pajama [pə'dʒɑ:mə]  [pə'dʒɑ:mə] 

pajama 基本解释

名词 睡衣,宽长裤

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pajama 网络解释

1. 睡衣:宽松式两件套睡衣(PAJAMA)是从印度引进的,当时的印度还是英国的殖民地. 在印度语中,这个词的本意是薄衬裤. 20世纪20年代末,这种睡衣大受男性的欢迎. 在印度,由于气候炎热,它通常用薄棉布做成,而在英国,人们喜欢用棉花和塔夫绸的混合织物来做.

2. pajama

2. 睡衣 趴在家里睡觉的妈妈:nonsense nonsense 哪里哪里(谦虚的说法) | pajama 睡衣 趴在家里睡觉的妈妈 | commonplace 平 凡 的 , 平 庸 的 , 陈 腐

3. 男睡衣:underpants男短裤 | pajama男睡衣 | shirt男衬衣

4. pajama的近义词

4. 睡衣 (趴在家里的妈妈):Common sense 常识 | Pajama 睡衣 (趴在家里的妈妈) | Commonplace 平凡

pajama 双语例句

1. Victoria: Look at the colours on that pajama fish. Aren't they wonderful?

2. 好好学单词·英语单词

2. He is wearing a gray shirt and dark plaid pajama bottoms.


3. B:Is a pajama party, you can put on a bathrobe if it's cold

4. pajama

4. Once you've perfected your nightwear style, why not invite some of your Lolita friends over for a pajama party?

5. In the virtual world There. com, members plan on taking part in a scavenger hunt and Valentine-themed pajama party.
    在 There.com虚拟世界上,成员们打算参加清道夫狩猎和情人节主题的睡衣派对。

6. Do you want the party theme to be a uniform party or a pajama party?

7. We suggested he should have a pajama party, but somehow we doubt he`ll be organising that kind of sleepover any time soon.

8. pajama的反义词

8. VickyGDo you want the party theme to be a uniform party or a pajama party?

9. It was a nice party, even someone had named it as a pajama party, but still only very very few ppl wore in the pajama, not good oh!

10. I have two pairs of pajama s.

11. pajama

11. After freeing his finger from her clutches, a process which, since she guarded him carefully even in her sleep, never failed to rouse her partially, he would calm her by slipping an object into her hand (a rolled-up pajama top, a slipper, a book), which she then gripped as tightly as if it were a part of his body.
      在手指 ,手腕,脚踝忪脱她的紧握之后(既使在睡眠中,仿佛她也会审慎地守护着他),他会把一样东西滑入她的手掌(一个卷起的上半件睡衣,一个拖鞋,或一本书),而不会唤醒她;那样,她就会像抓住他的身体一样,紧紧抓住它。

12. The pajama-striped, shawl-collared suit that opened the show comfortably established the manifesto: no shirt, just a scarf. Even given the exaggeration one allows the catwalk, Dolce and Gabbana were clearly onto something. Chic-but-comfy is the grail of enough guys that the combination of tailoring and trackies should spell ka-ching. And it`s not just guys—Naomi Campbell looked gorgeously natural in the grand finale of Orientalia in her flowing kimono, shorts, and ballet flats. BTW, each of those closing outfits was arduously hand-inked: There`s a new challenge for your dry cleaner.
      同时,与男仕同款图案的女性睡袍衣衫也点缀的在这群精壮迷人的男模中:Naomi Campbell一袭日式和服风格罩袍与抽绳boxer下搭平底芭蕾舞鞋样式便鞋,营造出无远弗届的完全性感;要特别注意的是,这一系列东方花鸟虫鱼图案的休闲单品可是相当精致的手工印染,也同时挑战著你的乾洗衣店师傅的专业功力。

13. /u0064/u0061/u006E/u0063/u0069/u002E/u0039/u0031/u0031/u0063/u0068/u0061/u002E/u0063/u006F/u006D

13. Victoria: Look at the colours on that pajama fish. Aren`t they wonderful?

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. This kind of thin pajama makes ladies even more charming AND graceful in bearing.

15. Do you have the experience to go out in your pajama?

16. You know, keep in mind - 14, 15 years old - they're having pajama parties.
      你知道,请记住,14、15 岁大时,女孩们会举行睡衣派对。

17. pajama的意思

17. This iS a very fine pajama.

18. pajama的解释

18. It is also not the first time the Shanghai government attacks the pajama issue.

19. Before becoming a director, Mr. Prince`s productions included The Pajama Game, Damn Yankees, West Side Story, Fiddler On The Roof, Fiorello!

20. Along with Abbott, he co-produced The Pajama Game, which won the 1955 Tony Award for Best Musical.

pajama 单语例句

1. There was public pajama wearing by the likes of Paris Hilton and Teri Hatcher's penchant for showing off her underwear.

2. Near Chicago, researchers at a " pajama party " who watched via satellite let out an early morning cheer.

3. He fainted as he spotted a slender hand protruding from a red pajama sleeve in the debris.

4. Vendors had no idea what a pajama was as the Chinese were used to sleeping in their underwear.

pajama 英英释义



1. (usually plural) loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging
    have a jacket top and trousers

    Synonym: pyjama pj's jammies

2. a pair of loose trousers tied by a drawstring around the waist
    worn by men and women in some Asian countries

    Synonym: pyjama


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