participation [pɑ:ˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn]  [pɑ:rˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn] 

participation 基本解释

名词 参加,参与; 分享

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participation 相关例句



1. They wanted more direct participation in the solution of steel production problems.

participation 双语例句

1. So that is going to certainly be a principle of participation and commitment that Councilor Dai and I intend to pursue.

2. In order to analyze the reason that model of rural mass participation works in the period of Chinese transformation, the second chapter analyzes the impression of compressive system.

3. In her book she repeatedly emphasized public participation in urban planning and community development.

4. Despite its apparent simplicity, ten pin bowling is one of the world's largest participation sports.

5. The results show that foreign equity participation plays a significantly positive role on target banks'performance improvement, but fails to show significant influence on the total factor productivity improvement of target banks.

6. In fact, the last Olympic Games I would like to report or a person's work, the team from the case, Sina team is the most experienced, we have before and after the participation of a total of 600 editors and reporters, we are the first to participate in a sports editor in 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Senior editor of many reports, from this point, this is our most valuable resource.


7. The youth of Hong Kong have long been criticized for their apathy towards political involvement and participation in public services under colonial rule.

8. Open-air square in a variety of cultural performances to allow the participation of many visitors.

9. Therefore, anti-counterfeiting security is a joint participation of the whole society to rely on a systematic project.

10. The community participation is very important to the sustainable development of tourism and the increase of community economy.

11. participation

11. Now, I do not want to continue to spend the too much time to attain again in the place association participation enjoy, marches the male awning display depending on the existing strength should not to calculate that the major problem, that is also the pledge which I establish early, is also the ideal which I pursue.......

12. The issuance of it is bound to make an important improvement in China's economic development, opening up and participation in international competitiveness.

13. participation的意思

13. But in China with a low level of public participation, still there are few people who really understand the meaning of charrette and put it into practice.

14. participation

14. But in the Government's participation in community education level, there are still many problems.

15. The Wheel can be compared with a typical autocratic organization, meaning one-man rule and limited employee participation.

16. I believe in participation and decentralized management, not centralized approach.

17. This special activities of the general public to participate in the establishment of the huge participation fortunate Award.

18. If not a developer participation, the probability is not big policy changes, one insider reflected.

19. Lunch tickets, water tickets and participation cards are to be released that very day.

20. participation

20. One possible answer is to cultivate more direct forms of participation.

participation 单语例句

1. He had beaten Crocker to second place in 100m butterfly, still receives a sixth gold for his participation in the heats.

2. Canada advanced its plans to participate in the World Exposition Shanghai 2010 by signing an official participation contract in the city yesterday.

3. By contrast, the women's labor participation rate has been on the upswing.

4. The United States previously performed as a bystander and showed no sign of participation since the establishment of the regional cooperation framework in East Asia.

5. CAD will invite the participation of the accident investigation authorities of Macao and Italy.

6. He also said he believes China's active participation would help the international community to better respond to many global problems.

7. The current national energy shortage calls for the active participation of the public in saving energy.

8. Active participation in the region's economy in turn has brought considerable profits.

9. Given these factors, it is impossible to restore peace in the region without the active participation of Syria.

10. Private capital's participation in infrastructure construction can help improve efficiency and benefit the public, said an article in China Youth Daily.


participation 英英释义



1. the act of sharing in the activities of a group

    e.g. the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities

    Synonym: engagement involvement involution

2. the condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.)

    Synonym: involvement


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