nonplus [ˌnɒn'plʌs]  [nɑnˈplʌs] 

第三人称单数:nonpluses现在分词:nonplussing; nonplusing过去分词:nonplussed; nonplused过去式:nonplussed; nonplused

nonplus 基本解释

及物动词 使迷惑

名词 迷惑,困惑,尽头

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nonplus 网络解释

1. 使某人惊讶或困惑:8. referendum 全民投票(以表决某政治问题) | 9. nonplus 使某人惊讶或困惑 | 10. devolve 将工作,职务等转交给某人

2. 困惑:nonperson 受排挤的人 | nonplus 困惑 | nonpolar 无极的

3. nonplus的意思

3. 使窘困,狼狈不堪:callus 老茧,皮肤硬厚处 | nonplus 使窘困,狼狈不堪 | surplus 过剩,剩余(物资)

4. nonplus是什么意思

4. 使困惑:discomfited 慌乱的 | nonplus 使困惑 | sullen 闷闷不乐的

nonplus 双语例句

1. The professor is never at a nonplus, and never perplexed by a problem.

2. nonplus的近义词

2. The professor is never at a nonplus, and never perplex ed by a problem.

3. Recalling the development of freedom of the press helps us understandthat the freedom of the press has been facing a reality that they are standing at a nonplus in the context of theliberalism renaissance since the 20th century.

4. Result gets the professor at a nonplus.

5. The at a nonplus cerebrum, wink have been transferred to a black person's silhouette that crispatura is burning namely go ahead.

6. TYPICAL USE:He was nonplus by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country.

7. Nonplus:To put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewilder.
    使迷惑:使不知所措,使不知如何想、说或做;使为难 mqEPH4x

8. The last part of the paper reflects on the process of the teaching practice and points out some limitation and nonplus.

9. According to the Nonplus Principle of Austrian theoretical botanist L.
    根据系统理论发明人澳大利亚理论植物学家 L。

10. He was nonplus by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country.

11. The Heavy Expense and Nonplus of Township-business Development in Guizhou Province

12. nonplus

12. Their nonplus could be attributed to outmoded and backward national theory: National consciousness research falls into confused district is because of the ossification of national definition, and national spirit research is still in the blind area of the discipline of national theory.

nonplus 英英释义



1. be a mystery or bewildering to

    e.g. This beats me!
           Got me--I don't know the answer!
           a vexing problem
           This question really stuck me

    Synonym: perplex vex stick get puzzle mystify baffle beat pose bewilder flummox stupefy gravel amaze dumbfound


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