muzzy [ˈmʌzi]  [ˈmʌzi] 

muzzy 基本解释

形容词 迷糊的; 昏头昏脑的; 模糊的; 不清晰的

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muzzy 相关例句


1. muzzy在线翻译

1. The television picture's muzzy.

muzzy 网络解释

1. 发呆的:muzzleloading 前装式的 | muzzy 发呆的 | my 我的

2. 迷惑的:fuzzy 模糊的 | muzzy 迷惑的 | slur 发音含糊

3. 发呆的/无精神的/酩酊的:muzz /使发呆/使迟钝/ | muzzy /发呆的/无精神的/酩酊的/ | my /我的/表示亲切的招呼语/吾/

4. muzzy在线翻译

4. 头脑糊涂的:叛变的;反抗的 Mutinous | 头脑糊涂的 Muzzy | 多才多艺的 Myriad-minded

muzzy 双语例句

1. At the age of 5, I began to be mad about English when I heard the story of muzzy on CCTV.

2. By the time coffee was handed round I was feeling slightly muzzy, and I started smoking one cigarette after another.

3. After a couple of wines my head felt all muzzy.

4. After a couple of whisky my head feel all muzzy.

5. muzzy

5. He hates the muzzy feeling it gives him, the lack of control over his own mind.

6. A method based on map matching arithmetic which includes muzzy logic arithmetic can emendate error of gps localization. this method is introduced in the paper

7. All of a sudden he felt less muzzy and his heart missed a beat.

8. He sat up, his head muzzy with the dream, his cheeks salty, tear-stained.

9. muzzy在线翻译

9. Muzzy izzet never played for our first team but was sold for? 800, 000 and went on to win two league cups and play in a world cup semi - final

10. One time Chelsea record signing Chris Sutton is struggling to be fit with a calf strain, as is Muzzy Izzet, a youth product of ours who was sold before making a first team debut.
    萨顿正在小腿肌肉拉伤的恢复中,同样的问题出现在Muzzy 伊泽特身上,他是我们青年队出来的,在进入一队之前被卖掉了。

11. Taylor was breathing a sign of relief that midfielder Muzzy Izzet's neck injury is not as serious as first feared after he was stretchered off following a collision with Lee Dixon.

12. After a couple of whiskies my head felt all muzzy.

13. muzzy

13. Muzzy scared me when I was little.

14. /u0039/u0031/u0031/u67E5/u8BE2/u00B7/u82F1/u8BED/u5355/u8BCD

14. Looking through the muzzy green of the holly bashes.

15. The television picture's muzzy.

16. Old mama huang, awakened by the sound of her weeping, asked in a muzzy voice, " what are you crying about? "

muzzy 词典解释

1. (通常由于生病或饮酒过多而)头脑糊涂的,昏昏沉沉的
    If someone feels muzzy, they are confused and unable to think clearly, usually because they are ill or have drunk too much alcohol.

2. (照片或电视图像)模糊不清的,蒙眬的
    If a photograph or television picture is muzzy, it is unclear.

muzzy 英英释义


1. confused and vague
    used especially of thinking

    e.g. muddleheaded ideas
           your addled little brain
           woolly thinking
           woolly-headed ideas

    Synonym: addled befuddled muddled woolly wooly woolly-headed wooly-minded

2. indistinct or hazy in outline

    e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines
           the trees were just blurry shapes

    Synonym: bleary blurred blurry foggy fuzzy hazy


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