needy [ˈni:di]  [ˈnidi] 

needy 基本解释

形容词 贫困的; 贫穷的

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needy 相关例句


1. They collected money to help needy children.

needy 网络解释

1. 贫困的, 非常贫穷的, 缺乏生活必需品的:semimobile 半移动的, 半机动式的 | needy 贫困的, 非常贫穷的, 缺乏生活必需品的 | Joyuce James,詹姆士

2. needy的近义词

2. 贫穷的:needless 不必要的 | needy 贫穷的 | negative 否定的

3. 贫穷的,贫困的:vitamin 维生素 | needy 贫穷的;贫困的 | vegetarian 吃素的;素食的

needy 双语例句

1. My name is Li Ming, a college student of Peking University, and I am writing in the hope of your assistance to find a needy chellold for whom I may provide financial support

2. To create more opportunities for the girls in that remote village to go to colleges and universities and with a wish to protect the Yao culture, she finally decided to support some needy but excellent students to attend school in Zhuhai.

3. needy是什么意思

3. In the neediness there is attachment and cords that go from the needy to the one they count on to provide for them.

4. needy的意思

4. The government has worked out a plan of succoring the needy.

5. 好好学单词·英语单词

5. Cooperating with a furniture store and residents in the community, Tzu Chi volunteers delivered care and goods for the needy family.


6. The hands of the tea is slowly cooling, it has gradually变淡tea, and light that has passed I have lost count of the dream, the cold eyes of the tears I have to condensation of the pain has become seamless, and it, just, 端起茶杯, glass of red slip down, drink into the stand yesterday, but also drink the needy into the Tonight!

7. Let a wise servant be dear to thee as thy own soul, defraud him not of liberty, nor leave him needy.

8. Orchid: no instead of not-fang, and wilt not Suo needy.


9. Such as: Blue Grass fragrance smell rather than not to no-fang, and wilt not Suo needy.

10. If I have seen someone perishing from lack of clothing Or that the needy had no covering
    31:19 我若见人因无衣死亡,或见穷乏人身无遮盖

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. If I have seen anyone perishing for lack of clothing, or a needy man without a garment

12. An appeal to the United Nations and its agencies to channel available food resources to needy people and not to farm animals.

13. I appreciate that if you're a caregiver for a needy child or senior that's impossible.

14. needy在线翻译

14. There are two things that can not wait, one is our charity to the needy

15. In order to help the needy in Qinghai, we need to donate more money.

16. needy

16. Space outside the realms of the empires gives home to more than just brigands and pirates, it is also the home of those at the other end of the spectrum - those that dedicate their lives to aiding the needy.

17. needy的近义词

17. To the needy, a good deed is like a gentle breeze.

18. needy的翻译

18. He has scattered abroad; he has given to the needy; His righteousness endures forever; His horn will be exalted with honor.
      112:9 他分施赒济贫穷;他的义存到永远。他的角必被高举,而有尊荣。

19. needy的意思

19. Which is a thin person who appears fragile and needy.

20. And do not crush the needy in court
      也 可在城门口欺压困苦人。

needy 词典解释

1. 贫苦的;穷困的
    Needy people do not have enough food, medicine, or clothing, or adequate houses.


    e.g. ...a multinational force aimed at ensuring that food and medicine get to needy Somalis.

needy 单语例句


1. Some stand on street corners asking for money to buy food and gifts for the needy.

2. Needy urban residents came gradually under the coverage of the subsistence allowances programme, and we made sure that all eligible urban residents were by and large provided for.

3. A jobless man surnamed Ma from a needy family in the community was in hospital for two weeks after a cerebral hemorrhage.

4. The dumplings were then given away to the community's childless seniors and needy families.

5. Spears is selling off everything from clothes to her old school work to raise money for her Britney Spars Foundation that helps out needy children.

6. The nation adopted a policy in 1985 which stipulates that the expense for food, clothing and lodging of Tibetan students from needy families be covered by government subsidies.

7. Italian newspapers described her Tuesday as a combative woman with an ironic wit who worked relentlessly for the needy.

8. In order to ensure that only needy elderly citizens receive this OALA, an " assets declaration " was introduced.

9. China has witnessed escalating housing prices during recent years, while owning a subsidized affordable home has been a dream for many needy citizens.

10. The Ministry of Education reiterated in recent years that no college or university should deny students from needy families because of difficulty in affording fees.


needy 英英释义



1. needy people collectively

    e.g. they try to help the needy


1. demanding or needing attention, affection, or reassurance to an excessive degree

2. poor enough to need help from others

    Synonym: destitute impoverished indigent necessitous poverty-stricken


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