nutrition [njuˈtrɪʃn]  [nuˈtrɪʃn] 

nutrition 基本解释

名词 营养学; 营养品; 营养,滋养; 食物


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nutrition 相关例句


1. A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.

2. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

2. Because of his poor nutrition, he has grown weaker and weaker.

nutrition 网络解释

1. 营养:营养:(nutrition)食物中的营养素和其他物质间的相互作用与平衡对健康和疾病的关系,以及机体摄食消化吸收转运利用和排泄物质的过程这个概念错在哪里?最后给你机会

2. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

2. 营养学:通过改变人们的行为习惯和生活习惯来预防心血管疾病一直是科学家们研究的重点. 最近一期的爱思唯尔期刊<<营养学>>(Nutrition)刊登了一篇研究文章,对富含抗氧化剂和膳食纤维的葡萄产品降低心脏病风险的效果

3. nutrition在线翻译

3. 营养师:中国医药大学附设医院肥胖防治暨运动中心医师林文元指出,MSN减重法是指通过医疗(medical)、运动(sport)、营养师(nutrition)三合一方法减重.

4. 营养品:顺式疗法用品等产品组成的一类产品,它和功能性食品、天然个人护理品、有机食品同属于营养品(Nutrition)行业.自一九九九年以来世界食品补充剂市场由于美国市场的急速下跌和日本市场的持续增长,

nutrition 双语例句

1. nutrition什么意思

1. Results indicated storage temperature and time had significant influence on the nutrition content of the pupae.

2. Good news for ice cream lovers: A recent Swedish study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that women who have at least one serving of full-fat dairy products a day gain less weight than women who don`t.

3. nutrition的反义词

3. Main equipment: multi parameter monitor, pulse and Spo2 monitor, defibrillator, temporary cardiac pacemaker, transesophageal atrial pacing device, minitype Doppler ultrasound, non-invasive/invasive ventilator, micro-infusion pump, gastrointestinal nutrition pump, insulin pump etc.

4. To get the same nutrition, milk prices should be more expensive.

5. To get the same nutrition, price more expensive than milk.

6. Objective:To study the influence of income level on dietary pattern and nutrition intake of adult.

7. Objective: To investigate the application value of early enteric nutrition in the treatment of severe pancreatitis.

8. Nutrition might be defined as the proce whereby we obtain the e ential nutrients and use them to make many other su tances our bodies need, this proce would include eating and digesting food and a orbing and using, or metabolizing, the nutrients it contai.

9. nutrition

9. Thick stem of the potato, in the Man-type, leaf green, kidney-type, petiole, stem are green, veins, geranyl Department of purple, purple-red skin potato, spindle type, the high rate of potato, sweet potato spring block 2-4 summer potato blocks 3-8, blockenlarged, smooth non-cleaved ditch resistance, storage, germination strong resistancelean, cooked noodles and sweet chestnut like incense and rich nutrition, high resistance to stem nematode, anti - root rot, is suitable for processing of starch, dry and cut the best varieties for human consumption.

10. nutrition的翻译

10. At this point if the intake of calories and protein in pregnant women lack of placental trophoblast will reduce the number of epithelial cells, mainly reducing the number of free villi, so that the total area of villous space reduced fetal prevented the supply of oxygen and nutrition.

11. Shortage of food and absence of nutrition becoming the biggest problem of the world with the Increase of population.

12. Lu J L. Plant nutrition science.
      陆景陵。植物营养学 。

13. nutrition什么意思

13. We also want information on trans fat to be included on nutrition labels.

14. The Aim and Scope of Section A is to publish results of original research in animal science and their applications related to animal breeding and genetics; animal physiology and reproduction; nutrition and feeding; animal behaviour and welfare; general animal husbandry and systems of production, including economic and technical aspects; hygiene and quality of animal products.

15. nutrition

15. There is abundant nutrition in beer yeast mud, which maybe used in producing feed yeast extraction, nutrition yeast and physiology active substance of yeast, etc.
      摘 要:啤酒酵母泥中含有丰富的营养成分,可用来生产饲料酵母、酵母抽提物、食用营养酵母和酵母生物活性物质等。

16. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

16. But hard MaiRen gluten protein content is higher, and the common ground into flour, rich nutrition.

17. Members of the Seventh-day Adventist church have made outstanding contributions in the area of vegetarian nutrition.

18. nutrition什么意思

18. Objectives:To observe the role of parenteral nutrition in the chylous ascites after abdominal surgery.

19. Objective: To review the efficacy of fat-free enteral nutrition in management of postoperative chylous ascites following abdominal surgery.

20. The relationship was studied, between oxygen content in nutrition solution with tomato growth condition and fruit nutrient quality.

nutrition 词典解释

1. 营养(作用);滋养(过程)
    Nutrition is the process of taking food into the body and absorbing the nutrients in those foods.

    e.g. There are alternative sources of nutrition to animal meat...
    e.g. As in all experimental sciences, we still do not know everything about nutrition.

nutrition 单语例句

1. The researchers found the people for the study through an organization called the Caloric Restriction Optimal Nutrition Society.

2. Most of the students who board at the school are from poor rural families, and the school canteen plays a vital role to provide nutrition to them.

3. By fitting cardio in an exercise routine in combination with the right nutrition, a Beijing life gets better and can be enjoyed more and longer.

4. A new variety with higher nutrition value is selling for 10 yuan per kg, much higher than the going rate of 5 yuan for ordinary carp.

5. The new Nutrition Centre focuses on creating better nutrition for children and mothers and to contribute to research and development of infant formula.

6. Long work hours and poor nutrition and care after childbirth are blamed as the two main reasons why women's illness rates are higher.

7. The survey indicates that dietary nutrition and physical activity are closely related to chronic disease.

8. Human Nutrition Research Centre, men and women with the more common type 2 diabetes were given cinnamon powder daily.

9. Their findings were published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a Nature title.

10. His continuing research offers even more promise for world food security and adequate nutrition for the world's poor.

nutrition 英英释义


1. the scientific study of food and drink (especially in humans)

2. a source of materials to nourish the body

    Synonym: nutriment nourishment sustenance aliment alimentation victuals

3. (physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished
    the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance


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