neophyte [ˈni:əfaɪt]  [ˈniəˌfaɪt] 

neophyte 基本解释

名词 初学者,新手; 新近改变信仰或皈依某宗教的人; 新来杂草植物; 新引种植物

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neophyte 网络解释

1. 新引种植物:neon 氖 | neophyte 新引种植物 | neotantalite 黄钽铁矿

2. 新加入者:1=10,热心者,Zelator | 0=0,新加入者,Neophyte | 10=1终结者Ipsissimus

3. neophyte的近义词

3. 新信徒:neophilia 喜欢新奇 | neophyte 新信徒 | neoplasia 瘤形成

neophyte 双语例句

1. To me, a neophyte to.

2. neophyte的解释

2. It is not so much with it being a sham than it is being a neophyte in the industry.

3. They thought that the untrained neophyte Neo was just so fast, faster than any of the others.

4. But Mr Edwards is no longer a policy neophyte.

5. And even though many of them are neophyte gamblers, they often bet thousands of dollars on a single hand.

6. At this stage the neophyte dies and is re-born into a spiritual path.


7. The level of experience ranged from total neophyte all the way to professional floor and upstairs trader.

8. Seven years ago New Orleanians swooned for Mr Nagin, a neophyte who ran the local cable-TV monopoly.

9. The Clinton camp retorted that Mr Obama was a soft-hearted neophyte who was too eager to talk to dangerous strongmen, such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The idea is that he should always continue to act as a neophyte devotee as long as his material body is there.

11. On balance, even the most venal political neophyte may decide it is easier to make money by getting a proper job.

12. This month, I introduce a neophyte framework that makes great strides toward easing the pain of testing GUIs.

13. You're no neophyte at reading budgets either.

14. A good occasion for neophyte and wine lover to understand better Loire Valley wines (in Chinese only).

15. neophyte

15. A neophyte with a record of going along to get along could find it impossible.

16. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

16. And even though many of them are neophyte gamblers, they often bet thousands of dollars on a single.

17. The neophyte must not despair of mastering the rules and procedures.

18. These neophyte speculators overtrade.

19. neophyte的翻译

19. Silvio: He's a nice guy. He's sincere. A hard worker. But he's a political neophyte. He's terrified of violence.

20. Just as often these days, neophyte Calvinists have begun to realize the wealth of classical Reformed emphasis on union with Christ.

neophyte 词典解释

1. 初学者;新手;生手
    A neophyte is someone who is new to a particular activity.


    e.g. ...the self-proclaimed political neophyte Ross Perot.

neophyte 单语例句

1. The degree of spiciness the locals are used to is in a very different sphere, and neophyte diners need to adjust their expectations.

2. The neophyte collector needs first to know the difference between nephrite and jadite.

neophyte 英英释义


1. a new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist

    Synonym: catechumen

2. any new participant in some activity

    Synonym: newcomer fledgling fledgeling starter freshman newbie entrant

3. a plant that is found in an area where it had not been recorded previously


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