penfriend [ˈpenfrend]  [ˈpenfrend] 

penfriend 基本解释


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penfriend 网络解释

1. 笔友:letter 信 | penfriend 筆友 | Robert 羅伯特

2. penfriend在线翻译

2. (不见面的)通信朋友;笔友:letter 信 | penfriend (不见面的)通信朋友;笔友 | write a letter 写信

3. penfriend什么意思

3. (不见面旳)通信好友;笔友:letter 信 | penfriend (不见面旳)通信好友;笔友 | write a letter 写信

penfriend 双语例句

1. 好好学单词·英语单词

1. I want to be your penfriend.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. I want to be his penfriend.

3. penfriend

3. David Black is my new penfriend. He is fifteen /15 years old. He is from Sydney, Australia.
    你在 Internet 上新结识了一位笔友,下表是有关他的信息,请据此表向你的同学作一个简要的介绍。

4. I would like to be your penfriend.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Hi! your name and address are in Penfriends magazine. I would like to be your penfriend.

6. penfriend的反义词

6. Peter wanted a penfriend in China.

7. He hopes the penfriend who can act as you.

8. Reply to a question/letter My penfriend in the USA hasn't replied to my last three e-mails.

9. I writeto my penfriend once a month.

10. I have not contacted with my penfriend for half an year.

11. I have not received any message from my penfriend for almost half an year.

12. penfriend的反义词

12. The penfriend society has been set up for the purpose of promoting friendship.

13. The Penfriend Society has been set up for the purpose of promoting friendship. and groups of friends will gather in the pub for friendly match.

14. penfriend

14. This nutcase would not be her daughter's penfriend, she thought.


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