painting [ˈpeɪntɪŋ]  [ˈpentɪŋ] 


painting 基本解释

名词 绘画; 油画; 上色,着色; 颜料,油漆

动词 绘画( paint的现在分词); 涂色于

painting 记忆方法

1、ping- / pict- => paint.

2、paint + -ing.

painting 相关例句


1. The house was considerably out of repair and badly in need of painting.

2. Painting is taught at our school.

painting 情景对话

Apartment for Rent-(公寓招租)

A:This apartment has three rooms and a bath. Here's the kitchen.

B:It seems a little small to me.

A:Not really, for one person, and it has a nice gas range and a good refrigerator.There are lots of shelves and cupboards, too.

B:What about closets?

A:You'll have two large ones in the badroom.One has shelves and a built-in shoe rack.Then there's a storage closet in the living room and a linen closet in the bathroom.

B:The living room looks sort of dark.

A:We're painting it a lighter color, and it gets the afternoon sun.

B:Well, thank you for showing me around.I'll let you know tonight if I decide to take it.I want to look around before I make up my mind.
      谢谢你给我们看了房间。 如果我决定要,今天晚上我会告诉你。我想作出决定前再慎重考虑一下。

painting 双语例句

  • 1. Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window.

  • 参观者隔着平板玻璃橱窗欣赏那幅画。

  • 2. The painting had been executed with meticulous attention to detail.

  • 画这幅画的时候,画家非常注意细节。

  • 3. I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running.

  • 我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。

  • 4. A balance is achieved in the painting between orderliness and unpredictability.

  • 这幅画作在条理分明和出人意表之间取得了平衡。

  • 5. The sketch should be a kind of rehearsal for the eventual painting.

  • 草图应该是最终绘画的某种演练。

painting 词典解释

1. 画作
    A painting is a picture which someone has painted.

    e.g. ...a large oil-painting of Queen Victoria.

2. 绘画
    Painting is the activity of painting pictures.

    e.g. ...two hobbies she really enjoyed, painting and gardening.
           她的两大嗜好: 绘画和园艺

3. 粉刷;上漆
    Painting is the activity of painting doors, walls, and some other parts of buildings.

    e.g. ...painting and decorating.

painting 英英释义


1. the occupation of a house painter

    e.g. house painting was the only craft he knew

    Synonym: house painting

2. the act of applying paint to a surface

    e.g. you can finish the job of painting faster with a roller than with a brush

3. creating a picture with paints

    e.g. he studied painting and sculpture for many years

4. graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface

    e.g. a small painting by Picasso
           he bought the painting as an investment
           his pictures hang in the Louvre

    Synonym: picture


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