱性土壤,称为腐殖土(Muck). 甚至于有些低级煤矿,也称得上是腐殖物质的种类. 例如:一些低热值煤,如泥煤、褐煤和风化煤中往往含有很丰富的腐殖酸,

3. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

3. 腐泥:他们只是消失在沼泽的腐泥(muck)里. "然后我为了多拉而回去了,多拉那时坐在台阶上,她的手肘(elbow)放在她的膝盖上想知道为什么没有人在家,而门锁着所以她无法进去,她开始尖叫,'爹地!我知道你一定会回来. 我知道你会的!

muck 双语例句

1. It!! Abie has my pet fish as they were taking up to muck room!!
    Abie 拿去了我的宠物鱼因为它们占据了太多的空间。

2. He was all over green damp and muck, and his hands was scratched and cut to pieces.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The first, and perhaps most important, was not to muck it all up.

4. Don't muck up my dictionary.

5. He fell down and came home with his clothes all muck ed up.

6. muck在线翻译

6. Clean your shoes on the mat, or you'll muck up the floor.

7. muck的翻译

7. I've muck ed up my sweater by working in the kitchen.

8. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

8. Clumsy Sims muck up both precious and every day moments in life with shaddy footwork and poor planning.

9. Children will want to muck about but tell them straight off that it isn`t very polite.

10. Give me a straight answer, don't muck me about!

11. Definitely muck about with his mind some more, its too good of an opportunity to miss.

12. He hates customers who muck him about.

13. No need to muck about with IP addresses.

14. muck的解释

14. Stop muck ing about and finish your work!

15. They come here to burn incense at the shrine to the Hero's Lady, and I usually muck about.

16. The one that hit Muck and Penkala's foxhole wasn't.

17. And Guarnere, and Muck, and Penkala.

18. Muck and Penkala got hit!

19. muck的翻译

19. Muck and Penkala!

20. Don't make a muck of my clothes.

muck 词典解释

1. 污物;污秽
    Muck is dirt or some other unpleasant substance.

    e.g. This congealed muck was interfering with the filter.

2. (动物的)粪便,排泄物
    Muck is animal faeces.

    e.g. He could smell muck and clean fresh hay.

3. 无用的东西;质量低劣的东西
    If you refer to something as muck, you are emphasizing that you think it is of very bad quality.

    e.g. He hasn't eaten anything for days. And are you surprised, when this muck is all I have to give him?...
    e.g. The script is utterly banal. It is incredible that human minds can put such muck on to paper.

相关词组:muck around muck in muck out muck up

muck 单语例句

1. " Secrets " you confide to colleagues always end up out in the open and those being gossiped about usually know who is spreading the muck.

2. Rescuers crunch through cord grass and seashells before hitting a grabby muck that releases footsteps with a sucking pop.

3. Throughout Brisbane, a sickening odor of spoiled food and the river's muck wafted through the air.

4. He hadn't been able to fathom the heat, or the endlessness of trash and muck that covered the streets.

5. I stopped pretending I might be in the Alps and decided to muck in with the crowds.

6. He was proud of the fish's qualities to handle the muck.

7. Yang then found himself targeted by netizens looking to rake the muck, with photos surfacing of Yang wearing 11 luxury wristwatches.

8. The owner of the farm waded through the muck toward me smiling, showing off half a set of blackened and gnarly teeth.

9. Many homes are unsafe to enter, while others lay under piles of muck and debris.

10. Villagers spread a layer of quicklime atop the muck to prevent the spread of disease.

muck 英英释义


1. fecal matter of animals

    Synonym: droppings dung

2. any thick, viscous matter

    Synonym: sludge slime goo goop gook guck gunk ooze


1. remove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine

2. soil with mud, muck, or mire

    e.g. The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden

    Synonym: mire mud muck up

3. spread manure, as for fertilization

    Synonym: manure


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