nemesis [ˈneməsɪs]  [ˈnɛmɪsɪs] 

nemesis 基本解释

名词 报应; 公正的惩罚; 天罚; 不可逃避的惩罚

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nemesis 相关例句


1. Inward suffering is the worst of Nemesis.

nemesis 网络解释

1. nemesis什么意思

1. 复仇:<<复仇>>(Nemesis)是罗斯的第31部作品. 故事发生在1944年的夏天,是关于脑膜炎的盛行及其对纽瓦克地区民众的影响的故事. 这部作品计划将会在2010年面世.

nemesis 双语例句

1. In a bitter twist of fate, his nemesis is Park`s daughter, Park Geun-hye. She was the rival Mr Lee defeated in 2007 to become the presidential candidate of the Grand National Party.

2. The president`s nemesis, Park Geun-hye, a former chairman of his ruling Grand National Party, who still hopes to be president, backs the plans for Sejong.

3. He thinks I'm his nemesis.

4. 好好学单词·英语单词

4. It's human's dream, human's wish, human's Nemesis.

5. But to be honest, Google Nemesis is probably NOT for you.

6. nemesis

6. My formula is 100% hidden in google nemesis...
    我的公式是100 %隐藏在谷歌克星。。。

7. So I've taken this powerful principle and pushed it to the extreme with Nemesis.

8. nemesis

8. When a chance encounter brings Bella face to face with a former nemesis, only the intervention of a pack of supernaturally large wolves saves her from a grisly fate, and the encounter makes it frighteningly clear that Bella is still in grave danger.

9. Thus, Chinese medicine is the nemesis of cancer many difficult and complex diseases are treated successfully by Chinese medicine.

10. April-August - Lupin becomes involved in a quest for the secret of the Fountain of Youth, a mineral water source hidden under a lake in the Auvergne, which is sought by Inspector Marescal and his nemesis, the eponymous green-eyed beauty, Aurelie d'Asteux, and Constance Bakefield, a blue-eyed beauty, the daughter of a British diplomat and the head of a daring gang of thieves, a British female Lupin.

11. Archaic theory of divine will, consists theory of punishing in name of God and expiatory theory. Kant agreed with the theory of moral nemesis.

12. nemesis的意思

12. Nemesis Prime wielded the Dark Saber, a twisted clone of the Star Saber, and had a Mini-Con partner named Run-Over.

13. In Dan Brown's story they are the power-driven nemesis of the Priory of Sion; both groups fighting for ownership of the ultimate secret of the Holy Grail.

14. nemesis的解释

14. As soon as I best that player finally, someone else will take his place to be my nemesis.

15. nemesis

15. Regretfully, I must say that I think that Philadelphia might win it.(I say regretfully because that''s the favorite team of my football season nemesis Malik Rose) I wish I could say my Chicago Bears yes, I am a Bears fan!
      我必须很遗憾地告诉你费城可能会笑到最后(我说遗憾是因为费城是Malik Rose最喜欢的球队,我们俩支持的橄榄球队可不一样)。

16. Was he aiming at Bryant, his old nemesis and a favorite target in the past?

17. nemesis什么意思

17. We would have ended the season without a defeat if not for our old nemesis, Greeley High.

18. nemesis

18. Second, he complained, the money is being channeled through his old nemesis, the IMF, instead of more enlightened institutions.

19. In this ridiculously easy and straightforward game, the Rangers look for their neighbor's kitty and end up fighting against their old nemesis, Fat Cat.

20. nemesis是什么意思

20. She is noted to be the villain of the story, and Alice's arch-nemesis.

nemesis 词典解释

1. 天谴;报应
    The nemesis of a person or thing is a situation, event, or person which causes them to be seriously harmed, especially as a punishment.

    e.g. He believes AIDS is our collective nemesis...
    e.g. Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President's nemesis.

nemesis 单语例句

1. Smith is shown snoring loudly on a couch while her colleagues keep their nemesis under surveillance.

2. " Help the government of Pakistan so that these people meet their nemesis, " the advert said.

3. When his wife finally meets up with her youthful nemesis, she does not launch into a moral diatribe.

4. In the first quarter, it appeared the Wizards had found the karma needed to emphatically put away their nemesis.

5. The Nemesis Inferno ride is one of the fastest in the United Kingdom.

6. They go up against a powerful nemesis, who might be called Dark Antinomy.

7. Potential remaining obstacles include nemesis Roger Federer, who claimed his second successive Wimbledon title by beating Roddick in last year's final.

8. Hardly a week goes by without a mention of his nemesis to the north, the most recent on Thursday.

9. Of course it doesn't work out the way he wants as his Palestinian nemesis comes after him.

10. Apparently frustrated by his " bad luck " my nemesis proposed we put RMB 100 on the next game.

nemesis 英英释义



1. something causing misery or death

    e.g. the bane of my life

    Synonym: bane curse scourge


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