overeating [ˌəʊvər'i:tɪŋ]  [ˌoʊvər'i:tɪŋ] 


overeating 基本解释

吃得过多( overeat的现在分词 );

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overeating 网络解释

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. 过食:overdose 过剂量 | overeating 过食 | overexertion 用力过度

2. 吃得过多:rehearsal排演, 排练, 预演 | overeating 吃得过多 | nutrition 营养

3. overeating的翻译

3. 过度饱食 饱食:overduevessel 误期船舶 | overeating 过度饱食 饱食 | overedger 包缝机

4. overeating

4. 饮食过多:excess appetite 食欲过剩 | overeating 饮食过多 | food cravings 对食物上瘾

overeating 双语例句

1. The findings, published in the July/August issue of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, showed that those who practiced yoga tended to avoid junk food and overeating because they wanted to respect their bodies.

2. overeating的意思

2. Binge drinking and overeating are only going to make you die a young man, and that`s certain.

3. overeating的近义词

3. Overeating is a form of compulsive behaviour.

4. Overeating in obese subjects shares similarities with the loss of control and compulsive drug taking behavior observed in drug-addicted subjects.

5. If I merely start overeating again or limit my exercise, the cycle will probably start all over again.

6. And since stress is a common cause of overeating, relieving it is a step in the right direction.

7. Therefore, people who are at risk of having a heart attack can lower that risk by not overeating.

8. The obesity rate of ones who are used to overeating and fasteating is theble of the slow eater.

9. overeating的意思

9. Some people are overeating and underexercise.

10. The present study shows that rats withdrawn from intermittent access to palatable food exhibit overeating of palatable food upon renewed access and an affective withdrawal-like state characterized by corticotropin-releasing factor-1 (CRF1) receptor antagonist-reversible behaviors including hypophagia motivational deficits to obtain less palatable food and anxiogenic-like behavior.
    促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子大脑应激系统涉及了动机以及物质依靠循环,诸如戒毒或戒酒然后复发的循环,这促使Pietro Cottone及其同事检查了一个节食-暴饮暴食的循环是否会激活大鼠的CRF脑系统。

11. overeating的翻译

11. Paul Yeow mentioned in his blog about his overeating habit.
      Paul Yeow在他的部落格里提到他时不时暴饮暴食的习惯。

12. But you can't solve the problem of overeating by stopping eating.

13. And they're peering back into human history to understand better how we were booby-trapped for overeating from the start and how we might be able, so many eons later, to cut the trip wire at last.

14. Somebody suggested that I should see a psychiatrist, because he supposed overeating as a mental disease.

15. We know too much stress can cause major health drama including heart disease depression headaches overeating and loss of sex drive.

16. overeating的意思

16. If you feel guilty of overeating, now, it is time for you to make a change.

17. Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and stress..

18. When you do, that`s when overeating and poor food choices occur.

19. Remind yourself that the health concerns that come with overeating are far more important than the temporary slight uncomfortableness that may be felt when saying no.

20. overeating

20. For instance, there may be recurrent bouts of overeating and overuse of purgatives without significant weight change, or the typical overconcern about body shape and weight may be absent.

overeating 单语例句

1. Certainly many consistently talk about overeating and needing to lose weight while consuming what Westerners would consider a very small meal.

2. He said the overeating may be driven more by the need for calories than a preference for fatty foods.

3. Now whenever she feels like overeating, she takes a deep breath instead of reaching for the bowl of Hershey's Kisses.

4. Overeating is just your soul's way of saying you're making your body unhappy.

5. Unhealthy addictions can also include legal substances such as cigarettes and alcohol and lifestyle factors such as overeating or gambling.

6. Would cutting overeating and waste really change the contours of the " Fat Map "?

7. Breakfast can give you energy and keep you from overeating later in the day.

8. But doctors said no them for fear of health consequences of overeating.

9. " I was overeating because I wasn't addressing emotional issues in my life, " said the accountant from the UK.

overeating 英英释义



1. eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins)

    Synonym: gluttony gula


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