osteoma [ˌɒstɪ'əʊmə]  [ˌɒstɪ'oʊmə] 


osteoma 基本解释

名词 骨瘤

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osteoma 网络解释

1. 骨瘤:5.骨瘤(osteoma)本瘤好发于头面骨及颌骨,也可累及四肢骨,形成局部隆起. 镜下见主要由成熟的骨质组成,但失去正常骨质的结构和排列方向. 骨瘤发生在颅骨内板者可凸向颅腔,引起颅神经压迫症状;发生于眼眶、鼻窦或颌骨者可引起相应部位压迫症状.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. [医]骨瘤:1177. osmosis n. 渗透(作用), 渗透性 | 1178. osteoma . [医]骨瘤 | 1179. ostrich n. 鸵鸟, 鸵鸟般的人

3. danci.911cha.com

3. (骨腫):osteolysis (骨溶解) | osteoma (骨腫) | osteomalacia (骨軟化<症>)

osteoma 双语例句

1. The osteoid osteoma was found to have a circular or oval radiolucency which was less than 2 cm in diameter with different degrees of bone sclerosis around the nidus. Of the 9 cases, 5 showed an irregular area with less density on plain X-ray film. CT scanning showed nidus in all cases. MRI showed nidus in 1 case. Radioactive scanning showed radioactive concentration in 4 cases.
    骨样骨瘤的影像学表现为一圆形或卵圆形的透亮区,直径cm,其周围有不同程度的骨质硬化。9例X线平片仅5例发现不规则密度减低区,9例CT均清楚显示病灶瘤巢; 1例MRI也观察到类似瘤巢的改变。4例同位素检查均表现为病变区核素浓聚现象。

2. The ethmoid part because of the osteoma, is due to orbital osteoma oppression near the nerve, before the swelling and pain caused orbit.

3. Objective To introduce a method for repairing the bone defects of benign osteoma of adolescent with autogeneous free periosteum and marrow compound grafting.
    目的 介绍自体骨膜骨髓复合移植修复少儿良性骨肿瘤切除后骨缺损的方法。

4. osteoma的意思

4. Besides the conventional rotator cuff tear, acromion plasty, labrum repair, and surgeries for ennis elbow, osteoarthritis, ankylosis of elbow and teoid osteoma, new techniques have been developed including the arthroscopic repair of large tear of rotator cuff and labrum, tendon transposition, arthroscopic removal of benign tumor around the shoulder joint.

5. osteoma

5. METHOD: Six cases (7 eyes) of choroidal osteoma were treated with argon laser photocoagulation.

6. osteoma是什么意思

6. I bicipital rib bone and costal osteoma, 3 sacral fissure, 2 lumbal body osteoma and I ankylosing spondylitis were first Report in the Archaeological study.

7. Choroidal melanocytoma presenting as a retinoblastoma: a case report · AIM: To explore the main points of identifying choroidal osteoma and malignant melanoma so as to prevent misdiagnosis.

8. An osteoblastoma is just a big osteoid osteoma in the vertebra. Fractures of the calcaneus are the most common type of tarsal bone injuries, and about 75% of total calcaneal fractures are intraarticular.

9. osteoma

9. The primary sacral bone tumour was so rarely that it was only 1 per cent of the osteoma.

10. Objective:In order to comprehend the clinical feature of osteoid osteoma.
    目的 :为了进一步了解骨样骨瘤的临床特点。

11. Methods To look back and analisis the imaging information of 23 cases with osteoid osteoma.

12. The reason why osteoid osteoma is misdiagnosed is lack of knowledge about the disease.

13. They`ve discovered an osteoma: an identifying anomaly that serves as a bone version of a fingerprint.

14. osteoma是什么意思

14. Objective To introduce the diagnosis and treatment of osteoid osteoma of the laminae with cortical destruction in children.

15. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

15. Objective To recognze the diagnostic effect of choroid osteoma with image.
      目的 重新认识影像学在脉络膜骨瘤诊断中的作用。

16. Results The diagnosis included tenosynovial giant cell tumor, inflammatory neoplasm, osteochondritis dissecans, fibroma of the tendon sheath, dysembryoma and ceroid osteoma, respectively.

17. Osteoid osteoma of the scapula associated with synovitis of the shoulder: a case report

18. Treatment of clavicle fracture combined with coracoid process: a report of 3 cases Osteoid osteoma of the scapula associated with synovitis of the shoulder: a case report

19. osteoma在线翻译

19. Methods: 8 cases of lateral deviation of mandible caused by condylar disease were corrected with operations: 2 cases of condylar heperPlasia, 2 cases of osteoma, 1 case of chondroma, 1 case of cyst and 2 cases of unilateral mandibular macrognathia.

20. Results There were not reports of choroid osteoma denied after checking in pathology.

osteoma 英英释义



1. a slow growing benign tumor of consisting of bone tissue
    usually on the skull or mandible


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