newly-wed [ˈnu:li: wed]  [ˈnuli wɛd] 

newly-wed 基本解释


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newly-wed 网络解释

1. 新结婚的人:newly-built 新建的 | newly-wed 新结婚的人 | newlywed 新婚的人

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. 新婚夫妇:爱情不分贵贱. Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. | 新婚夫妇 newly-wed | 蜜月 honeymoon

3. newly-wed

3. 新婚人:embarrassing令人尴尬的,令人难为情的 | newly-wed新婚人 | souvenir纪念品

4. 好好学单词·英语单词

4. 新婚:订婚/Engaged35% | 新婚/Newly-wed6.5% | 受教育状况/Education Status

newly-wed 双语例句


1. I remember being a newly-wed. We hardly ever got out of bed.

2. Newly-wed Wife:: I will. Thank you.

3. newly-wed的解释

3. A newly-wed might be able to set up a house exchange to keep some money on their honeymoon.

4. The Tennessee team tested 82 newly-wed couples for facial attractiveness and the quality of their marriage.

5. A friend shared the following video with me; it is a wedding gift for a newly-wed couple.

6. Manolita, one of the workers, reminds of her approaching wedding which will make a lady of her. She dreams of visiting the Easter Procession with her newly-wed husband, and of wearing a mantilla.

7. It has emerged that an Arab ambassador who discovered his veil-wearing newly-wed wife was cross-eyed and had a beard called for an instant divorce as soon as the marriage contract was signed in Dubai.

8. A newly-wed couple on a four-month honeymoon were hit by six natural disasters, including the Australian floods, Christchurch earthquake and Japanese tsunami.

9. When the dinner table has been cleared, four automobiles set out again, taking the newly-wed couple to the countryside for a joyride.

10. Every newly-wed longs for a romantic wedding, and it's our responsibility to realize their wishes!

11. Or the visitor will hear from the guide The Story of Lady Mengjiang, which is about a beautiful girl who died for her newly-wed husband.

12. Far better, they say, to aim low to ensure you are not disappointed, and the key to keeping that newly-wed glow appears to be forgiveness and communication.

13. newly-wed什么意思

13. Newly-wed couples are being offered the chance to send sealed love letters which will be delivered seven years after their big day.

14. The priest then went to the newly-wed couple and asked, " Well, were you able to abstain from sex for two weeks? "

15. At the first session of bookish assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on April 16, Ms. Chang Hui-chiao reported on the book Still Walking, written by Koreeda Hirokazu, a Japanese movie director. The book, which was made into a movie of the same title, was a sensitive portrayal of a newly-wed and unemployed protagonist who returned to his family home to reunite with his family on the death anniversary of his elder brother, and the conflict, family love and shared memories between family members in their ordinary everyday interaction.
      4月16日的读书会在黄晋英秘书长主持下,第一场由张惠乔小姐报告《横山家之味》,作者Koreeda Hirokazu为日本电影导演,本书为同名电影原著小说,以细腻的手法,描述方才新婚而又失业的主角,因逢兄长忌日回老家与家人团聚,在平凡的生活互动中呈现家人间的矛盾、亲情、以及回忆的故事。


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