novelist [ˈnɒvəlɪst]  [ˈnɑ:vəlɪst] 


novelist 基本解释

名词 小说家

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novelist 相关例句


1. He was an unknown novelist then.

novelist 网络解释

1. 家:查理?狄更斯(Charles Dickens)是19世纪英国著名小说家(novelist). 请根据下面提示,用英语写一篇100字左右的人物生平.

2. 小说家 加ist表示人:novel n.小说 a.革新的,新颖的 | novelist 小说家 加ist表示人 | novelette 微型小说 ette是小东西的词根,表示小

3. 小說家文化寫作,編校:7947小說原著娛樂影片based on a novel | 7948小說家文化寫作,編校novelist | 7949小說家人類各種行業novelist

novelist 双语例句

1. As a well-known novelist, Feng Jicai chapter in a short length of micro-fiction, one of which is to seize a dominant personality system in the core elements to focus on character portrait, and the other is brilliant, lively expressive Art performance impressed the readers.

2. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

2. D. H. Lawrence is not only a great novelist, poet, essayist, but also an established dramatist.

3. novelist在线翻译

3. With Lazaraillo de Tormes written by an anonymous Spanish novelist in the middle period of 16th century as the beginning, picaresque novel has gone through the evolutionary history of more than 400 years.

4. novelist的反义词

    小说家的谷物和顾忌( 2 )艺术家的工作( 3 )如何。。。

5. The author of this article holds that the image of monkey only serves to attract readers while the primitive spirit embodied in Monkey King is what the novelist really intends to express and explore.

6. 好好学单词·英语单词

6. From bibliography angle, the category of Zhu-zi, included in Han Dynasty's Books List, has a school of novelist, which indicates that the novelist is a school of thought with the same nature as Zhuzi.

7. novelist

7. Emily Bronte is one of the most distinctive and novelist and poetess.

8. Under the vivid pen of the novelist, dry facts of history have taken on flesh and blood.

9. Turkish novelist and Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk often rewrites the first line of his novels 50 or 100 times.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Stendhal, French novelist, author of The Red And The Black, was born at Grenoble.

11. He`s probably the most prolific novelist of his generation.

12. novelist

12. This book is a famous British detective conan Doyle, novelist.

13. Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) is a great novelist, folklorist, and anthropologist in America.

14. The literary creation contemporary famous novelist Shi Shuqing often shows as a writer's consciousness of the social responsibility his unique humanity attention to the national spirit.

15. Being able to draw doesn't make one an artist. Just as having written an essay doesn't make one a novelist. At least not without years of practice and training.

16. novelist的意思

16. Among one of the famous military dependents` village mentioned by novelist Chu Tien-hsin in her book 《In remembrance of my buddies in the military compound》 was Pusin, situated in Yangmei Township, Taoyuan County.
      摘要 民国八十五年,争议多时的《国军老旧眷村改建条例》由立法院三读通过,全省838个眷村陆续被纳入拆建计画,眷村也随著第一代外省族群的凋零而消失。

17. Heroes of Music will be the end of the time, and Guo Jing hero Genghis Khan has been a controversy, this is novelist's imagination.

18. The Turn of the Screw is one of the best works of Henry James, a famous American novelist and critic.

19. novelist是什么意思

19. French novelist Colette giving advice to her daughter.

20. novelist在线翻译

20. It is this brash, backroom sensibility that informs his work as a novelist.

novelist 词典解释

1. 小说家
    A novelist is a person who writes novels.

    e.g. ...a romantic novelist.

novelist 单语例句

1. But what draws me back repeatedly is the unforgettable narration by the novelist Zhu Ziqing, who described an obsolete tradition from a more gracious past so vividly.

2. It also documents historical events and such figures as novelist and thinker Lu Xun and Chairman Mao Zedong.

3. The popular story of British novelist Charlotte Bronte has inspired young girls in different ages and in different nations.

4. To commemorate the work of famous Czech author Franz Kafka, an exhibition of this influential novelist is being held in the pavilion.

5. The harsh criticisms made the writer realize that " a good novelist might not necessarily be a good filmmaker ".

6. The novelist uses characterizations and settings to foreshadow the crime, before zooming in on it.

7. After the Chinese novelist Mo Yan won the Nobel Literature prize in October, literature staged a grand return and became a hot topic in the country once again.

8. He said a novelist must take a humanistic stance as literature originates from events but transcends them.

9. Novelist and screenwriter Lin Zhe is not exactly the interviewer's dream subject.

10. After watching Spain upstage Netherlands at the World Cup final in South Africa, the novelist Yu Hua is contemplating a career switch to sports journalism.


novelist 英英释义



1. one who writes novels


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