ornamental [ˌɔ:nəˈmentl]  [ˌɔ:rnəˈmentl] 


ornamental 基本解释


形容词 装饰的,装饰用的

名词 观赏植物; 装饰物

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ornamental 网络解释

1. ornamental的反义词

1. 装饰性的,观赏植物:originality n.创意,新奇origin起源 | ornamental装饰性的,观赏植物 | ornamentation n.装饰,装饰品

2. 装饰的:ornament 装饰物 | ornamental 装饰的 | orphan 孤儿

3. ornamental的解释

3. 装饰物:ornamental gold 饰金 | ornamental 装饰物 | ornamentalist 装饰家

ornamental 双语例句

1. ornamental在线翻译

1. Its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful or ornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of its ability to maintainfleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful orornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of the West India slaves

2. ornamental的解释

2. Through in-depth field research, this study has chosen as its main focus Taiwan`s foremost ornamental leisure garden, the Lin Family Gardens. These gardens are a classic example of Min Nan style architecture: designed with the Chinese philosophical feel of `mountains and waters`, they possess a rich cultural and historical significance.

3. The ornamental plant of milkweed family was liken by people with its unusual of flower, its elegant of vine.

4. ornamental什么意思

4. New Venetian Gold, Ubatuba, Santa Cecilia, Tropic Brown, Absolute Black, Tan Brown, Giallo Ornamental, Crema Bordeaux, Baltic Brown, Giallo Veneziano, Dakota Mahogany, China Black and Yellow Star.

5. ornamental的解释

5. Any of several South American ornamental woody vines of the genus Bougainvillea having''.

6. ornamental的解释

6. In this paper, Poly resin and wood flour which was made of waste materials from wood processing factories were selected to synthesize wood-like ornamental plastics on the basis of the principle of polymer filling and modification through the technique of compound mixing.

7. 好好学单词·英语单词大全

7. Construction ornamental glass: The artistic glass, floats the law glass, the standard law glass, embosses the glass, the plate glass, the safety glass, the fire protection glass, the coating glass, colored, the color printing glass, the glazed surface glass, the system mirror glass, the spatial glass, the glass brick, the glass mosaic, the glass furniture, the glass sanitary equipment, the glass lives at home the product and so on.

8. A row of small corbeled arches used as an ornamental architectural feature.

9. ornamental的反义词

9. In 1989 our specialists began piloting the very first ornamental marine fish hatchery in Europe to use recirculation and artificial environment technology; in 1994 they played a key role in developing Europe's first commercial Clownfish hatchery and following this, implemented developments for successful breeding programmes for Fire Shrimps and many other species.

10. ornamental的近义词

10. Widely grown as an ornamental foliage plant.

11. ornamental是什么意思

11. Fire blight, cause by the Gram-negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a destructive bacterial disease of pear and apple and other fruit trees and ornamental plants.
      由格兰氏阴性菌 Erwinia amylovora引起的梨火疫病对梨树、苹果树以及一些观赏性植物具有极大的破坏性。

12. ornamental的翻译

12. This is that one commemorates the Hong Kong's return project, there is the maximal white marbl of the whole nation ornamental column in public square centre.

13. The theme of traditional ornament is generalized as idealism, which is shown by careful choice of content on sacred topic, righteous and distinct theme, auspicious and consummate implied meaning; while the form is stylized—lines coupling the straight with the cured and hardness with softness, appearance combining static with dynamic posture, and artistically spaced outline. Besides, laws of the ornamental form are set off, which is the theoretical base for modern designing to absorb and develop content and form of traditional ornament.

14. Among them, what ornamental design design is applied to make this one season with all sorts of unexpected expressional gimmick place by stylist is new bestow favor on.

15. ornamental的解释

15. According to customers and products demand, we make different type and craft ornamental box and stationery by using different material such as paper, Animal skin, real wood, aluminum material, PU leather, leather, cloth, glue, iron, etc.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. Green tea brewing green tea using high-grade non-transparent glass flowers in order to better appreciate the tea leaves in water flying up and down, dancing仙姿, ornamental green liquor color, delicate dried cents, refreshing taste of tea.
      冲泡高档绿茶 Green tea 要用透明无花的玻璃杯,以便更好地欣赏茶叶在水中上下翻飞、翩翩起舞的仙姿,观赏碧绿的汤色、细嫩的茸毫,领略清新的茶香。

17. Having long and narrow ornamental cuts showing an underlying fabric.

18. In this highly ornamental ware the flaws of the material don`t show, and you can cover up a blow-hole or the like by wreaths and beadings.

19. Rarest is the valuable ornamental hairpin generously bears patiently, treatment side person, no matter its high and low, she treats them all is well-mannered, who isnt good to especially, also not desolate any not self-satisfied person.

20. 好好学单词·英语单词

20. Stone usually to be made into slabs: Shanxi Black、Baltic Brown、Café Imperial、China Green、Baltic Grown、Tan Brown、Giallo Ornamental、Giallo Fiorito、Giallo Veneziano、Butterfly Green、leopard skin、G687、G681、Maple Red、Tropic Brown、Chrysan Yellow、Blue Pearl、Emerald Pearl、Desert Brown、China Black、Ice Blue、Santa Cecilia、Verde Ubatuba、Black Galaxy、Impala Black、Maple Red.

ornamental 词典解释

1. (摆在某处)作装饰的
    Ornamental things have no practical function but are put in a place because they look attractive.

    e.g. ...ornamental trees.

2. 装饰性的;美观的
    Something that is ornamental is attractive and decorative.

    e.g. ...ornamental plaster mouldings.

ornamental 单语例句

1. Bamboo carving means to carve various ornamental patterns or characters on bamboo items, or make ornaments from bamboo roots by carving.

2. It is a treasure suitable to everybody and a good gift to relatives and friends with high collection and ornamental value.

3. The latest collection comprises five Fuwa made of jade plus a piece of ruyi, a Chinese ornamental object symbolizing good luck.

4. It is lined with trees and its amazing ornamental West Lake Rockery that is unlike any other decorative rockery in the world.

5. The ornamental plants combined with suitable garden furniture present an example of beautiful ecological greenery in downtown Tongling.

6. Urban horticulture is also susceptible as many invasive species are introduced as ornamental plants.

7. On either side of the paved walkway stand two ornamental pillars that predate the university by a couple of hundred years.

8. Jewel's chic setting is inspired by a unique antique jewelry and ornamental teapot collection.

9. Royal water lily is a famous ornamental water plant and it has the largest leaves among all water plants of the world.

10. The Yulong Snow Mountains are also famous as the home of ornamental plants in Yunnan province.


ornamental 英英释义


1. any plant grown for its beauty or ornamental value


1. serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose

    e.g. cosmetic fenders on cars
           the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative

    Synonym: cosmetic decorative


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