nest [nest]  [nɛst] 


nest 基本解释

名词 (鸟)窝; 温床; (套叠在一起的)一套物件; 藏匿处

及物动词 筑巢; 嵌套

不及物动词 筑巢

nest 中文词源

nest 鸟巢,鸟窝,巢


nest 相关词组

1. feather one's nest : 营私;

nest 相关例句


1. She nested the glass tumblers in a crate.



1. The birds nested in the oak tree.

2. The swallows nested under the eaves.


1. A bird lays eggs in the nest it has built.


2. The husband and wife built themselves a comfortable nest.

3. The city was a nest of crime.

nest 双语例句

  • 1. As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.

  • 两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴。

  • 2. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.

  • 窝里有8只还没长毛、眼睛尚未睁开的小老鼠。

  • 3. The actual nest is a work of art.

  • 真实的鸟巢十分精致。

  • 4. a bird's nest with two eggs in it

  • 内有两只鸟蛋的鸟窝

  • 5. a nest of thieves

  • 贼窝

nest 词典解释

1. (鸟)巢;(鸟)窝
    A bird's  nest is the home that it makes to lay its eggs in.

    e.g. I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks.

2. (鸟类)筑巢,做窝
    When a bird nests somewhere, it builds a nest and settles there to lay its eggs.


    e.g. Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.
    e.g. ...nesting sites.

3. (昆虫或动物的)巢,穴
    A nest is a home that a group of insects or other creatures make in order to live in and give birth to their young in.

    e.g. Some solitary bees make their nests in burrows in the soil.
    e.g. ...a rat's nest.

4. 安乐窝;安适的地方
    You can refer to a place as your nest when it is your home or where you feel comfortable and relaxed.

    e.g. My wife seems to be building a nest of her own at Osborne House...
    e.g. The baby had been asleep in her nest of pink and white blankets.

5. 老巢;窟;秘密窝点;(贼窟中的)一帮
    You can use nest to refer to a place where something bad is being done or to the people there who are doing it.

    e.g. ...Biarritz, notorious in those days as a nest of spies...
    e.g. Are you telling me that you've got your own little nest of informers in the Police Department?

6. see also: crow's nest;love nest

7. 营私;自肥
    If you say that someone is feathering their nest, you mean that they are getting a lot of money out of something, so that they can lead a comfortable life.

    e.g. Mary's much more interested in doing things for other people than feathering her own nest.

8. 自立门户;独立生活
    When children fly the nest, they leave their parents' home to live on their own.

    e.g. When their children had flown the nest, he and his wife moved to a thatched cottage in Dorset.

9. a hornet's nest -> see hornet

nest 英英释义


1. a kind of gun emplacement

    e.g. a machine-gun nest
           a nest of snipers

2. furniture pieces made to fit close together

3. a gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality

    e.g. a nest of thieves

4. a cosy or secluded retreat

5. a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young


1. gather nests

2. move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position

    e.g. We cuddled against each other to keep warm
           The children snuggled into their sleeping bags

    Synonym: cuddle snuggle nestle nuzzle draw close

3. fit together or fit inside

    e.g. nested bowls

4. inhabit a nest, usually after building

    e.g. birds are nesting outside my window every Spring


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