paperwork [ˈpeɪpəwɜ:k]  [ˈpeɪpərwɜ:rk] 

paperwork 基本解释


名词 文书工作; 纸上作业

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paperwork 相关例句


1. Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.

paperwork 情景对话



A:What is your best price on this item ?

B:$24.95 per hundred pieces

A:That will be fine with us .

B:Fine . I‘ll start the paperwork for your order right away .

paperwork 网络解释

1. 文书工作:报告还将一类过程性规制纳入其中,主要是指文书工作(paperwork)或者信息披露规制,涉及与规制相关的表格申报、执行规制的信息披露等行政负担. 为了得到一个规制成本收益的整体评估,报告从1991年哈恩(Hahn)和赫德(Hird)的研究数据开始.

2. 日常文书工作:panda n. 熊猫 | paperwork . 日常文书工作 | paragraph n. 段落

3. 总是文件工作:or do you want us to take... the night off?|还是打算让我们晚上放个假... | Paperwork|总是文件工作 | paper clips, paper-punchers-- all these people want me to do|夹文件,装订...这些家伙 从来都只是想我处理...

4. 很平常:And do you know what the police said?|你知道警察怎么说吗? | Paperwork.|很平常 | I'm here to help you.|我是来帮你的

paperwork 双语例句

1. Dr Muthanna el Assal was getting his paperwork in order, so that he could try to get out -- to wherever he could find a job.

2. paperwork的近义词

2. So as well as using the same paperwork for every deal we do, we''ve commissioned generic angel paperwork that all the startups we fund can use for future rounds.

3. She finally gave it up. Why? Because of paperwork and regulation.

4. House: Well if I shot a live person there`s a lot more paperwork.

5. House: well if i shot a live person there's a lot more paperwork.
    House :恩,如果我开枪射个活人的话会有更多的文件要处理。

6. Ouse: Well if I shot a live person there's a lot more paperwork.
    OUSE :额,如果我开枪射个活人的话会有更多的文件要处理。

7. paperwork的翻译

7. Ouse: Well if I shot a live person there`s a lot more paperwork.

8. Well, if I'd shot a live person, there's a lot more paperwork.

9. paperwork

9. And the law doesn`t allow them to earn a pay-check until all the paperwork winds its way through the INS bureaucracy.

10. That is to say, the hidden purpose of Li Gang's experiment is to demonstrate a sort of visual alienation, in order to construct the artistic and aesthetic meaning for simple paperwork techniques such as printing, folding, imprinting and smearing. By such meaning construction, he is able to reconsider the initial value of Chinese art.

11. Fine. I'll start the paperwork for your order right away.

12. paperwork的翻译

12. B: Fine. I`ll start the paperwork for your order right away.

13. I will get the paperwork ready for you.

14. I was supposed to give you some sort of paperwork when I got back.

15. Fine. I`ll start the paperwork for your order right away.

16. paperwork

16. A: I`ll start the paperwork for your order right away.

17. I have a lot of paperwork to do today.

18. Paperwork for a loan contract is often technical and unclear.

19. WHEN at last you deal with all that long-overdue paperwork, a bit of peace and quiet helps.

20. Remember there are a few paperwork as well as procedures to go through, in case you do not have VC backup, and would like to go boot-strap, the best way is to hire an online incorporation agency with credits instead of hiring a big law office or do it by yourself.

paperwork 词典解释

1. 文书工作
    Paperwork is the routine part of a job which involves writing or dealing with letters, reports, and records.


    e.g. At every stage in the production there will be paperwork — forms to fill in, permissions to obtain, letters to write.

paperwork 单语例句

1. The company helps Chinese drivers to apply for international licenses and aid foreigners to obtain the correct paperwork to gain Chinese licenses.

2. Mark Eden appeared in court today but the hearing was postponed until February 13 because paperwork had not been distributed to all parties correctly.

3. That is a change from previous practice, when trusts only needed to submit paperwork documenting the deal after the financing was complete.

4. The price included official paperwork translation, the government charges and the agency service fee.

5. Hertz China helps Chinese drivers apply for international licenses and foreigners obtain the proper paperwork for Chinese licenses.

6. Implementation is expected to begin by the end of the year, and phone customers will probably have six months after that to turn in their paperwork.

7. The Venice outfit also finished the paperwork to complete the signing of Argentinian Mathias Abel Donnet from Santa Fe.

8. But the RSPCA said it doesn't have records for Bella and the Guinness World Records said without appropriate paperwork it couldn't be proved.

9. A heap of paperwork is required at gun clubs and airports and a special licence is needed to bring a weapon to London.

10. They no longer plan to auction the home through the Web site, but Sleeper says the house will remain there until paperwork is completed on the loan.

paperwork 英英释义


1. work that involves handling papers: forms or letters or reports etc.


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