nimble [ˈnɪmbl]  [ˈnɪmbəl] 


nimble 基本解释

形容词 灵活的; 敏捷的; 机敏的; (头脑)思路敏捷的,机智的


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nimble 相关例句


1. The boy had a nimble mind.


2. Goats are nimble climbers among the rocks.

nimble 网络解释

1. 敏捷:公牛一般是被阉割的雄性牛,在世界许多地方用于耕种和运输. 人们一般让它们成对工作,习惯上给它们取同样字头或意思有关联的名字,其中一个的名字稍长一些. 比如,Quick(迅速)和敏捷(Nimble),或Turk (土耳其)和和老虎(Tiger)

2. 灵巧:最近也在号称日本汽车页大本营的名古屋,其他比较灵巧(nimble)的厂商不会开发出更好的电池.环保车(Ecofriendly Car)现在已经驶离了展场和设计中心而开向了道路.在南加州,

3. 好好学单词·英语单词

3. 灵活:(3)灵活(Nimble)绿色移动财务软件可根据您的需要自由组合、设置查询方案,真正的做到任意会计信息的重新组合、处理和发布,全面支持反相查询(方案可存盘调用)快捷灵活操作,支持网络使用,也可用于单机上使用,是款DIY性很强的实用性财务软件.

4. nimble的解释

4. 敏捷的:nightmare 恶梦 | nimble 敏捷的 | nine 九

nimble 双语例句

1. nimble在线翻译

1. My heart is stirred by a noble theme, as I sing my ode to the king. My tongue is the pen of a nimble scribe.

2. We need nimble fingers, but we're worried we find farmers who...can't work my machines.

3. nimble在线翻译

3. For tying this knot you need very nimble fingers.

4. nimble

4. Example:That famous pianist expressed the music wonderfully with his nimble fingers.

5. She preferred her students to start their music lessons at a younger age when their fingers are nimble.

6. White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper.

7. The nurse sewed up the wound with nimble fingers.

8. Generations of skill flow through nimble fingers as Chipaya women plait another's hair.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The result is an extremely stable and manageable car, able to achieve good racing performances by exploiting at the best the power of its engine, with an original and nimble shape and essental but elegant interiors.

10. nimble

10. And it was impossible that anyone can catch this fleet and nimble girl.

11. By analyzing the public interest advertising expressions we collected, we found that its passage structure is mainly composed by the title and the main text which sometimes combine into one speech. In order to persure the artistry, the public interest advertising expressions has used some rhetorical ploys. According to its subject, the fabricant have adopted the nimble utilization to the cooperation principle and politeness principle. Last, on the base of analizing the language material, we discovered some typical disease in the extant public interest advertising expressions, and then has carried on the exploration to its reason.

12. While the count, with greater and greater expenditure of energy, enchanted the spectators by the unexpectedness of the nimble pirouettes and capers of his supple legs, Marya Dmitryevna with the slightest effort in the movement of her shoulders or curving of her arms, when they turned or marked the time with their feet, produced no less impression from the contrast, which everyone appreciated, with her portliness and her habitual severity of demeanour.

13. ZhanGuo period, Qin s diplomatic tactics were nimble and changeable, some as in XiaoGong, HuiWang, WuWang, ZhaoWang and QinWangZheng, all of them can decide different diplomatic tactics according to Qin s national power and international situation at their time.

14. nimble是什么意思

14. Teaches indefinitely method, teacher visible actual situation nimble processing.

15. Oh, and he runs a tiny fund of about $60 million. So he stayed nimble.

16. Nimble biotech firms, however, have a good record of innovation.


17. In the second method only needs to adjust enters the fluid bed heat interchanger and returns directly remelts the solid material quantity proportionthen to be possible to control the bed to be warm, is relatively quite nimble, especially qualify in large capacity circulation fluid bed boiler.

18. nimble在线翻译

18. Love`s heralds should be thoughts, which ten times faster glide than the sun`s beams, driving back shadows over louring hills: Therefore do nimble-pinion`d doves draw love, Cupid wings.

19. The auto industry to current home, approach is in the first job of eyebrow nimble is to raise and rather than of core competition ability to expand blindly produce can dimensions.

20. They were slender but sinewy hands, which made me think of two nimble little animals.

nimble 词典解释

1. 敏捷的;灵活的;灵巧的
    Someone who is nimble is able to move their fingers, hands, or legs quickly and easily.

    e.g. Everything had been stitched by Molly's nimble fingers...
    e.g. Val, who was light and nimble on her feet, learnt to dance the tango.

Sabrina jumped nimbly out of the van...
Uncle George quickly descended the ladder and nimbly stepped aboard.

2. 敏锐的;聪明的;机智的
    If you say that someone has a nimble mind, you mean they are clever and can think very quickly.

    e.g. A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters...
    e.g. Elderly people are told that if they want to keep their minds nimble, they must use them.

nimble 单语例句

1. The snake model looks about as nimble as a cereal box while the effects appear super imposed.

2. Wang loves to attend ballet and aerobic gymnastic classes to keep her body nimble and relaxed.

3. While the US has a nimble and efficient research and development system.

4. Liaoning is shedding its dust and regaining its youthful glitter by ridding itself of the shackles of the old system and becoming nimble again.

5. But the nimble creatures ran around evading capture for a long time.

6. Traders must be more nimble and quick footed than in other market conditions.

7. The nimble footed peddlers picked it up before it hit the water!

8. But it would take more than nimble footwork to be a match for some of the multinational giants.

9. Skates are available for rent at the lakeside, while the less nimble can try chain sleds.

10. The Audi ultra technology generally makes a car more nimble and speedy while reducing fuel consumption.

nimble 英英释义


1. moving quickly and lightly

    e.g. sleek and agile as a gymnast
           as nimble as a deer
           nimble fingers
           quick of foot
           the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it

    Synonym: agile quick spry

2. mentally quick

    e.g. an agile mind
           nimble wits

    Synonym: agile


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