mutter [ˈmʌtə(r)]  [ˈmʌtɚ] 


mutter 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 轻声低语,咕哝地抱怨; 含糊地说; 自言自语地说

名词 咕哝; 小声低语,小声抱怨; 怨言

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mutter 相关例句


1. The surgeon muttered his dissatisfaction.

2. Are you muttering threats at me?

3. He was muttering on the telephone so I asked him to speak more clearly.


1. Some staff members are beginning to mutter about the new president.

2. The old woman muttered to herself.


1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. We heard a mutter of discontent.

mutter 网络解释

1. mutter

1. 嘀嘀咕咕,含糊的低语声:Shriek:尖叫声 | Mutter:嘀嘀咕咕,含糊的低语声 | Murmur:喃喃说话声,隔壁的人语声

2. 你喃喃自語:moan 你轻声的呻吟着. | mutter 你喃喃自语. | nod 你点点头.

3. 螺母:Senkungen锪孔,沉孔 | Mutter螺母 | Scheibe档圈

mutter 双语例句

1. Newspapers run by our Party and all the propaganda work of our Party should be vivid, clear-cut and sharp and should never mutter and mumble.

2. Or whatever it is they do mutter.

3. World-famous violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter revisiting China after 9 years is the focus of this month for classical music fans.


4. ANNE-SOPHIE MUTTER: Hearing a recording of Clara Haskil when I was six.

5. Anne-Sophie Mutter, why do we hear only a few of Mozart's violin sonatas?

6. mutter的意思

6. Anne-Sophie Mutter, who in 2006 celebrates the 30th anniversary of her public debut, will also mark the 250th anniversary of Mozart's birth with a series of new recordings of all his major works for violin.
    对莫扎特计划的采访安妮-索菲·穆特 2006年庆祝自己舞台生涯的三十周年,值此莫扎特诞辰250周年纪念之际,她出版了作曲家的伟大小提琴作品的新录音。

7. mutter

7. And I'm pretty sure I heard him mutter some kind of anti-Semitic remark.

8. In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

9. In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange mournful mutter of the battlefield

10. mutter的翻译

10. In my dreams I hear again e crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange mournful mutter of the battlefield.

11. Ah! You keep your eyes closed and mutter the name of God!

12. We both heard you mutter about the orc, he said.

13. It couldn't have been easy, he heard the girl mutter, as if to herself.

14. He was mutter ing on the telephone so I asked him to speak more clearly.

15. mutter的意思

15. Hesitate in speech; hem and haw; mutter and mumble

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Perhaps that one year is the horizon reducing person clearheaded pities, perhaps is the seniority order among brothers sees Iraqi Lu to mutter the person of same belief, that one year definitely is in Du Fu life unforgettable one year.

17. So why do I sit with my tablet And pen And mutter to myself?

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. And came half out of them at times to mutter If we had only waited!

19. Often in our frustration and pain we mutter to ourselves that someone has made a mistake.

20. If they really loved each other they wouldn't feel the need to do that, he mutter ed disapprovingly.

mutter 词典解释

1. 轻声说话;小声抱怨
    If you mutter, you speak very quietly so that you cannot easily be heard, often because you are complaining about something.

    e.g. 'God knows what's happening in that madman's mind,' she muttered...
    e.g. She can hear the old woman muttering about consideration...

He heard muttering from the front of the crowd...
He will lead the party into the election, in spite of the mutterings about his leadership.

mutter 单语例句

1. He is lucid enough to mutter an apology before returning back to sleep.

2. The piece was played slowly and freely, intertwining the song's harmony and melody to express Mutter's sympathy for the Chinese earthquake victims.

3. " It was a wonderful experience to feel and relive Mozart's music with musicians in Guangzhou, " said Mutter.

4. It will be Mutter's Shanghai debut, but she has performed twice in Beijing.

5. After Mutter's recital will come a concert by four young European pianists and another by Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra.

6. Beijing is the last leg of Mutter's whirlwind tour of Asia, where she has a loyal fan base.

7. Mutter said that though such occasions are rare in her career, they do happen sometimes.

8. " The world is closer nowadays in terms of communication and culture, " said Mutter.

9. Violin virtuoso Anne Sophie Mutter began two days of performances at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing on Tuesday evening.

10. The tour apparently gives Mutter an opportunity to know more about China.

mutter 英英释义


1. a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone

    Synonym: grumble grumbling murmur murmuring muttering

2. a low continuous indistinct sound
    often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech

    Synonym: muttering murmur murmuring murmuration mussitation


1. make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath

    e.g. she grumbles when she feels overworked

    Synonym: murmur grumble croak gnarl

2. talk indistinctly
    usually in a low voice

    Synonym: mumble maunder mussitate


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