nibble [ˈnɪbl]  [ˈnɪbəl] 


nibble 基本解释

及物/不及物动词 啃,一点一点地咬(吃)

及物动词 啃出(洞),一点一点咬出(洞)

不及物动词 慢慢减少; 小口咬; (对提议、建议等)显出略有兴趣的样子; 表示对…稍感兴趣

名词 轻咬; 显出有兴趣; 很少量食物

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nibble 相关例句


1. nibble

1. She sat down to nibble candy.

2. nibble是什么意思

2. The fish were nibbling at the bait.


1. nibble什么意思

1. I could feel fish nibbling at the bait.

2. The critic nibbled at the young writer's new novel.


1. Would you like a nibble?

2. nibble

2. Each nibble was eaten with the air of an epicure.

nibble 网络解释

1. 半字节:在打印机标准并行端口和计算机主机并行端口(LPT)之间用并XON+READY AUTO: XON/XOFF + 等待/忙碌 (DTR) 模式READY/BUSY: 等待/忙碌 (DTR) 模式动态主机配置协议(DHCP)客户端初始化.兼容并列埠(SPP)模式 , 半字节(Nibble)模式2.

2. nibble的近义词

2. 轻咬:反相数据传输相位:对于轻咬(nibble)方式,当低电平时表示主机已准备好接收数据,当这个信号随后被设为高电平时,表示主机已接收完数据. 交涉相位:为确定ieee 1284模式的兼容性,这个信号应设为高电平. 对于轻咬(nibble)方式,

3. 一点一点地咬:brindled 有斑的, 有斑纹的 | nibble 一点一点地咬 | nimble 敏捷的

4. 小口吞咽,细咬:gobble 狼吞虎咽 | nibble 小口吞咽,细咬 | fable 寓言

nibble 双语例句

1. Results:It was found that in experimental group, retinal neurofibril were disorder, the ganglion cell, the cells in inner and outer nuclear layer presented nibble like lysis, necrosis and lose. gradually at 1, 3, 5 day after moc...

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. Do you like to nibble on your partner`s lips?

3. Now all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitch's earlobe..

4. nibble的翻译

4. From this tin receptacle Jo produced another manuscript, and putting both in her pocket, crept quietly downstairs, leaving her friends to nibble on her pens and taste her ink.

5. In between simmers and chops and dices, dont forget to sample and nibble on the neck, as well!
    在之间的simmers和印章及干,唐的 T ,别忘了抽样检验和nibble对颈部,以及!

6. nibble是什么意思

6. And in a couple of hours, it's time for my glass of wine and pre-dinner nibble.

7. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to look like Posh Spice — who is rumored to nibble on frozen grapes as a treat — but I don't want to look like Oprah either.

8. The only downside is that they use six I/O pins in 4-bit nibble mode and as many as 11 pins in 8-bit mode.

9. In nibble interface mode, data is input most-significant nibble first, aligned to the rising edge of TCLKB, followed by the least-significant nibble aligned to the falling edge.

10. The large number of such nidi made the healthy pines weak and attracted more adults to nibble and damage.

11. Use this as an excuse to nibble on things.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. Although he is carnivorous, he will also eat vegetables, and when sickly he will nibble grass.

13. So pack some water, crackers, fruit and other healthy fare and let kids nibble.

14. Unless you can think of something else that I can nibble on.

15. His teeth having all droped out, he could only nibble away at his food.

16. Sometimes it can be good if you gently nibble the guy's bottom lip!

17. When they start biting you, getout of the water, and do not let the nasty fish nibble you to death. You may

18. Then, once you have her squirming and gasping for more you can nibble on her neck and earlobe to do her in. This spot is a major erogenous zone and she will appreciate any attention you pay to this area.

19. He ate off the crescent of water biscuit he had been nibbling and, hungered, made ready to nibble the biscuit in his other hand.

20. Of 2.2 ulcer face nurse after groovy and local disinfection, use nibble Qing Dynasty to achieve, progressively and cleared necrotic organization, according to cut ooze fluid the quantity adjusts the time interval that change medicine, cooperate infrared illuminate, directive patient lie in bed, unbend limbs, suffer from limb drive up. 2.3 food nurse the foundation that correct dietary guidance is control blood sugar, dominating good blood sugar is the key with sufficient disease of remedial blood sugar.

nibble 词典解释

1. 啃;一点一点地咬(或吃)
    If you nibble food, you eat it by biting very small pieces of it, for example because you are not very hungry.


    e.g. He started to nibble his biscuit...
    e.g. She nibbled at the corner of a piece of dry toast.

2. 轻咬;啃
    If you nibble something, you bite it very gently.

    e.g. John found he was kissing and nibbling her ear...
    e.g. Daniel Winter nibbled on his pen.

3. (动物)小口地啃,蚕食
    When an animal nibbles something, it takes small bites of it quickly and repeatedly.

    e.g. A herd of goats was nibbling the turf around the base of the tower...
    e.g. The birds cling to the wall and nibble at the brickwork.

4. 蚕食;逐渐影响;渐渐损坏
    If one thing nibbles at another, it gradually affects, harms, or destroys it.

    e.g. best to compete with the overseas nations nibbling at our traditional markets...

5. (常为聚会上提供的)点心,小吃
    Nibbles are small snacks such as biscuits, crisps, and nuts that are often offered to you at parties.


    e.g. ...crisps, nuts, and other nibbles.

nibble 单语例句


1. Prepare to dunk your tootsies in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.

2. But their table manners were less charming, with each bird snapping and pushing the others to have a nibble of the bread.

3. " It may nibble away the youngster's adherence to values such as hardworking and honesty, " said the expert on protection of women's rights.

4. If you're too busy to remember to do this, nibble a banana or raisins right before you exercise.

5. Divers watch a yellowtail damselfish nibble on algae growing from the sculpture's pant leg, which its creators hope will eventually sprout colorful coral.

6. I tried to take a nibble, but found myself wondering about the details of his life.

7. Nibble and snack your way through more than 20 food stalls while marveling at photographs themed for an international food market.

8. Backed by a stronger power, foreign banks will nibble at the domestic banks'market share.

9. It is also strictly forbidden to nibble away lunch time, breaks and holidays for extra coaching.

10. Sip a Salon de Ning Ros or nibble the signature purple and white chocolate at Salon de Ning of the Peninsula Shanghai.


nibble 英英释义


1. gentle biting

2. a small byte

    Synonym: nybble



1. eat intermittently
    take small bites of

    e.g. He pieced at the sandwich all morning
           She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles

    Synonym: pick piece

2. bite gently

    e.g. The woman tenderly nibbled at her baby's ear

3. bite off very small pieces

    e.g. She nibbled on her cracker


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